In the initial part of the interview, Frank Mifsud shares memories of his childhood and family. His career in the civil service started in the late 1960s as a clerk at the General Post Office. From there, he moved to several departments and grades in Public Administration, reaching one of the highest possible positions, that of Permanent Secretary within the Health Ministry. He was involved in the task of migration from St Luke’s Hospital to Mater Dei Hospital. Other important areas he worked in were the setting up of MCAST, which included negotiations with the Unions. However, the setting up of SEDQA remains his "most important task". He spoke about several changes which he experienced in Public Administration, mainly the changes brought about by Malta’s membership in the European Union.
St Luke’s Hospital
3 Archival description results for St Luke’s Hospital
MT NAM MEM-0016FM-01-01
Part of Memorja
MT NAM MEM-0016FM-01-01-01
Part of Memorja
In this part, Mifsud spoke about his childhood, his school experiences, the civil service examination process and his earliest experiences at work at the General Post Office. He also mentioned the challenges of - and his satisfaction at - the setting-up of SEDQA and MCAST, together with managing the general hospital.
MT NAM MEM-0016FM-01-03
Part of Memorja