The dark coloured image is a famous painting of The Virgin mary by the Italian Giovanni Sassoferrato (+1685). Underneath the painting there is a phrase from the Marian prayer "Hail Holy Queen" - "Our life, our sweetness and our hope." The image is a memento of the Marian Congregation of Our Lady of Sorrows at the Archbishop's Seminary in Malta. Overleaf, one finds a list of members comprising of the Director, 5 dignitaries, 28 professed and 9 aspirants.
Sub-file 1) Visits to villages by HE the Governor 1944-1946. Includes: newspaper cuttings and Sub-sub-file 1) (HE/9/5): "HE's Visits and Inspections" which contains itineraries, correspondence etc.; Sub-file 2) Visits of V.I.P's (1947-1950) [MISSING]; Sub-file 3) Visits of Institutes 1931-1940. Includes: lists of parish priests and lists of visits (including Lady Campbell's)
Sub-file 1) "Christmas and New Year Messages 1958-1959". Includes: Christmas messages and a newspaper cutting.
Sub-file 1) "Visits to Units of the Services" 1960-1961. Includes: 8 sub-sub-files, one for each visit for each year between 1952 and 1960. They contain: programmes for HE the Governor's visit, military-related notices and instructions and correspondence and newspaper cuttings; Sub-file 2) "Sir Gerald Creasy - Government and other Departments and Hospitals" 1950-1957. Contains: 7 sub-sub-files - 1 for visits, 1 for correspondence and 5 for each year between 1950 and 1954. They contain: Lady Laycock's visits to hospitals including Santo Spirito and St Luke's in 1954 (newspaper cuttings), newspaper cuttings and correspondence; Sub-file 3) "Factories - Visits to" 1950-1955. Includes: 7 sub-sub-files - 1 for each year between 1950 and 1955, and 1 entitled "Correspondence - Factories". They contain: correspondence and newspaper cuttings; Sub-file 4) "Schools - Visits to" 1950-1955. Contains: 2 sub-sub-files - "Correspondence - Schools" and "Visits to Schools 1955", which includes 4 sub-sub-sub-files - 1 for each year between 1950 and 1953/54. Mostly newspaper cuttings.