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PDE_0076-02-0003 · Item · 1887-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The picture shows Pope Leo XIII sitting on his throne surrounded by other pictures relevant to his life (clockwise): St Thomas Aquinas as this Pope introduced the revival of Thomistic theology when in 1879 he established the Pontifical Academy of St Thomas Aquinas; his papal insignia being carried by two cherubins; Our Lady of the Rosary since he favoured great devotion to this prayer and became known as the Pope of the Rosary; an archangel probably Michael to whom Pope Leo wrote a prayer; the Lateran apse as it was during his pontificate that it was renewed; a drawing depicting his sacerdotal consecration, the Pontifical Lazzaretto as during the fifth cholera epidemic in Rome in 1891 he ordered the building of a hospice in the Vatican for all those affected; and a picture of a nun with the Holy Eucharist in her hand since Pope Leo XIII wrote several encyclicals about the Eucharist.

1858 - Lourdes - 1958
PDE_0076-02-0471 · Item · 1858
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The colourful postcard depicts the statue of the Immaculate Conception, surrounded with pink roses, found at the Lourdes Grotto in France. Around this statue there are depicted 15 mysteries of the Holy Rosary - the Joyful Mysteries: the Annuncation, the Visitation (to Her cousin, St Elizabeth), the Nativity, the Presentation (of the Child Jesus in the Temple) and the Finding (of the lost Child Jesus) in the Temple; the Sorrowful Mysteries: the Agony in the Garden of Getsemane, the Scourging at the Pillar, the Crowning with Thorns, the Carrying of the Cross and finally the Crucifixion and Death of Christ; The Glorious Mysteries: the Rising from the death, the Ascension into Heaven, the Receipt of the Holy Spirit, the Assumption, and the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth. Below the statue of the Immaculate Conception, there is a banner indicating the years of the first centenary - 1858 and 1958 and at the very bottom of the postcard, one finds a photo of the Basilica and its surroundings in Lourdes dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.

PDE_0076-02-0172 · Item · 1933-04-02
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image depicts the Crucified Christ in the middle, on the light hand side the insigna of Pope Pius Xi and on the right a picture of the Pope, a memento of the Jubilee Year 1933. All these are above the Basilica of St Peter's in Rome. Overleaf, one finds written in baclk ink a note "A Mia Cara Mary, a ricordo di una data cara ed indimenticabile." It is signed by Maria di S. Floriana.

PDE_0076-02-0187 · Item · 1933-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image depicts the Sacred Heart of Jesus protecting over the Basilica of St Peter's. At the background, there is depicted Calvary Hill (which is in Israel) with the three bodies Crucified - Jesus Christ and the two theives, one on each side. At the bottom of the image, on the right hand side, one finds a portrait of Pope Pius XI together with a picture of his insigna. This image is decorated with palm and olives leaves - both related to the Passion and death of Christ. Overleaf, one finds the signature in blue ink pertaining to Sac. D. L. Scavaglierj.

PDE_0076-02-0062 · Item · 313-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The pastel coloured image shows a Roman Legion of soldiers, with Emperor Constantine in the middle, pointing to a glowing Cross being held by two angels in the sky during a vision, with the saying written underneath in Latin "In Hoc Signo Vinces"meaning "In this sign conquer." Overleaf, there is a short account of the Edict of Milan of 313AD with which Emperor Constantine proclaimed peace and liberty to the Catholic Church. Under this, there is a short prayer dedicated to the Holy Cross.

PDE_0076-02-0381 · Item · 1903
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The colourful image depicts a cross with a crown of thorns and the Sacred Heart in the middle. It also depicts the Holy Bible and a Rosary beads with pink roses and white lilies. This image is a memento commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Congregation Daughters of the Sacred Heart by Marie Theresa Nuzzo. This Congregation runs the Nuzzo Institute at Hamrun.

