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PDE_0076-02-0062 · Item · 313-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The pastel coloured image shows a Roman Legion of soldiers, with Emperor Constantine in the middle, pointing to a glowing Cross being held by two angels in the sky during a vision, with the saying written underneath in Latin "In Hoc Signo Vinces"meaning "In this sign conquer." Overleaf, there is a short account of the Edict of Milan of 313AD with which Emperor Constantine proclaimed peace and liberty to the Catholic Church. Under this, there is a short prayer dedicated to the Holy Cross.

PDE_0076-02-0061 · Item · 313-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The very colourful image depicts the Risen Christ with two of His Apostles, one of them being St John. The border of the picture is dark red with the Peace emblem - PAX with a laurel wreath around it, which was used in Roman times. It is a memento of the Edict of Milan held in 313AD when Christianity, which until then had suffered bloody persecution, was declared the religion of the State Emperor Constantine the Great. Underneath, one finds the coat-of-arms of Pope Pius X who was the reigning Pope in 1913. This other part of this picture is missing.

PDE_0076-02-0414 · Item · 354
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image depicts St Monica together with her son, St Augustine. Overleaf, one finds a prayer by St Augustine dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which prayer is to be recited after receiving Holy Communion. It is a memento commemorating the six centenary from the birth of St Augustine. It was distributed at the Church dedicated to the saint in Valletta.

PDE_0076-02-0149 · Item · 430
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The black and white image depicts the death of the Doctor of the Church St Augustine of Hippo, painted by the Italian Giuseppe Mancinelli (d. 1875). While the Saint is on his death bed, besides him is one of his disciples praying. On top the Heavenly Father is receiving St Augustine into His open arms. Overleaf one finds a quote from the "Histoire De Saint Augustin" by M. Poujoulat. From this quote one gets to know the final moments of the Saint before his death and according to the author St Augustine died aged 76 years. Below there is a prayer dedicated to the saint.

Deus Meus et Omnia
PDE_0076-02-0487 · Item · 1209-04-16
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The modern image depicts the Host in a sphere. Beneath this there are the words of St Francis of Assisi "Deus meus et omnia" meaning "My God and my all." This image is a memento commemorating the seven hundred and fifty centenary since the Order of St Francis of Assisi was approved by edict of Pope Innocent III at the Basilica of St John Lateran. In Malta, all Franciscans met at St John's Co-Cathedral, together with Archbishop Michael Gonzi for a solemn mass. At the top, one finds the coat of arms of the Franciscan Order consists of a cross with two arms crossing each other and nailed to the Cross—or at least with a cross in the background. One arm is that of Jesus Christ; the other is of St. Francis of Assisi. Beneath this memento, one finds a quote from the Life of St Francis written by Thomas of Celano.

Pax et Bonum
PDE_0076-02-0486 · Item · 1209-04-16
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The modern image two banners on which the word 'Pax' meaning 'Peace' is written and a pair of shaking hands. This image is a memento commemorating the seven hundred and fifty centenary since the Order of St Francis of Assisi was approved by edict of Pope Innocent III at the Basilica of St John Lateran. In Malta, all Franciscans met at St John's Co-Cathedral, together with Archbishop Michael Gonzi for a solemn mass. At the top, one finds the coat of arms of the Franciscan Order consists of a cross with two arms crossing each other and nailed to the Cross—or at least with a cross in the background. One arm is that of Jesus Christ; the other is of St. Francis of Assisi. Beneath this memento, one finds a quote from the Life of St Francis written by Thomas of Celano.

PDE_0076-02-0067 · Item · 1216-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The black and white parchment image depicts the tree of life with various medallions of several Domenican saints with the last medallion bearing the Dominican coat of arms . Under this tree, there are the images of St Dominic and the mystic Dominican tertiary Catherine of Siena. it is a memento of the Seventh Centerary since the founding of the Dominican Order or the Order of Preachers in 1216. This picture was issued by the Dominican friars of the Parish of Porto Salvo in Valletta, more commonly known as the Church of St Dominic.

PDE_0076-02-0075 · Item · 1221-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The black and white picture shows a portrait of St Dominic. At the bottom one finds a saying comparing the saint shining on the Church of God to the shining sun. It is a memento of the 7th centinerary since the death of St Dominic. In the middle pages, on the left, one finds a musical manuscript with the Popular Hymn dedicated to the saint and on the right the lyrics pertaining to it.

St Francis of Assisi
PDE_0076-02-0080 · Item · 1221-11-13
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image depicts St Francis of Assisi. It is a memento of the Seventh Centenary since the foundation of the Franciscan Third Order. This image was distributed at the Parish Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Sliema.

PDE_0076-02-0129 · Item · 1226-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia coloured image shows St Francis in one of his prayerful moments in a forest during his life. This postcard commemorates the Seventh centenary from his death.

