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              MT NAM LCM-141-15 · Item · 08/03/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Antonio Borg (benivoglia on the Santo Nicola) and Giovanni Maria Pace (benivoglia on the San Pietro) are accused of theft. They are accused of having removed part of the roofing of the bottega of Luca Zahra in Senglea, descended through it and stolen various goods including coings, iron and cloth material and other worked cloths. They then stowed away their stolen goods one in Corradino and the other in the area of San Giovanni ta' Huxa.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              [Contra Antonium Landolina]
              MT NAM LCM-185-13 · Item · 21/02/1664
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Notice that the sentence given against the Sicilian Antonius Landolina, found guilty of theft, was being appealed as the punishment was felt to not be severe enough.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-146-39 · Item · 22/10/1642
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Night-captain Bernardo Hagius, Emanuele Petta, Giovanni Domenico Bonnici, Cosmo Gauci, Gridonio Degriolo and Andrea Moneglia are accused of grand theft. They abused of their poisition to trick a crew of Frenchmen into an ambush in Kalkara, by means of which they stole great quantitites of money from them. Another accomplice, Domenico Falzon, was sentenced to four years' rowing. Bernardo Agius and his colleague Leonardo Mifsud were found to have had no knowledge of the ambush and freed. Emanuele Petta was sentenced to row for three years No other sentences included.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-146-16 · Item · 17/03/1642
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              The buonavoglia rower of the Galera Capitanea Chrispinus Grima is accused of stealing from the galley and its crew after the galley was damaged in a storm. He was acquitted.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Cintium Farrugia
              MT NAM LCM-185-12 · Item · 19/02/1664
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Cintius Farrugia is accused of theft and specifically that he (and potentially any accomplices he might have had) had stolen various items of clothing and cloth (described) from the house of Pascuila Greg in Valletta. Interrogation of witnesses. Sentence not included.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              [Contra Domenico Bonnici]
              MT NAM LCM-142-18 · Item · 13/09/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Domenico Bonnici, who was employed as a custodian of the Slaves' Prison, is accused of abusing of his position to sell property and goods belonging to the Order for personal gain. The court orders a full inventory to be taken of all his belonging in his house in Zebbug.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Dominicum Bonanno
              MT NAM LCM-142-15 · Item · 18/08/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Introductory folios missing. Case commences with the interrogation of witnesses. It appears that Domenico Bonanno was being accused of financial fraud and of selling wood belonging to the Order. He was found guilty and sentenced to four years' rowing. Case continues in document 18.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-142-06 · Item · 19/04/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Giulio Ros, and Martino Mancarella are accused of buying meat-stuffs from Frabrizio Rochello despite knowing that he was a servant of Andrea Falzon and had no cows of his own and so being in a position to assume theft. Fabrizio was sentenced to 50 lashes in public for the theft, but Ros and Mancarella were cleared of any wrongdoing.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Ferrantem Matasino
              MT NAM LCM-146-05 · Item · 14/01/1642
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Ferrante Matasino is accused of the following crimes: he abused of his friendship with Carlo Cassia to procure a key to his bottega and stole large quantities of mecco, tabacco, pepe, bugasino, sapone etc. He is also accused of other thefts. He is also accused of desertion for not presenting himself for service on a corsair vessel which he had contracted to join. He is sentenced to five years' rowing.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Franciscum Lia
              MT NAM LCM-141-29 · Item · 11/08/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Francesco Lia and his accomplices are accused of breaking into the Church of Saint John the Baptist, taking off his shoes so as not to make noise, and stealing a silver chandelier from the Chapel of Our Lady of Philermos. He was sentenced to public flagellation and ten years' rowing on the Order's galleys.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Iles Mustafa Ogli
              MT NAM LCM-143-02 · Item · 11/12/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              The infidel slaves belonging to the Order named Iles Mustafa Ogli, Assan Babac Ogli, Assan Ali Ogli and Mustafa Sileyman Ogli are accused of grand theft. Iles Mustafa Ogli, slave at the kitchens of the Grandmaster's palace stole 2 silver plates during the festivities of Easter, handed them over to Badacogli and Mustafa Sileyman Ogli, who took them aboard the Order's Galley to Messina, where they were sold. Separately, Iles Mustafa Ogli stole another plate of silver and sold it to Assan Ali Ogli, slave of the knight Carolo Giannallo who recognised the plate as belonging to the Grandmaster's Palace. Iles was sentenced to hanging and the others to be beaten until they pass out.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              [Contra Joem Bapttam Ariolo]
              MT NAM LCM-185-26 · Item · 14/10/1664
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Johannes Baptistam Ariolo, a buonavoglia rower on the San Giovanni di Paula, is accused of stealing a rug (tapeto) from the ship's captain. He was sentenced to ten years' rowing.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              [Contra Josephum Caruana]
              MT NAM LCM-146-01 · Item · 01/02/1642
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Josephus Caruana from Casal Luqa is accused of assaulting and wounding Augustinus Xicluna with a knife as well as theft. The accused entered the vineyard of Bartolomeo Mallia in the area of Ta Luca Effleni to steal, and then also broke into the house of Domenico Briffa in Luqa to steal grain that was stored there, as well as some wood. He also broke into a building in the area Ta Filep in the same village belonging to Ludovico Imbrogl, from which he stole paglia. He also stole mischiato from Bernardino Briffa. He was sentenced to three years' rowing. Sentence confirmed on appeal.

              Curia Capitanalis
              MT NAM LCM-146-15 · Item · 13/03/1642
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Josephus "Tirda" Seychel is accused of theft and Josephus Xiberras, owner of a jewelry shop in Valletta, of purchasing stolen goods. The theft concerned a jewel with diamonds. Seychel was also tortured for information. They were, however, acquitted.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Laurentium Buttigieg
              MT NAM LCM-142-05 · Item · 09/02/1640
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Lorenzo Buttigieg, who had been found guilty of thefts previously, had been sentenced to community service at the Conventual Church of St John the Baptist in Valletta. While serving here he dared to steal two silver candelabra from the chapel of Our Lady of Filermos. He was sentenced to public hanging.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Laurentium Grima
              MT NAM LCM-146-06 · Item · 15/01/1642
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Commences with witness statements. Lorenzo Grima is accused of stealing 190 scudi and other money in foreign currency from his house-mate Paulina Deguara. He is sentenced to row on the galleys for life.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Michaelem Falzon
              MT NAM LCM-317-57 · Item · 25/11/1712
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Vincentius Madiona, from Valletta, an apothecary, reports that he needed to buy some birds of prey (uccelli di cacciai) and asked for them to a certain Michaele, pullalloro. On their way back they had a verbal altercation with a couple of men in the service of Rafaele Balsani and Madiona later found out that one of the men broke into Michaele's workspace and stole a couple of birds from him.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              Contra Nicolaum San Filippo
              MT NAM LCM-146-40 · Item · 10/11/1642
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Nicolaus Sanfilippo is accused of assaulting Aloysio D'Amato in Valletta after they had disagreements over the sale of a sangonano. He was sentenced to row for three years.

              Magna Curia Castellania
              MT NAM LCM-147-70 · Item · 17/05/1643
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Filippo Guerio known as Sciacquetta, buonavoglia rower on the Santa Maria, is accused of stealing money from Lucio Scarso while he was buying biscuits from a slave in the public square in Valletta. Witnesses are interrogated for both the prosecution and the defence. No sentence is included.

              Magna Curia Castellania