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            Contra Julium Cassia
            MT NAM LCM-140-25 · Unità documentaria · 29/11/1640
            Parte di Law Courts Miscellaneous

            Valerio Burlo from Burmula accuses Giulio Cassia known as Caccio from Burmula of assault. Cassia had refused to pay for certain items. Cassia was fined 6 uncia.

            Senza titolo
            MT NAM PDE_0083-PHO-2 · Unità documentaria
            Parte di The Lochhead Family Collection

            A photograph of an etching by Matteo Perez d'Aleccio (1547-1616) depicting the small rescue of the village which took place on the night of the 5th of July during the Siege of 1565. Auxiliary troops on the way to the Borgo in Malta. The etching was created in 1631.

            [De Deletis Locis Domorum]
            MT NAM LCM-010-13 · Unità documentaria · 02/08/1578
            Parte di Law Courts Miscellaneous

            Case not fully clear since the document is missing the upper part throughout. Concerning a dispute over property conceded in emphyteusis. Reference to 26/01/1557 contract and destruction of homes outside the city walls in preparation for the Great Siege.

            Senza titolo
            MT NAM LCM-010-62 · Unità documentaria · 23/12/1579
            Parte di Law Courts Miscellaneous

            Franciscus Randun is accused of attacking Alfonzo Balzan with a sword and wounding him in the shoulder/arm. This altercation took place at the tavern of Franciscus Gotto at the Mandraggio of Burmula.

            Senza titolo
            MT NAM LCM-010-01 · Unità documentaria · 01/03/1570
            Parte di Law Courts Miscellaneous

            Instituition of Bartholomeus Abela and Alfonso De Caro as tutors in tutela of the underage George, Crispino, Johannes and Vincentia following the death of Pasquale de Caro. The document contains also a short list of the properties in the inheritance, including immovable property, both residential and commercial (botteghe di vino), as well as shares in the ownership of a ship. Named properties: Il Gadir.

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            [Pro Valerio Borg]
            MT NAM LCM-186-06 · Unità documentaria · 12/02/1664
            Parte di Law Courts Miscellaneous

            Valerius Borg requests that the case in question (not explained in case document) does not proceed unless Ambrosius Tonna agree to pay his share of the court fees or prove that he is too poor to afford it. Reference is also made to the fact that Santoro Rizzo, and Giuseppe and [Piano Rizzo] made free use of a place of residence in Burmula close to the shoreline (described in detail).

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            [Pro Luca Cipriotti]
            MT NAM LCM-012-09 · Unità documentaria · 04/04/1581
            Parte di Law Courts Miscellaneous

            Luca Cipriotti, from the Order's ship Santa Maria, reports while at the Sacra Infermeria for treatment that he had been assaulted by the Cypriot Baptista and his Maltese relative in Burmula.

            Senza titolo
            MT NAM PDE_0083-PHO-1 · Unità documentaria
            Parte di The Lochhead Family Collection

            A photograph of an etching by Matteo Perez d'Aleccio (1547-1616) depicting the small rescue of the village which took place on the night of the 5th of July during the Siege of 1565. Auxiliary troops on the way to the Borgo in Malta. The etching was created in 1631.

            Contra M.m Pasqualem Chiumi
            MT NAM LCM-146-36 · Unità documentaria · 09/10/1642
            Parte di Law Courts Miscellaneous

            Alfonsus del Zante from Burmula accuses Pasquale Chiumi also from Burmula of attacking him after falsely claiming that he owed him money. He was fined three uncia.

            Senza titolo
            [Pro Luca]
            MT NAM LCM-317-73 · Unità documentaria
            Parte di Law Courts Miscellaneous

            Luca [] complains that Carlus [] with whom he shares a common wall in their properties in Burmula, was dragging his feet with necessary works for their common wall.

            Senza titolo
            [Dictum Jacobi Zarb]
            MT NAM LCM-186-46 · Unità documentaria · 18/10/1664
            Parte di Law Courts Miscellaneous

            Giacobo Zarb from Lia reports that a certain Musu Muson was storing illegal weapons in his basement in Cottonera.