Domenicus Attard, Night Watchman, reports that while in the vicinity of the Post of Castille of Vittoriosa he came across the sailor Natale D'Andrea, who was armed. He followed him at a distance and even came across the Governor of the City, who asked him to take Natale into custody. He sought to do so accordingly, especially after being informed by a certain Damiano that Natale intended to attack a certain Barnaba. Domenicus tracked down Natale who had, in the meantime, already been arrested by a Cap. Salvo Brunet, but not disarmed. Natale was frisked and a concealed triangular blade (stile Venetiano) was found. He was taken and held on the galley.
Magna Curia CastellaniaSalvatore Hagius is accused of desertion from the corsairing crew of the sambechhino of Cap. Aloysius Gioubert during the period of quarantine and of going into the countryside into the company of non-infected persons. He had gone to Luqa, where he was tracked down and eventually arrested, although not before seeking refuge in the church and then breaking into an adjoining house of the family Camenzuli, who were then also arrested on suspicion of aiding and abetting the fugitive. The ship had captured a saica departed from Alexandria with riso, cafe, telaria, lino and other merchandise. Hagius was sentenced to ten years' rowing with chained feet.
Magna Curia Castellania – CriminaleCap. Domencio Attard (nightwatchman) was alerted to the presence of Josephus Percia, sought buonavoglia who had sought refuge in a church, who was at large on the streets of Vittoriosa bearing arms and tried to escape on the vessel San Giovanni, where he was caught and placed in chains.
Magna Curia CastellaniaCap. Domenicus Attard, nightwatchman in Valletta reports that while in Burmula the previous night at the house of a certain Maria, who was blind in one eye, and her Venetian lover, where he found out that there had been an armed quarrel between the Venetian and a certain Arbni who was the lover of a certain Nena, friend of Maria.
Magna Curia Castellania - Civile