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              11 Archival description risultati per Hamrun

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              Paġna varjata, Profil: Karmenu Gruppetta
              MT NAM PDE_0073-PUB-001 · Unità documentaria · 08/06/63
              Parte di The Karmenu Gruppetta Collection

              An article on a newspaper, a brief biography of Karmenu Gruppetta and his career and achievements, written by George Page Felice for the Newspaper “Il- Jolly”. Beside the article there is also a portrait picture of Gruppetta.

              Paġna varjata, Profil: Karmenu Gruppetta
              MT NAM PDE_0073-PUB-004 · Unità documentaria · 08/06/63
              Parte di The Karmenu Gruppetta Collection

              An article on a newspaper, a brief biography of Karmenu Gruppetta and his career and achievements, written by George Page Felice for the Newspaper “Il- Jolly”. Beside the article there is also a portrait picture of Gruppetta.

              MT NAM PDE_0073-PUB-011 · Unità documentaria · 19/02/2012
              Parte di The Karmenu Gruppetta Collection

              Two newspaper articles about the shows about karmena Abdilla. The first article, titled ‘Il- Kummiedja tas- snin ħamsin ‘Karmena Abdilla’ kaxkret għal warajha lill- Maltin u ‘l- barranin’ is about the Rediffusion comedy series about Karmena Abdilla that was broadcasted in the 1950s, and the theater play ‘It- Tieġ ta’ Karmena Abdilla’, that was presented for the first time in 1957 at Radio City House in Hamrun. It mentions the two plays followed, ‘Il- Honeymoon ta’ Karmena Abdilla’ and ‘Karmena Abdilla Għaxar snin wara’ in the 90s. The second article, titled ‘Il- Kumpanija Teatru Rjal tfakkar l- 20 anniversarju bil- kummiedja klassika ‘It- Tieġ ta’ Karmena Abdilla’, is about the two shows that were held by the Royal Theater Company in 2012 for the 20th anniversary of the Theater Company’s foundation.