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Archival description
MT NAM CSG · Fonds · 1813-1921

This Fonds contains several Series of records that channeled through all departmental, consular, ecclesiastical, and individual correspondence, and all naval and military correspondence concerning civil matters.

In this Fonds, one may also find: Bills ofRead more

Malta. Chief Secretary to Government
MT NAM CPU · Fonds · 1850-2020

A collection of records of the Comitato Permanente Universitario, including minutes of meetings and correspondence. The collection includes a sizeable collection of publications related to the operations of the University of Malta from the late 18th century.

Commerce Department
MT NAM CMD · Fonds · 1800s -

The Commerce Department consists of the Support Services Unit, the Small Business and Crafts Unit and two directorates: the Industrial Property Registrations Directorate; the Trade Related Services and Projects Directorate. For each unit or directorate aRead more

Malta. Commerce Department
Electoral Office
MT NAM ELO · Fonds · 1944 - 1995
Malta. Electoral Commission
Guljana Letard-Ciantar
MT NAM GLC · Fonds · 1500-2000

The Guljana Letard-Ciantar contains data retrieved from Church Archives, scattered across the Maltese Islands, regarding baptisms, marriages and deaths. This collection also contains copies of notarial deeds, benefits, legacies, wills and concessions onRead more

Letard Ciantar
Lanfranco Bequest
MT NAM PDE_0105 · Fonds · 1975 - 1979
Guido Lanfranco
Law Courts Miscellaneous
MT NAM LCM · Fonds · 1500s-1798

The Law Courts Miscellania is a fond containing loose documentation arising from the juridical activities of the various courts and tribunals operating in the Maltese islands during the Order of St John Period, from the arrival of the Order in Malta inRead more

Consolato del Mare
MT NAM MEM · Fonds · 1997 -

MEMORJA is the oral, sound and visual archive of the National Archives of Malta (NAM). Our mission is to record life stories from people and groups who are underrepresented in the historical record. The roots of the project lie in the National MemoryRead more

National Archives of Malta, Central Archive
Photographic Collection
MT NAM PHO · Fonds · 1870 - 1990

The collection covers the period from the 1890s onwards following the advent of photography in Malta. Most of the records consist of photographic prints, some mounted on cardboard. In few cases the archive holds glass plates, negatives, or slides.

Department of Information
MT NAM PDE_0045 · Collection · 1900-2000

Several Private Deposits by George Azzopardi. Some of these accessions are at the Central Archive while other are at the Gozo Archive.

Public Memory Archive
MT NAM PMA · Fonds · 1999-2013

The Public Memory Archive contains oral history interviews; fieldwork notes; photographs and ephemera relating to different themes concerning 20th-century Maltese history. Carried out by students and researchers at the University of Malta, the materialRead more

Department of History, University of Malta
MT NAM PDE_0071 · Subfonds · 2024-10-03 - 1960-10-03

Photographs taken by Alfred Camilleri and his brother(s). 44 positive prints and 20 negatives.

Subject of photographs: Funeral of Nerik Mizzi, Demonstartion in favour of Archbishop Gonzi, Maltese chaplain visiting Maltese soldiers in Germany, processionRead more

The Cachia Family Collection
MT NAM PDE_0050 · Subfonds · 1972

1 digital surrogate of printed photograph containing father of Henry Cachia (second from left, standing). Photo was taken during filming of 'Pulp' in Malta in 1972. Photo includes actor Michael Rooney (second from right). Photo includes distant views of Torri l-Ahmar, Mellieha.

The Dr Paul Galea Collection
MT NAM PDE_0082 · Subfonds · 1969 - 1977

12 x 35mm mounted slides of Carnival in Valletta from 1969, and 3 x 35 mounted slides from Rabat feast in 1973 and 1977.

MT NAM PDE_0078 · Subfonds · 2024-09-19 - 1980-09-19

Photos contain religious iconography, feast bands, group portraits, and 1 image includes Dom Mintoff viewing a religious banquet set-up.

MT NAM PDE_0075 · Subfonds · 1938 - 1939

This PDE consist of photographs taken by Mr. Harold Frederick Rodgers (born 1911, died1979) while stationed in Malta in 1938-1939. Rodgers joined the RAF in his late 20s and was a trained photographer, very often doing aerial photography.

103 B&WRead more

Rodgers, Harold Frederick, 1911-1979
MT NAM PDE_0054 · Subfonds · 2024-09-18 - 1990-09-18

A 1926 passport of Lawrence Grixti.
One photographic album dated 26 November 1961. Wedding photos of Mary and Alfred, the parents of the depositor.
One photographic album with family photos of the depositor. Photos showing various generations ofRead more

MT NAM PDE_0073 · Subfonds

The Collection consists of photographic prints, newspaper cutouts, hand-written notes, and short stories, etc, belonging to actor and play-write Karmenu Gruppetta (20 December 1922 - 20 February 1977). Collection donated by his niece, Sylvana Cassar.Read more