Antonino de Cara, rower on the Santa Ubaldesca, is accused of desertion. He is sentenced to three years' rowing.
Magna Curia CastellaniaSanta Ubaldesca (galley)
6 Archival description results for Santa Ubaldesca (galley)
Bernardo Tabone, buonvaoglia on the San Ubaldesca, is accused of desertion from service and of seeking escape on the vessel captained by Cap. Aloysio Ruggio. Cap. Ruggio is fined 50 uncia. No sentence given for Tabone.
Magna Curia CastellaniaCarolus Gnarnieri, buonavoglia rower on the Santa Ubaldesca, was accused of desertion for not reporting to service for a journey to Syracuse.
Magna Curia CastellaniaGiacobo Leone is accused of desertion from service aboard the Order's Sant'Ubaldesca since he failed to report for duty as a buonavoglia rower. Sentenced to three years' rowing.
Magna Curia CastellaniaIntroductory folios missing. Document commences with examination of witnesseses. Josephus Roggiero, from Naples and employed on the galera Santa Ubaldesca is accused of assaulting and wounding another crew members in Palermo, where he was then arrested.… Read more
Marco sive Marchietto de Stefano is accused of hindering a military operation. He was a pilot on the Santa Ubaldesca and failed to follow orders to sail alongside the other five galleys towards St Demetrius Point after immediately leaving port. He is… Read more