Confirmation and registration of a contract of utile dominium between Giovanni Paolo Hagius in his own name and as procurator of Giovanni Maria Hagius and Domenico Curmi as curator ad litem appointed by the Court over the lying inheritance of Salvo, Petro, Mario and Paulo Hagius. Concerning a parcel of land planted with various trees in Lija.
4 Archival description results for Inheritance
Instituition of Bartholomeus Abela and Alfonso De Caro as tutors in tutela of the underage George, Crispino, Johannes and Vincentia following the death of Pasquale de Caro. The document contains also a short list of the properties in the inheritance, including immovable property, both residential and commercial (botteghe di vino), as well as shares in the ownership of a ship. Named properties: Il Gadir.
UntitledInventory of the possessions of the married couple Imperia Xiberras and Marco Vassallo following the death of Vassallo to identify what was to be inherited by which of their children.
Mario Baldacchino reports that the MCC had already found against Domenicus and Camillo Darmanin in the case relating to the inheritance of the deceased Giacomo and Angelica Baldacchino. Only Camillo had appealed and Mario was appearing to effect the sentence. No details on the date or content of the sentence.