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MT NAM LCM-011-21 · Item · 10/10/1579
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

Salvo Camilleri rejects the claims made against him by Annibale de Vual, claiming that the court was not competent to oversee the dispute and that the witnesses summoned by Vual produced discordant testimonies. Salvo was being accused of fraudulently selling low--quality wine.

Magna Curia Castellania
MT NAM LCM-010-69 · Item · 22/05/1598
Part of Law Courts Miscellaneous

Antonius Damaschino as substitute procurator of Fra Balthasar Imperator, commendatore of the Order, himself the principal procurator of Camillo Amor, Baron of Bubutelli is given possession over some belongings of Antonius de Guevara who owed 47 uncia to the Baron. The property consisted in a slave called Margerita 'di color chiuchiana'.

Magna Curia Castellania
MT NAM PMA-0051JV-01-01 · File · 13/12/2002
Part of Public Memory Archive

Joseph gave a general background about his childhood and described rural life in the past. He described the Pitkalija and agricultural life. Joseph recounted the introduction of modern machinery to farming and how useful they were however, modern farmers now face new problems such as new diseases.