The image on the front shows a picture of the Apostle St Paul. Overleaf, one reads the memento to commemorate the saving of lives from the destruction of the cupola of the Church of St Paul in Rabat in November 1924 and the rebuilding of the same on 10 October 1926.
The colourful image is a painting of of the Italian saint, Gaetan having the grace of receiving from the Blessed Virgin Mary the Child Jesus into his arms on Christmas Day. He started an order of priests called the Theatines Clerks Regular to lead by example in a time when corruption was thrife in the Church. Overleaf, one finds two prayers dedicated to the saint to receive providential graces.
The image depicts the Domenican St Martin de Porres (+1639), the Peruvian lay brother of the Domenican Order. Born in Lima in 1579, Martin was the illegitimate son to a Spanish gentlemen and a freed slave from Panama, of African or possibly Native American descent. At a young age, Martin's father abandoned him, his mother and his younger sister, leaving Martin to grow up in deep poverty. After spending just two years in primary school, Martin was placed with a barber/surgeon where he would learn to cut hair and the medical arts. In fact, when he grew older, he took great care of the sick and needy. This is why he is the patron saint of mixed races, barbers, public health workers and innkeepers. His feast day is on the 3 November. The image commemorates the celebration by all barbers who gathered in the church dedicated to Jesus Nazarene in Sliema on his feastday.
The sepia coloured image depicts the receiving of the Holy Eucharist. Underneath the picture is a Biblical quote from the Magnificat "My Soul magnifies the Lord" and another quote "May You be blessed by the Lord God, the maker of all great things." At the back one finds typewritten a note in French commemorating the First Holy Communion of Gaston Aquilina in Sfax (Tunisia) on 10 April (year is illegible). At the bottom there are written in pencil the years 1828/1928.
The black and white original photograph shows the decorated altar dedicated to the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel to be found at St Catherine's Church in Alexandria, Egypt. This altar was built by Maltese migrants in Egypt. Overleaf, a rubber stamp states that this photo forms part of a collection pertaining to Karmen Mikallef-Buhagar.
The image depicts Christ as the Good Shepherd, holding the lamb in His hands. The image is a memento commemorating the first centenary of the founding of the Good Shepherd Institute and Convent in Balzan. At the back, one finds a prayer dedicated to Christ the Good Shepherd.
This is the back of the previous picture, having the same border and size. It relates the devotion towards the Way of the Cross.
The coloured, round-topped picture, with an embroidered border depicts the Crucifixion. At the back, one finds a handwritten dedication in black ink reading "All'Egregia Donzella Terezina Strickland il P.N.T.___ Roma Agosto 1870, Memento mio. At the end there is a doodle.
The black and white picture with an affixed sepia photo is a memento of St Pope Pius IX. Attached to it is a piece of the Saint's robe as a relic. Underneath the photo, there is a prayer in Latin whereas at the back there is quoted "Un Fiore alla Vergine Immacolata. Offerta di 50 centesimi per promuovere le feste giubilari della definizione del Dogma del Suo Immacolato Concepimento."
A photocopy of the the black and white picture with a sepia photo is a memento of St Pope Pius IX. Attached to it is a piece of the Saint's robe as a relic.
The yellow, rectangular image depicts the Holy Eucharist with two angels in adoration. It is an invitation by Fr Ignaz Sagerer from the Order of the Brothers of Mercy for mass at the Monastery Church of Straubing in Bavaria (Germany). Overleaf one finds an (illegible) note written in pencil.
On the front of the picture there is a small sepia image of St Benedict of Nursia receiving the Holy Eucharist. This four-pager picture in colour was published by the Società Litoleografica S. Giuseppe of Modena to commemorate the fourteenth centenary of the death of the saint. The picture includes an Orazione al gl. Patriarca San Benedetto and Predizioni fatte da Dio per mezzo di un Angelo al SS. P. Benedetto. At the back there is the signature of Carlo C. Zammit with the date 25 December 1889.
