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ADC-01 · File · 1953-1960
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) Malta Memorial District Nursing Association 1953-1960. Includes Sub-sub-file 1) (1953) which contains correspondence, minutes of meetings; Sub-sub-file 2) (1954) contains correspondence and minutes of meetings; Sub-sub-file 3) (1955) contains 2 letters re. annual garden fete; Sub-sub-file 4) (1960) contains 4 letters re. MMDNA Palace Ball Committee; Sub-file 2)The Malta Amateur Dramatic Club 1956-1962. Includes Sub-sub-file 1) (1956) contains correspondence re. performances; Sub-sub-file 2) (1957) contains correspondence and Committee's Report 1956/1957; Sub-sub-file 3) (1958) contains correspondence; Sub-sub-file 4) (1959) contains correspondence, programmes and Rules for Management; Sub-sub-file 5) (1960) contains correspondence and Committee's Report 1959/1960; Sub-sub-file 6) (1961) contains correspondence; Sub-sub-file 7) (1962) contains correspondence.

ADC-02 · File · 1952-1957
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) Proclamation of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Includes: proclamation, seating plan, newspaper and extracts from the Malta Government Gazette; Sub-file 2) Flags - flying of ("with File G. 23/48"). Includes: instructions regarding the flags flown at Valletta Palace ; Sub-file 3) Royal Malta Yacht Club. Includes: AGM minutes, invitation for Annual Dinner and correspondence; Sub-file 4) Illness of HE the Governor - Sir Gerald Creasy, KCMG, OBE - correspondence regarding. Includes: newspaper clippings and correspondence.

Malta Horticultural Society
ADC-03 · File · 1944-1959
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file) "Malta Horticultural Society" - Flower Show. Includes: 16 sub-sub-files for each year between 1944 and 1959, which contain: invitations, guestlists, newspaper clippings etc.

Death of Queen Mary
ADC-04 · File · 1949-1962
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) Death of Her Majesty Queen Mary, 24th March 1953. Includes: Malta Government Gazette extract, telegram, 2 newspapers, funeral arrangements, meeting agenda and HQ Malta Garrison staff message control; Sub-file 2) Visit to Malta of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia 1949-1950. Includes: King's Birthday Parade joint service orders, details of parade at Floriana, timetable for Remembrance Day, programmes and a draft press notice; Sub-file 3) Mr E. Borg Gauci - Presentation of Sir Otto Bert - Medal and Diploma 1962. Includes: correspondence, invitation and newspaper cutting.

Kings Own Regiment
ADC-05 · File · 1953-1959
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) Kings Own Regiment - 3rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment - 11th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment 1953-1959. Includes: correspondence; Sub-file 2) Hoisting of Allied national flags at Lascaris - NATO 1953. Includes: newspaper cuttings and a notice re. hoisting of flags; Sub-file 3) [Not in box or listed on cover of original file]; Sub-file 4) Civil Defence 1953. Includes: correspondence and message from the Governor; Sub-file 5) "Wedding". Miss Tilly Laycock to Lieut. Mark Agnew, R.N. 23rd April 1955. Includes: program, newspaper cuttings, invitations, parking list, "Wedding Transport", replies to invitations - acceptances list and refusals list.

ADC-06 · File · 1953
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Contains 10 sub-sub-files: "Receipted Bill - Coronation Entertainments"; "State Ball, Monday 1st June 1953"; State Ball list of guests; "Garden Party"; "Gozo - Garden Party - State Luncheon"; "State Luncheon - Gozo"; "Coronation File"; Coronation Day Arrangements; "Minutes of Meetings"; "Times of Malta".

ADC-07 · File · 1931-1950
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) Visits to villages by HE the Governor 1944-1946. Includes: newspaper cuttings and Sub-sub-file 1) (HE/9/5): "HE's Visits and Inspections" which contains itineraries, correspondence etc.; Sub-file 2) Visits of V.I.P's (1947-1950) [MISSING]; Sub-file 3) Visits of Institutes 1931-1940. Includes: lists of parish priests and lists of visits (including Lady Campbell's)

King's Birthday
ADC-08 · File · 1932-1950
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file) King's Birthday Parade. Includes 6 sub-sub-files: "King's Birthday Parade, Friday 9th June, 1950" (1H); "King's Birthday 1949. Thursday 9th June" (H1); "King's Birthday, Thursday 10th June 1948"; "King's Birthday, 12th June 1947"; "King's Birthday. 14th June 1945"; "King's Birthday Celebrations": file inside entitled, "King's Birthday 1939 - Military March Past", containing guestlists etc. Included within the sub-sub-files are: newspaper cuttings, outlines, seating plans, memorandums and seat reservations.

