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38 Archival description results for Malta

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MT NAM PDE_0053-COR-COR_032 · Item · 30th January 1935
Part of The Marich Family Collection

A receipt for business typed on a V. Marich and Co. letterhead. The receipt refers to business done with Messrs. Colombus Ltd, one of the main manufacturers of Egyptian cigarettes in Malta.

The receipt also displays the coat of arms of the Prince ofRead more

MT NAM PDE_0053-COR-COR_023 · Item · 4th January 1923
Part of The Marich Family Collection

Testimonial written by Umer Yaver, General of Division Late Grand Chamberlain of the Khaliph, in the name of His Imperial Majesty The Sultan Mahomet Khan the Sixth, whereby his Majesty praises the services provided to him by V. Marich and Co.

ThisRead more

MT NAM PDE_0053-COR-COR_033 · Item · 22nd December 1888
Part of The Marich Family Collection

In 1888, Messrs V. Marich & Co. received another appointment by His Royal Highness, Prince Alfred, the Duke of Edinburgh. Messrs V. Marich & Co. were appointed as cigar and tobacco merchants to His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh. In theRead more

MT NAM CPU · Fonds · 1850-2020

A collection of records of the Comitato Permanente Universitario, including minutes of meetings and correspondence. The collection includes a sizeable collection of publications related to the operations of the University of Malta from the late 18th century.

MT NAM PDE_0053-COR-COR_001 · Item · October 1878
Part of The Marich Family Collection

Testimonail written in Japanese in October 1878 by the navigator (captain) of the Japanese Navy Ship 'Seiki' when the ship entered Malta for the second time. The document praises Mr Marich for his hospitality and treating the Naval officers well. TheRead more