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              125 Archival description results for Assault

              125 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              Acc. Contra Joannem Hocco
              MT NAM LCM-141-18 · Item · 08/06/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Giovanni Zammit accuses Giovanni Schocco of threatening him with violence and trying to break into his home with a sword. He was sentenced to one year's service without stipend on the Order's galleys.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-010-30 · Item · 30/03/1579
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Carolus Farrugia requests the cessation of a criminal case against Thomas Pace initiated at his request since he was not seriously wounded by a stone thrown at his head.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Albertum Calleja
              MT NAM LCM-143-28 · Item · 23/12/1641
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Introductory folios missing. Document commences with interrogation of witnesses. Mario Haxisa was seriously wounded in the head, with danger to her life. Alberto Calleja was identified as the aggressor and fines six uncia.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-146-24 · Item · 15/07/1642
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Albertus sive Bertus Greg from Burmula is accused by Francisca Sacco of assaulting her son Anotnio while he was at his shop. He was fined six uncia.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              [Contra Antonium Bugeja]
              MT NAM LCM-185-25 · Item · 11/10/1664
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Antonio Bugeja approached a certain Angelo who owed him money for wine bought at his bottega, but Angelo refused to pay and attacked him. When he sought to defend himself, Angelo accused him of assault before the MCC. Witness statements collected but no sentence is included.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Carolum Adriano
              MT NAM LCM-186-26 · Item · 05/11/1664
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Carolo Adriano is accused of trying to break into the house of Silvia Bugeja, a prostitute, while bearing arms. Witness statements includes. No sentence included.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Didacum Perciati
              MT NAM LCM-140-13 · Item · 16/03/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Aloysius (sive Ludovicus) Pol from France accuses Didaco Perviati of assaulting and wounding him.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              [Contra Domenicum Spiteri]
              MT NAM LCM-189-55 · Item · 05/1666
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Information missing due to loss of paper. Bartholomeo Hagius told the testifier that in their enclosure called El Bur tal Miral in Ta Ghed el Bir people were gambling so he went with Hagius, Alexandro Zahra, and Gtancesco Hagius from Crendi and found Bartholomeo Haxiac and Alphonso Callus from Casal Leu, Domenico Zahra from Qrendi and Domenico Spiteri gambling by playing Frontar. They dispersed the players. Some days later, while the testifier was herding his cattle, Domenico Spiteri threw stones at him from behind.

              Contra Dominicum Attard
              MT NAM LCM-142-14 · Item · 16/08/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Damiano Attard from Dingli is accused of assaulting Filippo Attard from Rabat at the tavern of Domenico Camilleri in Valletta. He was fined two uncia.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-141-36 · Item · 31/08/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Carolo Psayla and Domenico Farrugia are accused of assaulting Giovanni Maria Agius on the street of the Augustinian convent in Valletta. They are sentenced to six months' community service.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-189-25 · Item · 27/07/1666
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Flaminia Galia wife of Bortholomeus and her mother Agatuzza accuse Dominicus sive Callus de Placidi of annoyances and insults to their person and specifically that he catcalled Flaminia saying that he wished to have sexual relations with her, and that he then carried her off on his shoulder to a cave where he paid her, and that when she protested he struck her. Dominicus was fined but appealed. The result of the appeal is not specified.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Gasparem Golfo
              MT NAM LCM-319-18 · Item · 18/02/1712
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Gaetano Diacono from Senglea reports that while in his bottega in Senglea, Gaspare Golfo chased Antonacio Mallia out of his shop insulting him. Other witness statements. Not very clear due to water staining.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Hieronymum Grima
              MT NAM LCM-141-13 · Item · 17/02/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Joannella Desira from Senglea accuses Hieronymus Grima, tavern-keeper in Senglea, of assaulting her in her house while she was in the company of her sister Antona. She received the help of Fabrizio de Mani, Antonaccio de Paris, and Minichella de Rodo who took the accused off of her. He was absolved.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Jacobum Calleya
              MT NAM LCM-142-12 · Item · 02/08/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Giacobo Calleja is accused of assaulting the slave from Tunes called Ramadan bin Assan, property of the Order while in the vicinity of the Church of the Jesuits in Valletta. He was fined 6 uncia.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-140-23 · Item · 07/09/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Domenicus Azzoppard (Azzopardi) accuses Johannes Ramozzetta of assaulting him in Valletta. Witness statements collected. He was fined two uncia and both prosecution and defence protested against the sentence. No information available concerning an appeal.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-142-16 · Item · 01/09/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Giovanni Carolo Cacutari was swimming in the marina of Burmula close to the Convent of St Theresa when he made threatening gestures with a sword at the guards of the gate of Senglea, and he then shot a pistol in their direction. He then resisted arrest. He was sentenced to row for life.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-141-40 · Item · 20/09/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Giovanni Maria Portelli is accused of assaulting Giovanni Domenico Ramozzetta in Valletta begind the Church of St John the Baptist. Fined three uncia.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-141-26 · Item · 14/07/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Giovanni Seychel is accused of not showing up for service on the corsairing venture of Cav. Gerento on the vessel captained by Cap. Gulielmo Buscau, despite having received payment. He is further accused of having resisted capture and wounding people in his escape. Sentenced to two years' rowing on the Order's galleys. Sentence appealed but result not recorded.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Joe Baptistam gatt
              MT NAM LCM-186-18 · Item · 01/08/1664
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Francesco Calleja reports that he had been informed that Battestino Gatt intended to intimidate witnesses that he was to summon to court and got a motion of injunction prohibiting Gatt from approaching the witnesses. Gatt then came and found Calleja at the house of his lawyer Don Domenico Debono and assaulted him. Witnesses examined. No sentence included.

              Magna Curia Castellania