A continuation of the handwritten story written by Gruppetta, titled “Linda Capricciosa ta’ [?]”, about a young woman, Linda, and her friends Silvio and Gorg
A continuation of the handwritten story written by Gruppetta, titled “Linda Capricciosa ta’ [?]”, about a young woman, Linda, and her friends Silvio and Gorg
A handwritten story, written by Gruppetta. It is the continuation of the story titled “Diana, Susan t’ Għajnejha ħodor”. The story continues after an incident happened to Susan.
A handwritten diary entry by Karmenu Gruppetta describing the events that took place after his wedding in 1946.
A handwritten story written by Gruppetta, titled “Rafel Rapa”, in which he describes this man and details an argument between him and a woman.
A handwritten story by Karmenu Gruppetta titled “Vendetta”. It is a story about a woman, Suzanne, that went to live abroad in England with her young daughter Alice. Her mother was in a car accident and died and Alice went back to Malta to find her estran
A handwritten story by Karmenu Gruppetta titled “Żuża u Karmenu”. It is about an elderly couple, Karmenu and Żuża, their youth and their lives together (possibly an auto-biographical story written in the third-person)
A horse-drawn cart carrying a coffin during a funeral procession