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PDE_0076-02-0051 · Item · 1913-01-03
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The pale-coloured painted picture is a memento of the International Eucharistic Congress held in Malta in April 1913. It depicts the chalice and host, symbols of the Holy Eucharist, surrounded by various flora. At the back there is printed a prayer written by Cardinal Alfonso Capecelatru (+1912) some time before he passed away. An Indulgence is also given when this prayer is recited.

PDE_0076-02-0289 · Item · 1945-02-03
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The small card with the emblem carrying the Maltese flag is a membership card in the Alexandria Maltse Youth Association pertaining to Miss Karmen Mikallef Buhagar. her membership number was No. 152, quoted on the right hand side top corner of the card. Overleaf, there is a rubber stamo of the Association, the date and a signature with the surname Grech.

PDE_0076-02-0421 · Item · 1854
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The black and white original photograph shows the decorated altar dedicated to the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel to be found at St Catherine's Church in Alexandria, Egypt. This altar was built by Maltese migrants in Egypt. Overleaf, a rubber stamp states that this photo forms part of a collection pertaining to Karmen Mikallef-Buhagar.

Anno Domini 1951
PDE_0076-02-0358 · Item · 1951-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The quite unusual format of this calendar is made up of three inserts, with four pages each. On the first insert, one finds depicted the Baby Jesus sleeping on a bed with little angels around Him and on the back is a picture of two angels by the seaside, who have built a sand mount and the Child Jesus is placing a Cross at the summit. On the inside, one finds Christmas Greetings from the Jesus of Nazareth Institute of Zejtun to all friends and benefactors. On the right hand side of these greeting one finds a quote from the Roman Breviary for all deceased benefactors. The second insert contains one finds a religious calendar for the months of January, February and March on the front page and the months of October, November, December at the back. The middle pages of this insert depict a young Christ the Shepherd entering someone's property while on the right hand side a small girl, accompanied by two others, is placing flowers infront of an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in a mountainous region. The third and last insert contains the religious calendar for the remaining months, i.e. April, May and June on the front page and July, August and September on the back page. In the middle pages, one finds one whole landscape painting depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus on Her lap tending sheep and poultry with a church in the background. The calendar pages are in black and white and at the top are adorned with the sacrificial Lamb of God (Agnus Dei), symbol of the Crucified Christ with blood gushing out from its side. There are also printed the letters Alpha and Omega - the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet meaning the beginning and the end, referred to by Jesus Christ and found in the Book of Revelation 1: 8. There is also written in Latin under these two symbols "Ego-sum-Via-Veritas-et-Vita" meaning "I am the way, the truth and the life" - words preached by Jesus Christ and found in the Gospel of John 14: 6. At the bottom of all calendar pages, one finds small boxes with flowers. All these three inserts are held together with a cotton ribbon and when opened in the right way, they form a whole systematic calendar of the year 1951.

Anno Domini 1954
PDE_0076-02-0415 · Item · 1954-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The quite unusual format of this calendar is made up of three inserts, with four pages each. On the first insert, one finds depicted the Baby Jesus sleeping in the manger with St Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary on His side as well as two little angels adoring Him and on the back is a picture known as the Blessed Virgin Mary: Spouse of the Holy Spirit. On the inside, one finds Christmas Greetings from the Jesus of Nazareth Institute of Zejtun to all friends and benefactors. On the right hand side of these greeting one finds a quote from the Roman Breviary for all deceased benefactors. The second insert contains a religious calendar for the months of January, February and March on the front page and the months of October, November, December at the back. The middle pages of this insert depict a young Christ with St Joseph while on the right hand side a sleeping small child with the guardian angel watching over her. The third and last insert contains the religious calendar for the remaining months, i.e. April, May and June on the front page and July, August and September on the back page. In the middle pages, one finds one whole landscape painting depicting Christ walking on a wooden bridge. Theologically explained, this image reflects Jesus Christ as the bridge between man and God the Father.
St. Catherine of Siena in the 14th century was perhaps the first to depict God’s incarnation as man (Jesus), his life, death and resurrection as a bridge from heaven to earth after reading the Gospel of John 3: 16 - "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." The calendar pages are in black and white and at the top are adorned with the sacrificial Lamb of God (Agnus Dei), symbol of the Crucified Christ with blood gushing out from its side. There are also printed the letters Alpha and Omega - the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet meaning the beginning and the end, referred to by Jesus Christ and found in the Book of Revelation 1: 8. There is also written in Latin under these two symbols "Ego-sum-Via-Veritas-et-Vita" meaning "I am the way, the truth and the life" - words preached by Jesus Christ and found in the Gospel of John 14: 6. At the bottom of all calendar pages, one finds small boxes with flowers. All these three inserts are held together with a green cotton ribbon and when opened in the right way, they form a whole systematic calendar of the year 1954.