PDE_0076-02-0122 · Item · 1226-10-04
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The guilded-frame image shows a sepia-coloured portrait of St Francis of Assisi in a circle. Overleaf, one finds a memento to commemorate the Seventh Centenary from the death of the Patriarch Saint of the Franciscan Minor Friars in Valletta.

S. Antonio di Padova
PDE_0076-02-0159 · Item · 1231
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image depicts St Anthony of Padova in a church with the Child Jesus on his lap, holding a lily, symbolising purity. It is a memento of the seventh centenary since the death of the saint. The celebrations were held at the Church of the Franciscan Conventuals in Rabat.

PDE_0076-02-0364 · Item · 1251
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image is a reproduction of the crowned titular painting of Our Lady of Mount Carmel found at the Valletta Basilica. This was crowned on 15 July 1881. The painting, by an unknown artist, depicts Our Lady who in Her left arm is holding the Child Jesus, while with Her right arm is giving the Holy Scapular to St Simon Stock standing by her right side. To her left, there is depicted St Agatha. In the lower part of the painting are depicted the souls in purgatory. This image is a memento commemorating the seventh centenary since, as tradition holds, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St Simon Stock (+1265) on 16th July, 1251 with a Scapular in Her hand and told him that whoever wore this brown scapular was sure to be saved on his death bed and receive a special protection from the Blessed Virgin. Overleaf, at the top, one finds the Carmelite coat of arms and below a prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

PDE_0076-02-0350 · Item · 1251
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image is a reproduction of the crowned titular painting of Our Lady of Mount Carmel found at the Valletta Basilica. This was crowned on 15 July 1881. The painting, by an unknown artist, depicts Our Lady who in Her left arm is holding the Child Jesus, while with Her right arm is giving the Holy Scapular to St Simon Stock standing by her right side. To her left, there is depicted St Agatha. In the lower part of the painting are depicted the souls in purgatory. This image is a memento commemorating the pilgrimage held at the Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Valletta on the occasion of the seventh centenary since, as tradition holds, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St Simon Stock (+1265) on 16th July, 1251 with a Scapular in Her hand and told him that whoever wore this brown scapular was sure to be saved on his death bed and receive a special protection from the Blessed Virgin. Overleaf, at the top, one finds the Carmelite coat of arms.

PDE_0076-02-0390 · Item · 1253-08-11
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image shows a mural found at the Benedictine Abbey of Maredret in Belgium. This mural shows the saint St Clare of Assisi with the monstrance in her hand. In Christian iconography, the saint is always seen with a monstrance when in reality, the monstrance came only into use in the sixteenth century. Thus, when Assisi was under siege, St. Clare protected her monastery from the invaders by holding up the ciborium with the Blessed Sacrament. On the left hand side of this mural, there is a painting of the Basilica of St Mary of the Angels found just outside Assisi where St Francis died and on the right hand side, there is a painting of the convent of St Damian, where St Clare lived and died. This memento commemorates the solemn celebrations held at the Church of the Poor Clares' Monastery in St Julians on the seventh centenary from the death of their foundress, St Clare of Assisi.

PDE_0076-02-0384 · Item · 1452-10-07
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image is a reproduction of the crowned titular painting of Our Lady of Mount Carmel found at the Valletta Basilica. This was crowned on 15 July 1881. The painting, by an unknown artist, depicts Our Lady who in Her left arm is holding the Child Jesus, while with Her right arm is giving the Holy Scapular to St Simon Stock standing by her right side. To her left, there is depicted St Agatha. In the lower part of the painting are depicted the souls in purgatory. This image is a memento celebrating the fifth centenary since the Carmelite Third Order was founded by Pope Nicholas V and the commemoration of the Congress of the Carmelite Third Order at Mdina.

PDE_0076-02-0434 · Item · 1455
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The black and white image is reproduction of the altarpiece found at the Basilica of Our Lady of Porto Salvo and St Dominic in Valletta. This altarpiece shows St Vincent Ferrer (+1419) preaching to the Moors. Ranzano, his first biographer, estimates the number of Jews converted at 25,000 and in the Kingdom of Granada he converted thousands of Moors to Christianity. The image is a memento commemorating the fifth centenary from the saint's canonisation. At the back of the image, one finds a prayer to be said before drinking the holy water of the saint. Tradition holds that when a sick person drinks this water, he is healed. In the Order of Preachers, the tradition arose of blessing water in the name of St. Vincent Ferrer, as an invocation of assistance against illness. This is due, at least in part, to the reputation of this great saint as the instrument of many miraculous healings.

PDE_0076-02-0436 · Item · 1455
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The black and white image is a reproduction of the photo of the arm relic pertaining to St Vincent Ferreri, found at the Basilica of Porto Salvo or St Dominic in Valletta. On the following three pages, one finds a prayer in seven stanzas dedicated to the saint. Bishop Francesco Saverio Caruana gave an indulgence of 40 days if one recited this prayer.