Certain information missing due to loss of paper. The owner of housing with a little garden in Birkirkara demands that Agata, wife of Damiano Magri, who claims to have rights over the property, prove them in court or cease to make these claims in public.
Magna Curia CastellaniaLegal Documents
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MT NAM LCM-146-19
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous
MT NAM LCM-147-25
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous
Don Salvatore Borg, and Don Mattheolo Calleya report that the Praepositus and Collegiate Chapter of Bircircara had promised them 10 scudi a year for singing the Divine Offices in choro on alternating days; that they had been so doing since the January 1638; payment had been deficient.
Curia Episcopalis et Provicarialis Notabilis Civitatis
MT NAM LCM-140-7
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous
Maria Micallef, daughter of Julio, unmarried and from Birkirkara accuses Petrus Xiberras of coming into her house repeatedly and sexually harassing her. Witnesses were heard, although the validity of some testimonies was contested. Petrus was found guilty but not kept in jail or fined. The case was appealed but the sentence confirmed.
Curia Capitanalis