50° Ad Multos Annos
PDE_0076-02-0593 · Item · 1918-05-25
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image depicts Christ as the Good Shepherd. Following this, one finds the symbols of the Holy Eucharist - the Chalice, the Host, grain, vines, missal and stole. This is a memento celebrating the 50th anniversary since Fr Francis Xavier Fenech of the Franciscan Capuchin Order was ordained to the Priesthood. Fr Fenech was the Retired Bishop of Jhansi.

PDE_0076-02-0002 · Item · 1880-01-01
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The floral picture carries a photo of Our Lady of Pompei, also known as Our Lady of the Rosary. The middle pages contain a prayer as well as Le 15 Promesse di Maria ai Devoti del Santo Rosario (1) and I Due Prodigi nell'Ora della Supplica 8 Maggio ed 11 Ottobre 1885. On the second page there is a hand-written note reading Ricordi Gino Xuereb a di 11 Giugno 1892.

PDE_0076-02-0163 · Item · 1933-05-25
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The pale-coloured image depicts Christ as the Divine Sower of graces. The image is a memento of the nineteenth centinerary since the institution of the Holy Eucharist during the Last Supper. This was celebrated during an adoration held at Lia on the feast of the Ascension.

A resting Child Jesus
PDE_0076-02-0404 · Item · 1954-01-03
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The picture depicts the Child Jesus resting on some hay in a barn. This image is a memento commemorating the receipt of the missionary cross and missionary virtue of obedience at the Marsa Parish Church by the two Franciscan Capuchin Friars Fr Paul from Senglea and Fr Raniero Zammit from Sliema, before leaving for Jhansi in India.

PDE_0076-02-0198 · Item · 1934-04-16
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The black and white image depicts Jesus Christ under the Cross, in a cloud. Beneath this, there is an image of the Basilica of St Peter's in Rome and a large herd of sheep moving towards the Basilica. The sheep are all believers as Christ gathers all the sheep and searches for the lost ones as well. At the bottom of the picture there is written the axiom "We adore and bless you, O Lord, because through your Cross you redeemed the whole world ." The image is a memento of the spiritual exercises for all puplils, held at the Government Schools of Attard, Balzan and Lija by Fr Michele Balzan, - Parish Priest of Attard. At the bottom of the page overleaf, there are three maxims for the salvation of souls: not to commit mortal sins, to receive the Sacraments often and to be a devotee of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

PDE_0076-02-0179 · Item · 1933-10-27
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia coloured image with a touch of gold depicts a tabernacle with the Holy Eucharist inside it. On the sides of the tabernacle, there are white lilies and wheat; at the front there is a pair of white doves sitting on vine branches. Wheat and Vine branches are the symbols of the Holy Eucharist. The image is a memento of the 40-hour adoration of the Blessed Sacrament by the Franciscan Conventual Friars that was held for the first time in the Church of St Francis in Victoria Gozo on the feast of Christ the King. Overleaf, at the top, there are two angels adoring the sphere containing the Blessed Sacrament.

PDE_0076-02-0385 · Item · 1953
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The image is a painting of the Blessed Sacrament placed in a golden sphere, resting of the Missal. Two angels are kneeling down in adoration and at the top three cherubims are giving praise. This image is a memento commemorating the seventh anniversary since the Nightly Half Hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was held during carnival time. At the top ofthe image, overleaf, there is written in black ink "Tifkira ta' dak lil ragel Guzeppa."

Adveniat Regnum Tuum!
PDE_0076-02-0278 · Item · 1945-06-24
Part of Tony Terribile Collections

The sepia-coloured image depicts the Sacred Heart of Jesus and under the picture one finds a verse from prayer of the Our Father meaning "Thy Kingdom come." Overleaf, there is a memento of the Parish Priest Don Mikele Balzan of Attard celebrating the twelfth year of the consecration of the Parish to the Sacred Heart of Jesus initiated by Mgr. Can. Eleazzaro Balzan.