

2 Authority record results for Art

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MT AF-P000039 · Person · September 15, 1893 – November 29, 1955

Rene Paul Chambellan, September 15, 1893 – November 29, 1955, was an American sculptor who specialized in architectural sculpture. He was also one of the foremost practitioners of what was then called the "French Modern Style" and has subsequently beenRead more

MT AF-P000350 · Person · 12/04/1911-01/10/1997

Vincenzo Maria Pellegrini was born in Valletta (Malta), on the 12th April 1911. He was educated at the Gozo Seminary, then at the Lyceum, Malta, where he had his first studies in Art under Giuseppe Duca (1871-1946) and from where he passed to theRead more