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PDE_0076-02-0001 · Item · 1880-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

On the front of the picture there is a small sepia image of St Benedict of Nursia receiving the Holy Eucharist. This four-pager picture in colour was published by the Società Litoleografica S. Giuseppe of Modena to commemorate the fourteenth centenary of the death of the saint. The picture includes an Orazione al gl. Patriarca San Benedetto and Predizioni fatte da Dio per mezzo di un Angelo al SS. P. Benedetto. At the back there is the signature of Carlo C. Zammit with the date 25 December 1889.

PDE_0076-02-0002 · Item · 1880-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The floral picture carries a photo of Our Lady of Pompei, also known as Our Lady of the Rosary. The middle pages contain a prayer as well as Le 15 Promesse di Maria ai Devoti del Santo Rosario (1) and I Due Prodigi nell'Ora della Supplica 8 Maggio ed 11 Ottobre 1885. On the second page there is a hand-written note reading Ricordi Gino Xuereb a di 11 Giugno 1892.

PDE_0076-02-0003 · Item · 1887-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The picture shows Pope Leo XIII sitting on his throne surrounded by other pictures relevant to his life (clockwise): St Thomas Aquinas as this Pope introduced the revival of Thomistic theology when in 1879 he established the Pontifical Academy of St Thomas Aquinas; his papal insignia being carried by two cherubins; Our Lady of the Rosary since he favoured great devotion to this prayer and became known as the Pope of the Rosary; an archangel probably Michael to whom Pope Leo wrote a prayer; the Lateran apse as it was during his pontificate that it was renewed; a drawing depicting his sacerdotal consecration, the Pontifical Lazzaretto as during the fifth cholera epidemic in Rome in 1891 he ordered the building of a hospice in the Vatican for all those affected; and a picture of a nun with the Holy Eucharist in her hand since Pope Leo XIII wrote several encyclicals about the Eucharist.

PDE_0076-02-0005 · Item · 1889-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

A sepia image of the Blessed Virgin Mary surrounded with children is affixed onto the colourful floral picture. The twelve stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary representing the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the Bible surround the image. In the Catholic tradition, the circle of the twelve stars are also identified with the Immaculate Conception. At the backThe floral pictures carries an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary surrounded with children. The twelve stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary representing the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the Bible surround the image. At the back of this picture, one finds the "Preghiera al Sacro Cuore di Maria." An Indulgence is also given to whoever recites this prayer once daily. This picture was published by the Società Litolografica S. Giuseppe of Modena.

PDE_0076-02-0007 · Item · 1895-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The floral picture printed by the Società Litoleografica S. Giuseppe of Modena has an oval sepia picture of St Paul affixed to it. At the back there is printed an Antiphon and a prayer "Oremus", both in Latin. An indulgence is rewarded to whoever recites the Antiphon.

PDE_0076-02-0009 · Item · 1896-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image carries a picture of Pope Leo XIII as a young priest and depicts his first Holy Communion. Besides it also shows a Rosary beads since he is known as the Pope of the Rosary and his tiara with his insigna, with a Biblical quote written on top 'Tibi dabo claves regni coelorum' meaning "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven" found in the Gospel of Matthew 16: 15-19. At the back, there is a prayer "Esultiamo col Papa e Preghiamo per il Papa" and a very short biography of Leo XIII. This picture was published by the Società Litoleografica S. Giuseppe of Modena.