The image depicts the investitute of St Claire of Assisi as a nun. Overleaf, one finds a prayer by St Francis of Assisi. This image is a souvenir of the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of the Poor Clares in Malta.
On the front of the picture there is a small sepia image of St Benedict of Nursia receiving the Holy Eucharist. This four-pager picture in colour was published by the Società Litoleografica S. Giuseppe of Modena to commemorate the fourteenth centenary of the death of the saint. The picture includes an Orazione al gl. Patriarca San Benedetto and Predizioni fatte da Dio per mezzo di un Angelo al SS. P. Benedetto. At the back there is the signature of Carlo C. Zammit with the date 25 December 1889.
The dark coloured image is a famous painting of The Virgin mary by the Italian Giovanni Sassoferrato (+1685). Underneath the painting there is a phrase from the Marian prayer "Hail Holy Queen" - "Our life, our sweetness and our hope." The image is a memento of the Marian Congregation of Our Lady of Sorrows at the Archbishop's Seminary in Malta. Overleaf, one finds a list of members comprising of the Director, 5 dignitaries, 28 professed and 9 aspirants.
The sepia-coloured image with a guilded border depicts a painting of the first Easter morning, when the women went to Jesus’ tomb and the angels asked them "Why do you seek the living with the dead?" (Lk. 24:5) This refers to the Resurrection of Christ. Overleaf, at the top, one finds the emblem of the St Paul's Maltese Parish in Detroit Michigan and below, a mass and confession itinerary for Sundays and week days. Further down, there is the name of the Pastor, the Maltese Fr Michael L. Borg, together with his address. At the very end, one finds a small prayer in Maltese to the Resurrected Christ.
This parchment image has a sepia photo of Madonna and Child stuck onto it at the front with guilded decorations at the side. Underneath it, there is writtenin black ink Christmas wishes. overleaf, at the bottom, it is signed in ink "from L.C.Mz. Casa Leone XIII, Xmas 1919."
The black and white image is a photo of a painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary found at the Church of St Dominic (Porto Salvo) in Valletta. It is a memento of the solemn consecration of this Parish to the Sacred Heart of Mary on the feast of the Immaculate Conception. At the end there are two dates, most probably when the celebrations were held - on the 4th of Decemebr by children and youngsters while on the 8th December, the feast day, by adults.
The black and white image is a photo of the crowned titular painting of Our Lady of Mount Carmel found at the Valletta Basilica. This was crowned on 15 July 1881. The painting, by an unknown artist, depicts Our Lady who in Her left arm is holding the Child Jesus, while with Her right arm is giving the Holy Scapular to St Simon Stock standing by her right side. To her left, there is depicted St Agatha. In the lower part of the painting are depicted the souls in purgatory. This image is a memento commemorating the Marian Week celebrated at the Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Valletta.
The sepia-coloured image is a photo of the newly crowned effigy of Our Lady of Good Health venerated at the Church of St Francis in Rabat. It was crowned by the Archbishop of Malta Mgr Michael Gonzi.
The pale-coloured image depicts a woman sitting on a rock teaching a young girl. Since the two persons have a halo around their head, they could represent the Child Virgin Mary and Her mother St Anne. This image is a memento of the twentyfifth anniversary from the setting up of the Society to teach the Christian Doctrine in Malta and Gozo.
The black and white image depicts a circle containing the Virgin Mary at the altar with the Holy Eucharist on the front and two angels at the side holding lit candles as a sign of veneration. The image is a memento of the 24th Eucharistic Congress held in Australia. Overleaf one finds a prayer for the success of this Congress. An indulgence is linked to this prayer.
The sepia-coloured image shows a statue in a niche of the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus on Her lap. At the foot of the statue there is the symbol of the Holy Eucharist over the chalice. At the back, there is a prayer as a memento of the Thirtieth International Eucharistic Congress held in Carthage in Tunisia and below, a list of indulgences limked to this celebration.
The black and white image shows a statue in a niche of the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus on Her lap. At the foot of the statue there is the symbol of the Holy Eucharist over the chalice. At the back, there is a prayer for the success of the Thirtieth International Eucharistic Congress to be held in Carthage in Tunisia and below, a list of indulgences limked to this celebration. At the end of the prayer St Pascal Baylon is mentioned. This is because Pope Leo XIII declared St. Pascal the special heavenly protector of all Eucharistic Congresses.
The sepia-coloured picture depicts Jesus Christ and the Holy Eucharist with two angels on His side, holding the globe in their hands. It is a memento of the 34th International Eucharistic Congress held in Hungary. Overleaf, one finds a prayer in italics.