Conpublic prosecutoration of property in Burmula for sale at auction to satisfy debts.
Legal Documents
1035 Archival description results for Legal Documents
Josephus Azzopardi demands that the procurator of Giacomo Gallesti from Terramone in the Kingdom of Sicily makes himself known. The case related to defective goods sold to him by the former.
Consolato del MareThe heirs or legal representative of the deceased Antonino Sammut had been summoned to make themselves known but in the absence of any such the court appointed Albano Hernandez and Zaru Psaila as curators. The case concerned the settlement of outstanding cases and debts, concerning also the purchase of goods and properties.
Magna Curia CastellaniaDispute over the payment of court fees for previous proceedings in light of lodged appeals.
Magna Curia CastellaniaTop part of the document missing. Mattheus Pace demands that Petrus De Amato prove under oath that he had indeed paid the 100 scudi which had been owed. Unclear what the debt was for but it seems that one of the folios may have contained an excerpt from a contract.
Magna Curia CastellaniaTop part of the document torn. Claudio Ursu is claimed to owe Johannes Renal 25 scudi and 12 tari, and 15 grani, of which he had received 11 scudi. This was payment for tela and Claudio seemed to be contesting the debt due to quality etc of the product.
Magna Curia CastellaniaSalvo Camilleri rejects the claims made against him by Annibale de Vual, claiming that the court was not competent to oversee the dispute and that the witnesses summoned by Vual produced discordant testimonies. Salvo was being accused of fraudulently selling low--quality wine.
Magna Curia CastellaniaAntonius Abela opposes the claims made against him in court by Daniele Bonnici in his own name and as procurator of his father Ugolino that he owed them any money as rent (gabella) on leased land (unnamed)
Magna Curia CastellaniaAntonius Damaschino as substitute procurator of Fra Balthasar Imperator, commendatore of the Order, himself the principal procurator of Camillo Amor, Baron of Bubutelli is given possession over some belongings of Antonius de Guevara who owed 47 uncia to the Baron. The property consisted in a slave called Margerita 'di color chiuchiana'.
Magna Curia CastellaniaPaulo Borg was owed money by Antonio Michallef in his own name and as cessionarius of Domenico Michallef, and initiates proceedings against them accordingly.
Magna Curia CastellaniaGiovanni Zammit accuses Giovanni Schocco of threatening him with violence and trying to break into his home with a sword. He was sentenced to one year's service without stipend on the Order's galleys.
Magna Curia CastellaniaDomenicus Paulucci confirms receipt of 200 scudi in value from Antonio Fiteni consisting of various items, including items of manufactured cloth.
Nicolaus Isuard confirms receipt of money from Augistinus Vial. Ink faint in the rest of the document.
Blanca Lo Carussa receives owed money from Johannes Paulo Castelletti as procurator of his brothers Johannes and Johannes Franciscus.
Magna Curia CastellaniaVincentia Marcellaya Manelli appeals against a sentence issued by the Office against Francesco Manelli her husband in favour of Domenico Scisco. No information about the content of the original litigation.
Officium Causarum DomorumAt the instigation of Vincnetius Savina, doctor Palmerinus Monata is given four days to pay the referenced court fees.
At the request of Giacche Aillaud, procurator of Cap. Franciscus Augier, a bandum is issued concerning the sale by auction of the saica called La Regina Celeste.
Consolato del MareBlank folio
One line of writing.
Loose blank folio