Showing 292 results

Archival description
Crossections at commencment of Pier (Spur)
Crossections at commencment of Pier (Spur)
Details of Ladder approach thro' Embrasure in Fort Ricasoli
Details of Ladder approach thro' Embrasure in Fort Ricasoli
Grand Harbour - Malta - Chambers for Oil Winches
Grand Harbour - Malta - Chambers for Oil Winches
Grand Harbour - Malta - Plan Showing Land - Available - for Contractor's Use
Grand Harbour - Malta - Plan Showing Land - Available - for Contractor's Use
Grand Harbour - Ricasoli Breakwater - Plan shewing postion of Hawse Pipe & Eye Bolts
Grand Harbour - Ricasoli Breakwater - Plan shewing postion of Hawse Pipe & Eye Bolts
Grand Harbour - Ricasoli Breakwater - Sections shewing existing ground levels - Proposed foundation levels
Grand Harbour - Ricasoli Breakwater - Sections shewing existing ground levels - Proposed foundation levels
Grand Harbour - Ricasoli Breakwater - Sections shewing existing ground levels - Proposed foundation levels
Grand Harbour - Ricasoli Breakwater - Sections shewing existing ground levels - Proposed foundation levels
Grand Harbour - Ricasoli Breakwater - Sections shewing existing ground levels and Proposed foundation levels
Grand Harbour - Ricasoli Breakwater - Sections shewing existing ground levels and Proposed foundation levels
Grand Harbour - Ricasoli Breakwater - Sections shewing original surface of rock & Trench excavated
Grand Harbour - Ricasoli Breakwater - Sections shewing original surface of rock & Trench excavated
Grand Harbour Malta - Boom Defence Winches
Grand Harbour Malta - Boom Defence Winches
Grand Harbour Malta - Details of Bracing required for Main Staging
Grand Harbour Malta - Details of Bracing required for Main Staging
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli & St. Elmo. Breakwaters - Type of Apron Toe Blocks.
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli & St. Elmo. Breakwaters - Type of Apron Toe Blocks.
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Excavation between Sections 130 & 150 on C.L. of Breakwater
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Excavation between Sections 130 & 150 on C.L. of Breakwater
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Foundation Blocks in J Course
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Foundation Blocks in J Course
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - General Pland & Plans of Coursesshewing Blocks Joggles &c
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - General Pland & Plans of Coursesshewing Blocks Joggles &c
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Plan shewing bare patches of Rock in J Course
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Plan shewing bare patches of Rock in J Course
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Proposed alterations in Boat Steps
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Proposed alterations in Boat Steps
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Proposed alterations to Parapet at 64 feet from Head
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Proposed alterations to Parapet at 64 feet from Head
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Proposed approach thro' Embrasure in Fort Ricasoli
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Proposed approach thro' Embrasure in Fort Ricasoli
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Proposed Covered Way
Grand Harbour Malta - Ricasoli Breakwater - Proposed Covered Way