The floral picture carries a photo of Our Lady of Pompei, also known as Our Lady of the Rosary. The middle pages contain a prayer as well as Le 15 Promesse di Maria ai Devoti del Santo Rosario (1) and I Due Prodigi nell'Ora della Supplica 8 Maggio ed 11 Ottobre 1885. On the second page there is a hand-written note reading Ricordi Gino Xuereb a di 11 Giugno 1892.
The sepia-coloured image with a touch of gold depicts the Italian St. Angela Merici, who founded the Company of St. Ursula in 1535 in Brescia, in which women dedicated their lives to the service of the Church through the education of girls. In the same year, Merici founded the Congregation of the Ursoline Sisters, who up till this very day, take care of orphans, abandoned children and childrens with problems at their home. In this image, the saint is seen surrounded with white lilies, symbolising purity and a host of angels in heaven surrounding the image of St Ursola. The picture is a memento of the celebrations held in Malta on the fiftieth anniversary of the canonical erection of the Company of St Ursola founded in Malta by the issuance of a decree by Bishop X. Xicluna on 30 May 1884. The Company of St Ursola was approved by Pope Paul II through the issuance of a Bull on 9 June 1544.
The prayer on the front of this colourful image translates "May the Body of Christ protect your soul to eternal life" - the prayer recited by the priest during Mass before receiving Holy Communion. The Lamb of God is shown resting on the Word of God, the Bible. It is a memento of the twenty-fifth anniversary since the ordination as Parish Priest of Fr Leopoldu Farrugia of Zabbar. There is also a prayer of benediction at the end.
The picture shows St Augustine being baptised by St Ambrose. St Monica, Augustine's mother who became an Augustinian nun, is also depicted. At the back, there is a prayer to St Augustine.
The picture shows Pope Leo XIII sitting on his throne surrounded by other pictures relevant to his life (clockwise): St Thomas Aquinas as this Pope introduced the revival of Thomistic theology when in 1879 he established the Pontifical Academy of St Thomas Aquinas; his papal insignia being carried by two cherubins; Our Lady of the Rosary since he favoured great devotion to this prayer and became known as the Pope of the Rosary; an archangel probably Michael to whom Pope Leo wrote a prayer; the Lateran apse as it was during his pontificate that it was renewed; a drawing depicting his sacerdotal consecration, the Pontifical Lazzaretto as during the fifth cholera epidemic in Rome in 1891 he ordered the building of a hospice in the Vatican for all those affected; and a picture of a nun with the Holy Eucharist in her hand since Pope Leo XIII wrote several encyclicals about the Eucharist.
A sepia image of the Blessed Virgin Mary surrounded with children is affixed onto the colourful floral picture. The twelve stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary representing the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the Bible surround the image. In the Catholic tradition, the circle of the twelve stars are also identified with the Immaculate Conception. At the backThe floral pictures carries an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary surrounded with children. The twelve stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary representing the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the Bible surround the image. At the back of this picture, one finds the "Preghiera al Sacro Cuore di Maria." An Indulgence is also given to whoever recites this prayer once daily. This picture was published by the Società Litolografica S. Giuseppe of Modena.
The colourful guilded image shows a young S. Aloysius de Gonzaga. At the back, one finds the reason why this picture was published - Divoto Ricordo del Triduo Solenne celebrato ad onore dell'Angelico Giovane S. LUIGI GONZAGA chierico della Compagnia di Gesù. Ricorrendo il terzo centinario della sua preziosa morte a cura dei chierici Maltesi nella chiesa del Pilar il dì 26, 27, 28 giugno 1891. At the bottom there is a handwritten date in black ink - 4/6/94.
The picture depicts a portrait of Pope Leo XIII with the Episcopal regalia on top. At the back one finds "Cenni sulla Vita del Regnante Pontefice Leone XIII."