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              18 Archival description results for Zejtun

              18 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              Antonio Bugeja of Zejtun
              MT NAM MEM-MBA-02-03-04 · Item · 19/01/2021
              Part of Memorja

              Malta Bus Archive Biography of Antonio Bugeja from Zejtun (tal Washington), who not only owned and drove a bus, but was also the first Route Manager contracted to run the Zejtun route in 1931.

              MT NAM MEM-MBA-02-03-08 · Item · 02/03/2021
              Part of Memorja

              Malta Bus Archive Biography of Michele Buttigieg from Zejtun. Drove & owned buses in the 1920s and early 1930s.

              MT NAM LCM-188-060 · Item · 28/03/1665
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Interrogation of witnesses to establish that Alexander Habela for himself and as curator of the late Thomas Bonnici to prove that the late Francesco Habela, son of the late Matteo had in 1580 and later enjoyed and possessed various immovable properties including the land called Ta Ciantar in the area Ta Hasait/Ta Guiden (described), and that a part of this land was presently held by Bendo Habela from Casal Bisbut, that the ancestors and relatives of the same Alexander Abela were buried in the church of St Catherine in Zejtun etc. Various witnesses presented and interrogated.

              Magna Curia Castellania