Anno Domini 1956
PDE_0076-02-0453 · Item · 1956-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The quite unusual format of this calendar is made up of three inserts, with four pages each. On the first insert, one finds depicted the Child Jesus prayingwith St Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary on His side. On the inside, one finds Christmas Greetings from the Jesus of Nazareth Institute of Zejtun to all friends and benefactors. On the right hand side of these greeting one finds a quote from the Roman Breviary for all deceased benefactors. The second insert contains a religious calendar for the months of January, February and March on the front page and the months of October, November, December at the back. The middle pages of this insert depict the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the right hand side and the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the right. The third and last insert contains the religious calendar for the remaining months, i.e. April, May and June on the front page and July, August and September on the back page. In the middle pages, one finds one whole landscape painting depicting Christ as the good shepherd. The calendar pages are in black and white and at the top are adorned with the Paschal Lamb of God (Agnus Dei), symbol of the Resurrected Christ. At the bottom of all calendar pages, one finds small boxes with flowers. All these three inserts are held together with a blue cotton ribbon and when opened in the right way, they form a whole systematic calendar of the year 1956.

Anno Domini 1957
PDE_0076-02-0464 · Item · 1957-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The unusual format of this religious calendar is made up of three inserts, with four pages each. On the first insert, one finds depicted on the front the Nativity scene and on the back Christ as the Good Shepherd. On the inside, one finds Christmas Greetings from the Jesus of Nazareth Institute of Zejtun to all friends and benefactors. On the right hand side of these greeting one finds a quote from the Roman Breviary for all deceased benefactors. The second insert contains a religious calendar for the months of January, February and March on the front page and the months of October, November, December at the back. The middle pages of this insert depict the Immaculate Conception appearing to Bernardette Soubirous in Lourdes on the right hand side and the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the right. The third and last insert contains the religious calendar for the remaining months, i.e. April, May and June on the front page and July, August and September on the back page. In the middle pages, one finds two different pictures of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The calendar pages are in black and white and at the top are adorned with the Paschal Lamb of God (Agnus Dei), symbol of the Resurrected Christ. At the bottom of all calendar pages, one finds small boxes with flowers. All these three inserts are held together with a yellow cotton ribbon and when opened in the right way, they form a whole systematic calendar of the year 1956.

PDE_0076-02-0188 · Item · 1933-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image depicts the Sacred Heart of Jesus protecting over the Basilica of St Peter's and a great number of pilgrims. At the background, on the right hand side, there is depicted Calvary Hill (which is in Israel) with the three bodies Crucified - Jesus Christ and the two theives, one on each side. A rainbow is seen from Crucifixion Hill to the coloumns surround St Peter's Square - the significance of the rainbow is hope. At the bottom of the image, in the middle, one finds a portrait of Pope Pius XI giving his benediction. Overleaf, one finds a memento of the nineteenth centenary of the passion and Death of Jesus Christ.

Anno Jubilaeo 1950
PDE_0076-02-0330 · Item · NIL
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The very pale image depicts St Peter's Basilica and Square covered in snow. Underneath this, there is a manger. This image is a religious Christmas one. Overleaf there is written in blue ik "Ricordju ta' Mary Louise Cauchi" - a memento of Mary Louise Cauchi. Underneath this writing, on the right hand side corner, there is a faint number 3 written in pencil and furtherdown, also in pencil, there is written a huge number 61.

Anno Mariano 1954
PDE_0076-02-0418 · Item · 1954-09-12
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image is a reproduction of the famous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Theotokos in Byzantine art, meaning the Mother of God with the Child Jesus in Her arms, holding the Holy Bible which contains all the wisdom of the true God. Above their head on each corner there are the letters “MP" and "OY”, abbreviations of the Greek “Mater Theos” – the Mother of God. Also upon Her veil are three stars, which represent Her eternal virginity: before, during, and forever after Mary’s pregnancy she remained a Virgin. In the middle pages, one finds a prayer of Pope Pius XII and at the end their his facsimile of his signature. An indulgence was gained when this prayer was recited. At the back, one finds an official photo of Pope Pius XII, kneeling down in adoration. This image is a memento commemorating the day of reparation in union with the Pope against blesphemy.

