These postcards represent Our Lady of Trapani and Our Lady of Lampedusa. This image is related to the interview from 01:39:00 until 01:40:00 wherein Giovanni Fragapane speaks about the relationship between Our Lady of Trapani and Our Lady of Lampedusa.
4 Archival description results for Trapani
Commences with examination of wittnesses. The first is Publio d'Alcuri, barbiero on the Galera Magistrale who testifies that while at the hospital of Trapani, he medicated Giuseppe Darmanin for a wound made with a sharp weapon between the 3rd and 4th ribs. He was wounded when trying to stop two Maltese soldiers from the galera San Martino from duelling with their swords. Many witness statements collected, providing information about maritime affairs and the Order's navy. The wound resulted in Darmanin's death. Cinthius Camilleri and Clemente Pansa were accused of complicity but acquitted. Giovanni de Munes was found guilty and exiled from Malta and Gozo for 10 years.
Magna Curia CastellaniaThe last part of the interview focuses on the history of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lampedusa, the history of the statue and the religious feast.
The framed photograph represents Our Lady of Trapani. This image is related to the interview from 01:39:00 until 01:40:00, wherein the interviewee spoke about the relationship between Our Lady of Trapani and Our Lady of Lampedusa.