Unità documentaria 0464 - Anno Domini 1957

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Anno Domini 1957


  • 1957-01-01 (Creazione)

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Ambito e contenuto

The unusual format of this religious calendar is made up of three inserts, with four pages each. On the first insert, one finds depicted on the front the Nativity scene and on the back Christ as the Good Shepherd. On the inside, one finds Christmas Greetings from the Jesus of Nazareth Institute of Zejtun to all friends and benefactors. On the right hand side of these greeting one finds a quote from the Roman Breviary for all deceased benefactors. The second insert contains a religious calendar for the months of January, February and March on the front page and the months of October, November, December at the back. The middle pages of this insert depict the Immaculate Conception appearing to Bernardette Soubirous in Lourdes on the right hand side and the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the right. The third and last insert contains the religious calendar for the remaining months, i.e. April, May and June on the front page and July, August and September on the back page. In the middle pages, one finds two different pictures of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The calendar pages are in black and white and at the top are adorned with the Paschal Lamb of God (Agnus Dei), symbol of the Resurrected Christ. At the bottom of all calendar pages, one finds small boxes with flowers. All these three inserts are held together with a yellow cotton ribbon and when opened in the right way, they form a whole systematic calendar of the year 1956.

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      Date di creazione, revisione, cancellazione




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