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Codice di riferimento
- 1933 (Creazione)
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The sepia-coloured image carries a photo of the Crucified Christ and on His right there is the Mount of Calvary - the Golgotha and the three crosses on top - the middle one pertaining to Jesus Christ and the two on the side pertaining to the two theives who were crucified with Him. On the right of the image there is a medallion with the picture of Pope Pius Xi giving his benediction. There is also his insigna and some palm and olives branches - both related with the Passion of Christ - the palm trees were used on Palm Sunday, which is the celebrationopening Holy Week and the olive trees were ound in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Garden of Olives where Jesus Christ was betrayed by Judas and the Catholic Church commemorates this on Maundy Thursday. Overleaf, one finds type written in blue and red ink the Latin prayer about the priesthood by the US Bishop Bishop Fulton Sheen (+1979) "O priest! Who art thou? Thou art not from thyself, because thou art from nothing. Thou art not to thine own self, because thou art a mediator to God. Thou art not for thyself, because thou ought to live for God alone.
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Punti d'accesso relativi al genere
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Codice identificativo della descrizione
Codice identificativo dell'istitituto conservatore
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Livello di completezza
Date di creazione, revisione, cancellazione
- latino