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MT NAM LCM-011-24 · Item · 29/10/1579
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

The heirs or legal representative of the deceased Antonino Sammut had been summoned to make themselves known but in the absence of any such the court appointed Albano Hernandez and Zaru Psaila as curators. The case concerned the settlement of outstanding cases and debts, concerning also the purchase of goods and properties.

Magna Curia Castellania
MT NAM LCM-011-21 · Item · 10/10/1579
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

Salvo Camilleri rejects the claims made against him by Annibale de Vual, claiming that the court was not competent to oversee the dispute and that the witnesses summoned by Vual produced discordant testimonies. Salvo was being accused of fraudulently selling low--quality wine.

Magna Curia Castellania
MT NAM LCM-010-69 · Item · 22/05/1598
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

Antonius Damaschino as substitute procurator of Fra Balthasar Imperator, commendatore of the Order, himself the principal procurator of Camillo Amor, Baron of Bubutelli is given possession over some belongings of Antonius de Guevara who owed 47 uncia to the Baron. The property consisted in a slave called Margerita 'di color chiuchiana'.

Magna Curia Castellania
Acc. Contra Joannem Hocco
MT NAM LCM-141-18 · Item · 08/06/1640
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

Giovanni Zammit accuses Giovanni Schocco of threatening him with violence and trying to break into his home with a sword. He was sentenced to one year's service without stipend on the Order's galleys.

Magna Curia Castellania
MT NAM LCM-010-59 · Item · 26/11/1579
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

Dionysio Xerri as procurator of Fra Ludovico Fulchi explains that Fulchi owed Franciscus Cursino certain money. Since Cursino was absent and had left no known curator, the court is asked to make an official call to find his curator and if none make themselves known within three days, to dismiss the course.

Magna Curia Castellania
MT NAM LCM-011-32 · Item · 23/02/1580
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

The Noble Petrus Burlo had leased an enclosure of land called Tal Fer to Johannes Zuppard (see Not. Jacobus Baldacchino 26/09/1562) who had failed to pay and asks to lodge a cedula collectiva et condemnatoria against Zuppard.

Magna Curia Castellania
C. Cur. Pro Ambrosio Borg
MT NAM LCM-145-45 · Item · 11/10/1642
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

Ambrosius Borg from Casal Curmi was involved in a dispute with the heirs of his late brother concerning some land which he had exchanged with his brother back in 1638 and asks for these concerns to be heard before a competent court.

Magna Curia Castellania
C. Curatiae pro Joanne Figun
MT NAM LCM-011-34 · Item · 30/05/1580
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

Johannes Figun was owed money by Josephus Gaveu who made himself absent from the island. He therefore requests that curatores ad litem are appointed, who are indeed appointed in the persons of Martinus Borg and Ludovico Cuciard.

Magna Curia Castellania
MT NAM LCM-010-48 · Item · 04/09/1579
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

Delphina Gonguinglena, wife of Hieronimo Petrusli complains that Hieronimo had illegally disposed of part of her dowry and used some of the rest as guarantee and asks that Jacobo [Umo] and Albani Hernandez be made curatores ad lites in a case she lodged against him.

Magna Curia Castellania
C. Curatie pro Mattheo Vella
MT NAM LCM-010-64 · Item · 1579
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

Mattheus Vella was owed money by the deceased Domenco Briffa, who left behind a young boy. Vella asks that the court appoint an appropriate tutor to care for the boy and to represent him in court.

Magna Curia Castellania