ADC-09 · File · 1936-1948
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) Proclamation re. Constitution 1939. Includes Sub-sub-file 1) "Constitutions - Proclamations of", containing: hand-drawn plan, admittance ticket, lists of invitations, extract from the Malta Government Gazette, gelatin silver photograph of the proclamation dated February 25th, 1939, pland showing allotment of seats, labels to affix to cars for parking, list of parking permits, Sub-sub-file 2) "Proclamation of the Constitution - 10th September 1947", containing: hand-drawn plan of venue, newspaper, newspaper cuttings, list of invitations, the Malta Government Gazette and instructions for the parade; Sub-file 2) Handing Over Ceremony of the Ancient Colours of the 1st Royal Sussex Regt. 1948. Includes: Ceremony booklets, correspondence, newspaper cuttings and invitations; Sub-file 3) Accession to throne (proclamations of George VI and Edward VIII) - 22nd January 1936. Contains Sub-sub-file entitled, "Accessions to Throne - Proclamations of", containing: order of procession and order of events.

Malta Racing Club
ADC-10 · File · 1950-1960
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) Malta Racing Club 1953. Includes: Address by President; correspondence; Malta Racing Club rules; Sub-file 2)Presentation of certificates by HE the Governor 1953. Includes: newspaper cutting; Sub-file 3) Sub-sub-file 1: State Dinner - 14th December 1950. Includes: invitations etc.; Sub-sub-file 2: State Dinners and State Luncheons - 29th November 1949 and Thursday 27th November 1952. Includes: seating plans and guestlists; Sub-sub-file 3: State Dinner - 17th March 1955. Includes: Menu, guestlist, invitations, music programme and correspondence; Sub-sub-file 4: State Luncheon - Wednesday 27th April 1960 [Duke of Edinburgh]. Includes: Menu, invitation and guestlist

ADC-11 · File · 1949-1954
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) Change of residence of HE the Governor 1950-1953. Includes: press release, newspaper cutting and correspondence; Sub-file 2) Speeches by HE the Governor 1949-1954. Includes: newspaper cuttings, typescript speeches and correspondence; Sub-file 3) Prize-giving by HE the Governor 1951. Includes: correspondence and typescript speech; Sub-file 4) Farewell visits by HE the Governor, Sir Gerald H. Creasy K.C.M.G., K.C.V.D., O.B.E. 1954. Includes: newspaper cuttings, correspondence and programme; Sub-file 5) Centenaries 1954. Includes: newspaper cuttings, correspondence and a "History of HM Dockyard Police 1854-1954"

British Legion
ADC-12 · File · 1949-1965
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) British Legion 1949-1957. Includes: correspondence, survey of work, newspaper cuttings; Sub-file 2) Malta Relief Fund 1957-1959. Includes: correspondence; Sub-file 3) Application to visit State Rooms etc. 1961-1965. Includes: applications for employment, 1962 - Paul Gatt and Mr Carmello Farrugia, job references, Tourist Board correspondence re. tour groups etc. and cruise liner correspondence.

State functions
ADC-13 · File · 1954-1961
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) Applications for invitations to state functions 1954-1960. Includes correspondence; Sub-file 2) Small Parties - Small Dances etc. Includes Sub-sub-file 1) "Children's Parties", which includes: "Children's Party, Saturday 30th December 1961" - San Anton Palace staff list and list of police stationed there; "Children's Party, San Anton Palace, Thursday 31st December 1959" - San Anton Palace staff list and guestlist; "Children's Party, Sunday 2nd January 1955, Castille Place at 2pm" - guestlist and list of household and gardening staff; Sub-sub-file 2) "Cocktail Party, San Anton Palace, Wednesday 2nd August 1961 at 6.45pm". Includes: San Anton Palace cocktails, Wednesday 19th July 1961 at 6.45pm, list of Maltese civilians, Royal Navy guestlist, English civilians list and Army guestlist; Sub-sub-file 3) "Cocktail Party, San Anton Palace, Tuesday 11th July 1961 at 6.45pm". Includes: guestlist for Maltese citizens, Members of the Executive Council, "Her Majesty's Judges", Permanent Heads of Department, "Ex-Officio Members", list of consular officers of foreign countries residing in Malta, list of magistrates, "Maltese Nobility", English civilians, Royal Air Force guestlist and Army guestlist; Sub-sub-file 4) "Cocktail Party, San Anton Palace, Wednesday 19th July 1961 at 6.45pm." Includes: list of Maltese civilians, English civilians, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and Army; Sub-sub-file 5) "Cocktail Party - Valletta Palace, Friday 22nd July 1960 - His Eminence Cardinal Louis Joseph Muench, Papal Legate". Includes: guestlist; Sub-sub-file 6) "Cocktail Party, Thursday 7th April 1960, at 6.45pm at San Anton Palace". Includes: guestlist; Sub-sub-file 7) "Cocktail Party - to celebrate the occasion of the birth of the Royal Baby, Tuesday 23rd February 1960". Includes: guestlist and firing of the royal salute. * There are 25 other sub-sub-files for different parties and occasions included within this sub-file.

