Photo shows a decorated altar at the Chruch of Our Lady of Good Health. At the centre of the altar, there is a painting of the Holy Mary, decorated with a crown and jewellery. At the bottom part of the altar, lies a corpo santo relic martyr
9 Archival description results for Sanctuary
The interview started with a short introduction about Carmelo La Magra's childhood and background. The focus shifted to the religious feast of Our Lady of Lampedusa: symbolism, procession, relations between church and mayor (secular authority),… Read more
The interview started with a short introduction about Carmelo La Magra's childhood and background. The focus shifted to the religious feast of Our Lady of Lampedusa: symbolism, procession, relations between church and mayor (secular authority),… Read more
Photo shows a village feast procession, as men are carrying the statue of a female saint. A mass of people is following the procession behind the statue. Friars, clergymen and other men are assisting in the procession
Dates covered: 1800-2017. Giovanni Fragapane is considered the historian of Lampedusa. He started the interview with an explanation of his research, the sources he used and the history of Lampedusa. He traced the relations between Lampedusa and the… Read more
The last part of the interview focuses on the history of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lampedusa, the history of the statue and the religious feast.
Giovanni Maria Felice, who had been condemened to exile from Malta in 1669 and was carrying out his sentence in the prisons of Vittoriosa, is accused of breaking out of prison and evading capture by seeking sanctuary in churches. He was sentenced to six… Read more