Laing, Francis, 1773-1861

Area dell'identificazione

Tipo di entità


Forma autorizzata del nome

Laing, Francis, 1773-1861

Forme parallele del nome

Forme normalizzate del nome in conformità ad altre regole

Altre forme del nome

Codice identificativo dell'ente

Area della descrizione

Date di esistenza



Francis Laing was born at Edinburgh on 1 May 1773, son of Alexander, an architect. Laing studied at the University of Edinburgh 1789-90 and 1792-93, and the University of Glasgow in 1794, taking a Physics class under John Anderson. He was Snell Exhibitioner in 1796, and went on to graduate BA from Oxford in 1799 and MA in 1801. He took Holy Orders, becoming Reverend Francis Laing. In 1803 Laing served as Private Secretary to the Governor of Malta, and was shortly afterwards appointed Secretary to the Government of the Island, a post which he held till 1814. Returning to the UK, Laing was Rector of Llanmaes, Glamorgan from 1814 to 1824, and Rector of Humshaugh, Northumberland, from 1820 to 1832. He died at the Mythe, Tewkesbury, on 24 November 1861.


Scotland, Edinburgh, born and raised (1773-1793); Malta, Chief Secretary to the Government (1803-1814); England, Tewkesbury, Place of Death (1961).

Condizione giuridica

Funzioni, occupazioni, attività

Reverend; Private Secretary to the Governor; Chief Secretary to the Government; Rector.

Mandato/Fonti autoritative

Articolazioni interne/Genealogia

Contesto generale

Area delle relazioni

Area dei punti di accesso

Punti d'accesso per soggetto

Punti d'accesso per luogo

Area del controllo

Identificativo del record d'autorità

Codice identificativo dell'istitituto conservatore

Norme e convenzioni utilizzate


Livello di completezza

Date di creazione, revisione, cancellazione

Created: 23/07/2023




University of Glasgow. International Story. Francis Laing. (n.d.).

Note sulla manutenzione

Creator of Authority Record: Zvetlana Pace Cassar

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