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              20 Archival description results for Zabbar

              20 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              MT NAM LCM-143-13 · Item · 14/06/1641
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Aloysius Magro, Andrea Falson, Johannes Paulus Mizzi, Josephus Gusman, Michaele Camilleri, Clemens Haxac, Marius Xicluna, Petrus Bartolo and Dominicus Barbara are accused of treason. In May, cannon had been fired from Valletta, Mdina and Cittadella to call to arms after numerous galleys were reported sailing in the region. Fra Gabriele de Melos of the Ven. Langue of Portugal, as Captain of Zurrieq, summoned the militia (dejma) but issues arose and the people of Zurrieq rose against him, wounded him with thrown stones and chased him into a Church. They then made their way to Valletta to protest directly to the Grandmaster but their delegates did not wait for the Seneschall's response and barged into Valletta, armed and as far as the Grandmaster's palace.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-143-06 · Item · 05/03/1641
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Case document commences with witness depositions - introductory folios missing. It is insinuated by various witnesses that the person calling himself Andrea de Candia, a Greek, was actually a spy, and they report seeing him looking around various areas of Zabbar and the environs. Witness statements only.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-188-029 · Item · 09/07/1665
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Joannes Maria Darmanin from Zurrieq testifies that while he, Mattheolo Magro and Simone Baldacchino were collecting the harvest from the field called Ta Diar Naino belonging to Domencio Debrencat he heard Magro say that he was owed money by Antonio Zerafa. Also by Joseph Mangion, Salvus Darmanin and Simon Baldacchino.

              Curia Episcopalis et Provicarialis Notabilis Civitatis
              MT NAM LCM-188-026 · Item · 15/06/1665
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Bendus Habela from Zabbar testifies that Giuseppe Pietro had plowed or seen to the ploughing of lands belonging to Notary Mattheo Bonnici with two oxen for about 20 years. Other witness statements by Rev. Fra Clemens Carzuh, priest in Zabbar, Salvatius Bonnici from Burmula, Antonius Farrugia from Luqa, Bartholomea Habdilla from Paola. Copied in document 27.

              Curia Episcopalis et Provicarialis Notabilis Civitatis
              MT NAM LCM-188-024 · Item · 14/06/1665
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Don Franciscus Piscopus, parish priest of Zabbar, testifies that ever since he had taken possession of the parish, a certain Gregorio Barbara had always paid him three tari to carry the wine and hazelnut (?nucilla) on the feast day of the Annunciation, from which he had understood that there had been some obligation on him to do so, but had since learnt that he did this out of personal devotion. Other statements by Laurentius Habela from Zabbar, Paulina Lia from Zabbar, Imperia Lia from Zabbar, Margarita Paci from Zabbar, Domenicus Gatt (85 years old).

              Curia Episcopalis et Provicarialis Notabilis Civitatis
              MT NAM GLC-08-04-150 · Item · 1814-1861
              Part of Guljana Letard-Ciantar

              Mosta, Porto Salvo (Valletta, San Paolo (Valletta), Notabile, Zabbar, Safi e Zurrieq, Mellieha