Johannes La Speranza (Neapolitan), Petrus di Platamone (Neapolitan), Panaiottis de Santa Maura and Johannes Baptista Luri are accused of leaving service the galleys of the Order to enroll on the corsairing crew of the tartana of Cap. Bartholomeus sive… Read more
Order's Navy
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MT NAM LCM-317-22
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous
Magna Curia Castellania – Criminale
MT NAM LCM-142-19
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous
Marco sive Marchietto de Stefano is accused of hindering a military operation. He was a pilot on the Santa Ubaldesca and failed to follow orders to sail alongside the other five galleys towards St Demetrius Point after immediately leaving port. He is… Read more