The sepia coloured image depicts the 22 martyrs of Uganda on their knees praying to the Holy Trinity, depicted in a triangle. The image has a guilded frame. Interesting to note is the stamp on the left hand side of the image, giving details of the owner of this image: Sac. Vincenzo Vella, Chaplain at the Santo Spirito Hospital in Rabat. Overleaf, one finds the story of the martyrdom of these 22 White Friars, declated Blessed by Pope Benedict XV in 1886.
This image shows the sideways bust of Pope Benedict XV in a guidled circle, surronded by 17 guilded stars, resting on two long guilded flowers. Underneath his bust, one finds his insigna and at the very bottom, there is a photo in black and white of the Basilica of St Peter's in Rome. All decorations and images are embossed.
The black and white image in four pages shows a portrait of Fr Valentin Scaaf OFM, the first American Prior General of the Franciscan Minors Friars. Beneath the portriat on the second page, one finds the most important dates in his life - date of birth, entering the Order, ordained priest, elected Prior General and his death. This image is a memento of the requiem mass held by both Franciscans and Domenicans at the Church of St Dominic (Porto Salvo) in Valletta following his demise. On the last page, at the back, one finds a black and white image of the Dominican Order coat of arms. Interesting to note that although Fr Schaaf was Prior General of the Franciscans, yet the Dominicans joined in this celebration. This because both Orders were founded in the same era, i.e. in the first half of the thirteenth century.
The pale coloured image shows Jesus Christ carrying the Cross on His shoulder. This is a memento commemorating the Golden Jubilee (fiftieth anniversary) of the Ordination to the Priesthood of Bishop Joseph Pace, Bishop for Gozo.
The sepia-coloured image is a reproduction of the crowned miraculous titular painting of Our Lady of Mount Carmel found at the Valletta Basilica. This was crowned on 15 July 1881. The painting, by an unknown artist, depicts Our Lady who in Her left arm is holding the Child Jesus, while with Her right she is holding the cloak of St Simon Stock standing by her right side. To her left, there is depicted St Agatha. In the lower part of the painting are depicted the souls in purgatory. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St Simon Stock (+1265) on 16th July, 1251 with a Scapular in Her hand and told him that whoever wore this brown scapular was sure to be saved on his death bed and receive a special protection from the Blessed Virgin. Overleaf, at the top, one finds the Carmelite coat of arms and below a memento commemorating the consecration of Mgr. Redent M. Gauci O.Carm. at St John's Co-Cathedral in Valletta as Bishop of Ida in the Mauretania and Prelate at Chuquibamba in Peru.
The image, printed in blue ink, carries a portrait of the Spanish missionary, the Blessed Anthony Mary Claret (+1870) who was the founder of the Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary known as C.M.F. The 8-page memento is a short biography of the Saint. At the end, there is a short prayer dedicated to this new Saint.
The image depicts Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It is a memento commemorating the official opening of the St Mary Magdalene dei Pazzi Home by the Carmelite tertiaries in St Julians (Balluta). St Mary Magdalene de Pazzi was a Florentine Carmelite mystic (+1607).
The image depicts in mosaic a chalice with water gushing out in the form of a fountain and doves drinking from it. This image is a memento commemorating the celebration of the First Wednesday dedicated to the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel at the Valletta Basilica. The celebrant was the newly ordained Capuchin friar Fr Lino Dalli OFM Cap.
The image depicts Christ the Shepherd. At the bottom of the image, one finds the axiom Good Shepherd. True Bread. Christ our Mercy. This image is a memento commemorating the Spiritual Exercises for Young Men held by the Catholic Action St Julians Branch. Overleaf, one finds three maxims. At the bottom, hand written in pencil there is the name of Josephine Micallef.
The image on a blue background depicts the chalice and host - the Holy Eucharist. On the white cross one finds the symbols JHS, the Latin acronym meaning Jesus Hominum Salvator (Latin: Jesus Saviour of Mankind). The golden chalice contains the 'ICHTHYS' (fish) symbol relating to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is our Saviour. The chalice is also adorned with grain, the Bread of Christ. At the bottom of the image, one finds "Bread of the Strong" referring to the Holy Eucharist. This image is a memento commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Episcopate and the sixtieth anniversary to the Priestly Ordination of Archbishop Michael Gonzi, Archbishop of Malta.
The image depicts the Child Jesus with His arms wide open, as if calculating the breadth (width) of His love, as found in the saying beneath. Overleaf, there is type written "Souvenir of the Spiritual Exercises held at Fawwara."
The small handmade, parchment bookmark has affixed to it a small image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Around this picture, little flowers and leaves have been hand painted. Below is a small box wherein there is written the number of prayers and sacrifices done by a certain Lucia Ninette. At the back one finds a pink silk ribbon passing through the image.
On the front of this image, one finds a picture of St Claire of Assisi giving her blessing. The middle pages show in a landscape format the religious calendar for the year 1958. In the middle, one finds the address pertaining to St Claire's monastery in Rome. At the back, one finds a a small prayer of benediction. At the very end, one finds a note stating that whoever wants information can contact the Abbess at the Monastery.