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              MT NAM LCM-186-40 · Item · 08/09/1664
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Nicola Garrone, sergeant of the Galera Capitanale reports to Giovanni Galdiano as Captain General of the Order's Fleet that Cesare Galuppi from Lipari, a sailor aboard the same vessel had sought to desert by leaving the galera and going aboard a different corsairing vessel. He was sought and captured. Witness statements collected.

              [Delle Galere]
              MT NAM LCM-186-36 · Item · 27/05/1664
              Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

              Investigation into an occurrence at sea in which the galera San Rafaele, being unable to steer itself, ran into the Galera Magistrale and the galera Santa Maria.