PDE_0076-02-0113 · Item · 1925-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The colourful image depicts Pope Pius XI, flanked by two seminarians on their knees,two Bishops or Cardinals, one of them holding a candle in his hand and a Swiss Guard at the background. On the right hand side a deacon holds the Pope's staff. At the bottom, there is written in Latin "Pax Christi in regno Christi" meaning "The peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ." This image commemorates the opening the Holy Door in the Jubilee Year of 1925. The image has rounded corners with a guilded frame. At the back, there is a prayer for the Jubilee Year.

Anno Santo 1925
PDE_0076-02-0115 · Item · 1925-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

This image shows the sideways bust of Pope Pius XI in a guidled circle, partially surronded by guilded stars, resting on two long guilded flowers. Underneath his bust, one finds his insigna and at the very bottom, there is a photo in black and white of the Porta Santa at the Basilica of St Peter's in Rome. It is a memento of the Jubilee Year 1925, which is held every 25 years.

Anno Santo 1933
PDE_0076-02-0191 · Item · 1934-12-31
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia coloured image depicts the Crucified Christ on the Mount of Golgotha, with the two crosses of the two thieves who were crucified with Him. In the middle one finds depicted the Basilica of St Peter's in Rome with the grand square and on the right an image of Pope Pius XI giving his benediction . On the right hand corner one finds the Pope's insigna. This image is a memento of the great celebrations held at the Parish of St George in Qormi to commemorate the Nineteenth Anniversary since the Passion of Christ.

Anno Santo 1933-1934
PDE_0076-02-0175 · Item · 1933-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image shows the Basilica of St Peter's in Rome and a picture of Pope Pius XI infromt of the SacredHeart of Jesus. All this is found in a guilded frame. It is a memento of the Jubilee Year. Overleaf one finds some rules on how to acquire the benefits of the Holy Jubillee.

PDE_0076-02-0185 · Item · 1933-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The pastel-coloured image depicts three angels at the top, two in pink and the middle one in gold holding the Shroud of Turin, believed to have held the body of Jesus Christ after his Passion and death. Around this, there are several cherubims in a cloud. Below this, there are two postraits - the one on the left hand side belongs to Cardinal M. Fossati, who was Archbishop of Turin at the time (1933-1934) and the right hand image is of Pope Pius XI, under whose reign the Jubilee Year was commemorated. At the bottom, one finds a picture of the Metropolitan Church dedicated to St John in Turin where the Shroud is kept and on the right the Basilica of St Peter's in Rome. This image is a memento of the Jubilee Year 1933-1934 and of the Nineteenth Centenary since the Passion and death of Jesus Christ. On the second page, one finds short notes about the Shroud of Turin and on the third page, there is a prayer dedicated to the same Shroud and an indulgence linked to whoever recites this prayer when visiting the Shoud at the Metropolitan Church. On the fourth and last page, one finds another prayer in a poetic format.

Anno Santo 1950
PDE_0076-02-0326 · Item · 1950-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The coloured postcard, in the form of a triptych (a form of polyptych), displays the Basilica of St Peters togehter with its Square full of pilgrims. When this picture is opened, one finds a portrays of Pope Pius XII kneeling down in adoration at the Basilica and on the lower right hand corner there is his insigna. On the right panel, at the bottom, one finds part of the prayer of the Jubilee Year stating that "may this year be truly Holy for all humanity, announcing a new era of peace, prosperity and progress..."

Anno Santo 1950 Pace e Bene
PDE_0076-02-0339 · Item · 1950
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

This memento of the Jubilee Year is based on two images. The first image shows Jesus Christ above St Peter'sBasilica and at the bottom of the page there is the Papal insigna. On the back page, there is a picture of the Baby Jesus being held by angels hovering over a village church covered in snow. On the middle pages, one finds the first three and last three months of the year as part of the religious calendar for the year 1950. The second one contains four pages depicting a picture of St Anthony holding the Child Jesus and at the back a picture of Our Lady help of Christians. On the middle pages, one finds the middle six months of a year - from April till September - as part of the religious calendar for the year 1950. These two pictures are held together with a red cotton ribbon.