Contains- neswspaper cuttings in Maltese and English
Sub-file 1) Visit of HRH the Duke of Gloucester 1944-1962. Includes: newspaper cuttings, newspapers, seating plans, guestlist, and 5 sub-sub-files, one for a different visit or dinner. These contain: copy signals, messages, secret messages, secret cypher messages, telegrams, programmes, correspondence, the Duke's speeches, invitations, Christmas menu, dinner menus etc.; Sub-file 2) "Visit of HM King George VI, 20th June 1943". Contains: seating plans, newspapers and a menu; Sub-file 3) "Visit of Mr F.D. Roosevelt (Presentation of the "Scroll" to Malta) 8th December 1943". Contains: newspaper; Sub-file 4) Visit of Winston Churchill 1943. Contains: list of previous visits and a newspaper extract; Sub-file 5) Visit of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh 1952. Contains: luncheon seating plan, departure arrangements, newspaper clippings, newspapers, messages, arrival and departure, confidential notices, memorandum, labels for cars, various notices of arrangements etc.