Franciscus Mattheus de Angelis accuses the Green Atanasius Cicchiandi of marrying his slave/servant Anna Maria and taking her away with him abroad. Witness statements provided.
Magna Curia CastellaniaLegal Documents
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Battista Mamo is accused of desertion from the naval voyage of the armed vessel of Fra Cav. De Cremonville by failing to embark. Sentence not included.
Magna Curia CastellaniaBaptistum Garoffalo, buonavoglia rower on the Santa Maria, is accused of desertion for not showing up for service when the galley sailed to Messina. He was sentenced to three years' rowing.
Magna Curia CastellaniaBartholomeus Abela IUD is accused of breaching the law by attacking Thomas Mizzi with a staff in Vittoriosa close to the area known as La Porta di Aragona. Witness statements collected.
Magna Curia CastellaniaBartholomeus de Mario is accused of desertion for not reporting on duty aboard the Santa Maria. He was sentenced to three years' rowing.
Magna Curia CastellaniaThe Court seeks payment of court fees by Bartholomeo Gauci. Court fees are listed.
Magna Curia CastellaniaDuring a feast held at the residence of the Commendatore Cerci, Bartholomeo Muscat started throwing chairs etc. out of the window to disrupt the feast. Witness statements collected. No sentence included.
Magna Curia CastellaniaIntroductory folios missing. Witness statements: Bartolomeo della Torre is accused of stealing items of clothinng and bedding from the house of Johannes Baptista and Vincentius Salvatore, and of Bartolomeo lo Diaco in Valletta.
Magna Curia CastellaniaNicola Garrone, sergeant of the Galera Capitanea accuses Bendo Formosa, who had been sentenced to row on the galley, of wounding Hanedi Mamet Oghli in the head. Witness statements collected. The case seems to have been heard before a tribunal dedicated to servicemen, a form of court martial. Formosa was sentenced to row for another five years.
Benedetto Sant is accused of assaulting and seriously wounding Aloysio Galdes. He was fined five uncia.
Magna Curia CastellaniaBernardo Tabone, buonvaoglia on the San Ubaldesca, is accused of desertion from service and of seeking escape on the vessel captained by Cap. Aloysio Ruggio. Cap. Ruggio is fined 50 uncia. No sentence given for Tabone.
Magna Curia CastellaniaTestimonies collected to confirm that Brayto Vella had been incarcerated by Officers of the Magna Curia Castellania.
Magna Curia CastellaniaJohannes La Speranza (Neapolitan), Petrus di Platamone (Neapolitan), Panaiottis de Santa Maura and Johannes Baptista Luri are accused of leaving service the galleys of the Order to enroll on the corsairing crew of the tartana of Cap. Bartholomeus sive Mattheus Gheidun before the period of proscription of six months was up. Testimonies collected. Accused interrogated about their conditions of work and leaving the navy. The accused were sentenced to a wine of 200 unciae each. Since Panaiottis de Santa Maura could not pay or find a pledge, he was sentenced to row on the galleys but this was commuted to regular service on the galleys as a soldier.
Magna Curia Castellania – CriminaleThe Bali Fra Antonius Scalamonti accuses the French Masseus Rosso and Cap. Josephus Arnaud, and Johannes Maria Cefai of false witness. They are accused of giving false witness both before the Notary Thomaso Maranoand again in court before Notary Paulus D'Arena. They claimed that 11 years before they had been on the vessel Sant'Antonius of Cap. Josephus Arnaud on the way to Venice were they loaded goods including several antenni belonging to Scalamonti, loaded aboard by Fra Petrus Diotallevi. They are accused of giving false witness concerning a shipwreck to cover for the fact that they had sold off some of the antennae to various persons. The accused were found innocent and acquitted.
Magna Curia CastellaniaCaptain Ludovico Bacchier and his crew members Francesco Spiteri, Hyeronimo Spiteri, Giuseppe Zahra, Mattheolo Grima, Giovanni Paulo Cassar, Didaco Camilleri, Giulio Pisani, Thomas de Sosa, Ludovico de Giuliano, Giovanni Maria Rizzo, Sebastiano Cachia, Michele Borg, Antonacio Circhop, Domenico Baldacchino, Valerio Spiteri, and Jacobo Bonnici are accused of abusing of their license to fly the flag of the Order and of sailing on corso, looting enemy vessels, despite not having licence to engage in privaterring. They had been engaged by the Order to run a separate and different mission to Sicily.
Magna Curia CastellaniaNight-captain Bernardo Hagius, Emanuele Petta, Giovanni Domenico Bonnici, Cosmo Gauci, Gridonio Degriolo and Andrea Moneglia are accused of grand theft. They abused of their poisition to trick a crew of Frenchmen into an ambush in Kalkara, by means of which they stole great quantitites of money from them. Another accomplice, Domenico Falzon, was sentenced to four years' rowing. Bernardo Agius and his colleague Leonardo Mifsud were found to have had no knowledge of the ambush and freed. Emanuele Petta was sentenced to row for three years No other sentences included.
Magna Curia CastellaniaCarolo Adriano is accused of trying to break into the house of Silvia Bugeja, a prostitute, while bearing arms. Witness statements includes. No sentence included.
Magna Curia CastellaniaCarolus Gnarnieri, buonavoglia rower on the Santa Ubaldesca, was accused of desertion for not reporting to service for a journey to Syracuse.
Magna Curia CastellaniaMariuzza Gallo accuses Carolus Flu of various insults made by him towards her person, but later retracts the accusation.
Magna Curia CastellaniaUnclear as top part of the document missing throughout. Opposition to the claims presented by Catherina Felice concerning alimony to be exacted from an inactive inheritance.