Photos contain religious iconography, feast bands, group portraits, and 1 image includes Dom Mintoff viewing a religious banquet set-up.
This PDE consist of photographs taken by Mr. Harold Frederick Rodgers (born 1911, died1979) while stationed in Malta in 1938-1939. Rodgers joined the RAF in his late 20s and was a trained photographer, very often doing aerial photography.
103 B&W photographs in an album with annotations under every image.
Rodgers, Harold Frederick, 1911-1979The Collection consists of photographic prints, newspaper cutouts, hand-written notes, and short stories, etc, belonging to actor and play-write Karmenu Gruppetta (20 December 1922 - 20 February 1977). Collection donated by his niece, Sylvana Cassar. Gruppetta took part in theatre (shows such as Francis Ebejer's 'Hadd fuq ilBejt'), plays, TV programmes, and also took part in films filmed in Malta such as 'Pulp' (1972). The photos contain head shots, stage photos, childhood and family photos, etc. The collection also includes a portfolio of newspaper cut-outs, article mentions, scripts, etc.
Photographs taken by Alfred Camilleri and his brother(s). 44 positive prints and 20 negatives.
Subject of photographs: Funeral of Nerik Mizzi, Demonstartion in favour of Archbishop Gonzi, Maltese chaplain visiting Maltese soldiers in Germany, procession in Floriana, funeral in Floriana, Petrol Station, Malta Independence Day, Floriana Football Club in Gozo, and photographs of Floriana.
1 digital surrogate of printed photograph containing father of Henry Cachia (second from left, standing). Photo was taken during filming of 'Pulp' in Malta in 1972. Photo includes actor Michael Rooney (second from right). Photo includes distant views of Torri l-Ahmar, Mellieha.
The collection covers the period from the 1890s onwards following the advent of photography in Malta. Most of the records consist of photographic prints, some mounted on cardboard. In few cases the archive holds glass plates, negatives, or slides.
Department of InformationThis Subfonds contains records related to the works of Lorenzo Gatt (1857-1938). The collection includes material related to major infrastructural works such as drainage, electricity and railway works. It also includes received correspondence and drafts of sent correspondence.
Lorenzo GattThe Law Courts Miscellania is a fond containing loose documentation arising from the juridical activities of the various courts and tribunals operating in the Maltese islands during the Order of St John Period, from the arrival of the Order in Malta in 1530 to their departure in 1798. The cases heard before these courts provide valuable information about different aspects of general, commercial and military life in Malta. Most documentation in this collection is in Latin and Italian, but documentation in other languages such as Spanish, French, Arabic and Greek is occasionally included.
Consolato del MareCovering mainly the 1970s and 80s. Material consists of hand written or typed diaries, with published or photographic material attached.
Tony TerribileDocuments were held by the Rizzo-Marich family. They contain records related to the V. Marich and Co. business which was located at 44, Strada Teatro, Valletta. The depositors: Doreen Curmi and Louise Zammit La Rosa are the grand daughters of the last owner of the business: Arthur Rizzo Marich.
Messrs V. Marich and Co. were of of the oldest manufacturers of hand-made cigarettes as well as cigar and tobacco merchants, exporting tobacco products to severakl countires. The business was not just a shop but also a smoking divan and a popular rendevouz point for Maltese gentry, naval and military senior officers.
This Fonds contains several Series of records that channeled through all departmental, consular, ecclesiastical, and individual correspondence, and all naval and military correspondence concerning civil matters.
In this Fonds, one may also find: Bills of health, personal passports, and certificates of competency to master mariners, mates and padroni. Acts of naturalization and letters patent of denization to aliens. Warrants to act as advocate, notary, physician, broker, land surveyor, etc. Licenses to deal in marine stores, to act as auctioneer, to keep schools, to exercise the art of goldsmith, etc.
The Chief Secretary’s office also kept records of licenses granted by the Governor, for marriages performed in non-Catholic churches. After the 1921 Constitution all work dealing with purely local matters was taken over by the Maltese Government. The Maltese Imperial government dealt only with ‘matters reserved to the Crown’.
Malta. Chief Secretary to GovernmentThis Fond is dedicated to Private Deposits made by the general public at the National Archives of Malta. Each private deposit is given a unique identifier and catalogued in a separate archival description. The Archival Descriptions related to this Fond can be found under related descriptions.
Several Private Deposits by George Azzopardi. Some of these accessions are at the Central Archive while other are at the Gozo Archive.