14 Archival description results for Ghaxaq
Commences with the examination of witnesses. Giuseppe Busuttil explaisn that Natale Azzoppard, visconte of the MCC had informed him that they were to capture Francesco Spagnol on the orders of the same court. The following day Busuttil found Spagnol in the company of Antonio Spagnol and Andrea Barbara at the cemetery in the area of Buleben and duly arrested him. Later Antonio, in the company of Andrea and Giacomo Barbara came across him in Ghaxaq and attacked him. He was fined.
Magna Curia CastellaniaDalla smembrazione della sua matrice Parrochiale Chiesa di Casal Zejtun altrevolte Casal Biscallin, Bisbut e Pasqualino, ed ind Città Belland. La qual Parrocchia di C. Axach fu smembrata da monsignor Fra Don Baldassare Cagliares il 1 Gennaio 1626. Primo Parroco Don Matteo Xiriha [Xrieha]
Matrimoni Luqa 1826-1904; Matrimoni Gudja 1800-1892; Matrimoni Casal Axiaq 1800-1890; Matrimoni Tarxien 1726-1872; Matrimoni Dingli 1800-1890
Mqabba 1598-1896, Gudja 1561-1885, ?al G?axaq 1627-1886, Tarxien 1652-1838
Marriage contract between Entiona Caruana and Blascus Psayla. Dowry included land called El Cherba tal Bir in Hal Ghaxaq, money and other listed loose goods.