State Balls
ADC-14 · File · 1954-1962
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 2) "State Ball - Wednesday 11th April 1956". Includes: dress codes, car labels for parking permissions, official notices, repairs to be carried out (Public Works), "Bills - State Balls, 11th April 1956" - invoices and receipts; Sub-file 3) "Letters re. Invitations 1956"; Sub-file 4) "Correspondence - State Ball, Wednesday 11th April 1956; Sub-file 5) "State Ball, Monday 5th May 1958 at 10 o'clock - CANCELLED 31-3-58". Contains: guestlists, car lables for parking, correspondence etc.; Sub-file 6) "State Ball - Wednesday 6th June 1962. Contains: correspondence, guestlists, invitations, car labels for parking and repair cards for electric light repairs (Public Works).

ADC-15 · File · 1954-1969
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) The arrival and swearing-in ceremony of Sir Robert Edward Laycock 1954. Includes: traffic arrangements, car labels for parking, correspondence, schedule of arrangements, speeches, procedures, the Malta Government Gazette etc.; Sub-file 2) Departure of Sir Robert Laycock, 28th May 1959. Includes: invitation lists, instructions to Public Works, staff party guestlist, draft programme, correspondence and newspaper cuttings; Sub-file 3) Letters and messages of welcome - Sir Robert Laycock; Sub-file 4) Arrival of Admiral Sir Guy Grantham, 8th June 1969. Includes: letters and messages of welcome, invitations, traffic arrangements, guestlist and newspaper, hand drawn seating arrangement plan, draft procedure of arrival, newspaper cuttings, Malta Government Gazette, Governor's speech, hand drawn map etc.; Sub-file 5) Departure of Admiral Sir Guy Grantham, June 1962. Includes: invitations, instructions, notices, correspondence, list of staff wages [?].

Candlemas Ceremony
ADC-18 · File · 1958-1962
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

Sub-file 1) "Candlemas Ceremony, Tuesday 4th February 1958, 10.30 am". Includes: guestlist, list of locations, correspondence, list of parish priests, letters of thanks, newspaper cuttings, circular and 4 typescript copies of Sir Robert Laycock's speech; Sub-file 2) "Candlemas Ceremony, Tuesday 3rd February 1959, at 10.30 am". Includes: guestlist, list of locations, correspondence, list of parish priests, letters of thanks, newspaper cuttings, circular and 2 copies of Sir Robert Laycock's speech; Sub-file 3) "Candlemas Ceremony, Wednesday 3rd February 1960". Includes: invitation, newspaper cuttings, list of parish priests, guestlist, correspondence, list of locations, circular, and 3 copies of Sir Guy Grantham's speech; Sub-file 4) "Candlemas Ceremony, Friday 3rd February 1961". Includes: list of parish priests, receipts for candles, location list, circular, guestlist, Candlemas speech, newspaper cuttings, correspondence and 4 copies of Sir Guy Grantham's speech; Sub-file 5) "Candlemas Ceremony, Saturday 3rd February 1962". Includes: correspondence, newspaper cuttings, seating plan, guestlist and circulars.

Queen's Birthday Celebration
ADC-19 · File · 1957-1962
Part of Office of the Aide-de-Camp

6 sub-files, one for each birthday from 1957 to 1962. They contain: parking permits for the parade; guestlists; newspaper cuttings; programmes; joint service instructions; awards for military personnel; circulars; seating plans; spectator arrangements; photographs of the parade (1959); traffic control and marshalling instructions; assembly plan and parade diagrams etc.