Legal Documents
810 Archival description results for Legal Documents
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Magna Curia CastellaniaTitle page only
Witness statements collected confirming that the buonavoglia rower Johannes de Giovanni did not report for duty on board the Santo Nicola.
Commences with examination of wittnesses. The first is Publio d'Alcuri, barbiero on the Galera Magistrale who testifies that while at the hospital of Trapani, he medicated Giuseppe Darmanin for a wound made with a sharp weapon between the 3rd and 4th ribs. He was wounded when trying to stop two Maltese soldiers from the galera San Martino from duelling with their swords. Many witness statements collected, providing information about maritime affairs and the Order's navy. The wound resulted in Darmanin's death. Cinthius Camilleri and Clemente Pansa were accused of complicity but acquitted. Giovanni de Munes was found guilty and exiled from Malta and Gozo for 10 years.
Magna Curia CastellaniaMaruccia Vassallo widow of Josephus from Zebbug leased the garden tal harc planted with various trees situated in the area called ta gued tabaria to Luca Pace.
Loose ContractGeorgio Pace, baker to Fra Jacobo Isor, accuses Jacobus Ciantar of fraud in grain trade.
Magna Curia CastellaniaThe debt of 5 uncia owed by Josephus Vassallo to Ambrosio Gascon for rent of a piece of land in the area Ta Hued Hueli is confirmed. Top section of the document missing throughout.
Magna Curia CastellaniaDocument unclear due to missing sections along top of the folios throughout but seems to concern a dispute over a refund or partial refund or resale of the sale of a place of residence.
Magna Curia CastellaniaMario Attard, from Casal Pasqualino, reports that some years before he had been assaulted in the street by Antonio Cassar from the same village. Cassar was found guilty by the Curia Capitanalis and sent to row. Attard had since come by the village and Attard's bottega where he threatened to kill him. Witness statements collected about both the original assault and this threat. Cassar was found guilty and was fined 8 uncia and all court expenses. Appealed without referenced resolution.
Curia CapitanalisProsecution for the payment of 10 uncia owed by Axisa to Seychel in accordance with a contract of partnership between the two parties signed before Not. Mattheus Briffa (11 Jan. 1569). Copy of the contract.
Magna Curia CastellaniaInterrogation of witnesses concerning certain payments.
Unidentified CourtInventory of the possessions of the married couple Imperia Xiberras and Marco Vassallo following the death of Vassallo to identify what was to be inherited by which of their children.
Inventory of the deceased Johannes Figlion.
Magna Curia CastellaniaNotary Ludovico Fava from Vittoriosa leases housing in Senglea to Nicola Tumbo from Senglea for one year. Made before notary Thomaso Marani de Candia.
Loose torn folios
Giacobum sive Giacche Suardo (from France) is accused of assaulting and harming Santo de Giacon at the tavern of Honorito Pugett in Vittoriosa. He was fined eight uncia.
Magna Curia CastellaniaMarriage contract between Domenica Falzon and Raphael Mallia
Marriage contract between Entiona Caruana and Blascus Psayla. Dowry included land called El Cherba tal Bir in Hal Ghaxaq, money and other listed loose goods.
Giuseppe Debono rejects the demands of Vincenzo de Guevara and demands that he is no longer perturbed by these pretensions.