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Calicem Salutaris
PDE_0076-02-0576 · Item · 1967-04-26
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The pale-coloured image depicts the Crucified Christ with the dove signifying the Holy Spirit over His head. Beneath this, a pair of hands belonging to a priest hold high a chalice surrounded by white lilies, decorated with vines and grapes, symbols of the wine in the chalice, the Blood of Christ. Overleaf, at the top, one finds a prayer, followed by the memento commemorating the Eucharistic Day held at the Sliema Primary Schools.

PDE_0076-02-0102 · Item · 1924-06-15
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The pastel coloured image depicts an angel adoring the Holy Eucharist in a sphere. Underneath, there is aquote from the Latin Vulgate Bible of Psalm 115:4 meaning " I will take the chalice of salvation; and I will call upon the name of the Lord." The image is a memento by the Knights, Pages and Servants of the Blessed Sacrament commemorating the display of the miraculous arm of St Francis Xavier at St John's Co-Cathedral.

PDE_0076-02-0197 · Item · 1934-09-30
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image shows a picture of he sacred Heart of Jesus in a medalion and at the bottom there is a verse from the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, translating "Sacred Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of charity." This image is a memento of the solemn consecration of St Julians to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Overleaf, at the top of the image, there is written in pencil '133.'

Card. Giuseppe Beran
PDE_0076-02-0604 · Item · 1969-05-17
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The black and white photograph is a death memento of Cardinal Josef Beran, Archbishop of Prague who died while in Rome. Cardinal Beran was a Czech Roman Catholic prelate who served as the Archbishop of Prague from 1946 until his death. Beran was imprisoned in the Dachau concentration camp during World War II after the Nazis had targeted him for "subversive and dangerous" behavior where he almost died in 1943 due to disease. He was freed in 1945 upon Allied liberation and Pope Pius XII nominated him to head the Prague archdiocese. But the introduction of the Communist regime saw him imprisoned and placed under house arrest. He was released in 1963, on condition that he could not perform his episcopal duties and he was later exiled to Rome in 1965 as part of a coordinated deal between the Church and Government. His cause for canonization opened in 1998 and he became titled as a Servant of God.

Caro mea vere est cibus
PDE_0076-02-0095 · Item · 1923-06-30
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia coloured image shows Christ distributing the Holy Eucharist. At the back one finds a memento for the laying of the foundation stone of the Church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Paola on the eve of the feast at the Paola Parish.

PDE_0076-02-0446 · Item · 1856
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image depicts the most famous picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1760 the Italian Pompeo Batoni (+1787) realised this painting that was placed in a Chapel in the Jesuit Church of the Gesù in Rome. This work became the official image for the popular devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was inspired by the apparition of Jesus, under the title of the Sacred Heart, to St Margaret Mary Alacoque (+1690). it is a memento commemorating the first centary since the feast of the Sacred heart of Jesus started being celebrated. Overleaf, one can find a prayer of petition.

PDE_0076-02-0025 · Item · 1900-05-27
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia image stuck to parchment carries an image of St Jean-François-Régis Clet (1748-1820), a French missionary who died a martyr in China. He was canonised in the year 2000. Underneath the image one can find a quoatation from the Office of the Martyrs. Overleaf, one finds the following "Souvenir de la Beatification de François-Régis Clet, 27 May 1900" and bears the signature in black ink of Sac. Carmelo Camilleri o.f.m., Ritiro 1916.

Christ knocking the Door
PDE_0076-02-0570 · Item · 1965-07-14
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image depicts Jesus Christ knocking at the door, as found in the Book of Revelation: "Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone listens to my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eat with me." (Rev . 3: 20). It is a memento commenorating the twenty-fifth anniversary since the daily Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament started being held at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Zejtun.

Christ the Good Shepherd
PDE_0076-02-0297 · Item · 1947-06-15
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The pale-coloured image depicts Christ as the Good Shepherd. It is a memento of the celebration of the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Ghaxaq as well as the tenth anniversary from the consecration of the Parish. Below, one finds a prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Christ the Good Shepherd
PDE_0076-02-0574 · Item · 1967-04-09
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The black and white image depicts Christ as the Good Shepherd. It is a memento of the consecration of Mgr. Bishop Nikol Cauchi as Bishop of Gozo. Overleaf, one finds a prayer for his protection.

Christ the Good Shepherd
PDE_0076-02-0294 · Item · 1947-05-11
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The classic picture depicts Christ as knocking on the door to enter. This echoes the Biblical quotation in the Book of Revelation 3: 20 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." The image is a memento of the General Holy Communion celebrated on the feast day of St Gregory in the Parish dedicated to him in Sliema. This image was offered as a gift as at the top of the image there is written in red ink "From Monica."

Christ the Good Shepherd
PDE_0076-02-0564 · Item · 1965
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The colourful image depicts Christ as the Good Shepherd. It is a memento commemorating the departure to the missions in India of three Jesuit priests - Bro. Raymond Azzopardi, Bro. George Camilleri and Bro. Louis Sant. Another Jesuit, Bro Dennis Agius, left for Lebanon.

Christ the Good Shepherd
PDE_0076-02-0591 · Item · 1968-02-11
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image depicts Christ as the Good Shephard in an arched frame. Underneath there are some pink roses decorating the remainder of the page. Overleaf, at the top, one finds a quote from the Gospel of John 21:17 - "Do you love me? Feed my sheep." It is a memento commemorating the installation of Dun Guzepp Mifsud Bonnici (Fr Joseph Mifsud Bonnici) as Parish Priest of theImmaculate Conception church in Hamrun.

Christ the Good Shepherd
PDE_0076-02-0475 · Item · 1858-09-22
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image depicts Christ as the Good Shepherd, holding the lamb in His hands. The image is a memento commemorating the first centenary of the founding of the Good Shepherd Institute and Convent in Balzan. At the back, one finds a prayer dedicated to Christ the Good Shepherd.

Christ the Good Shepherd
PDE_0076-02-0563 · Item · 1940
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The black and white image depicts Christ as the Good Shepherd. It is a memento commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Dockyard Workmen's Fund. Overleaf, one finds four different quotes from from the Gosepl of Mattherw 25: 40, Psalm 41: 1, the Book of Proverbs 19: 17 and from the Old Testament - Deuteronomy 15: 10. All five quotes speak of the poor.

Christ the King
PDE_0076-02-0430 · Item · 1955-07-17
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image depicts Christ the King and it is a memento commemorating the inauguration of the main altar at the Parish of Christ the King in Paola by the then Parish Priest Fr Francis Xuereb.

PDE_0076-02-0361 · Item · 1952-04-27
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image depicts Jesus Christ during the Last Supper with His beloved Apostle St John resting his head on his Master's chest. Above, three angelsare watching. This image is a memento commemorating the ordination to the priesthood of Fr Giusep Mercieca. The memento states that this celebration was held at the foot of St George the Martyr and so it was held in St George's Basilica in Victoria, Gozo.