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Archival description
MT NAM CMD-01-DSN · Series · 1923 - 1992
Part of Commerce Department

In this Series one may find applications for Designs (which have expired) in Malta from 1923 to 1992.

General Files
MT NAM CMD-02-DT-01 · Series · 1955-2001
Part of Commerce Department

In this Series one may find files which belonged to the Department of Trade from 1955 onwards. The files cover a mix of subjects such as licenses, service sales, human resources, finance, among others.

In 1964 the Department of Trade and Industry was split in two. Hence, although the Department of Trade was created in 1964, the files of the Department date back to 1955 as the functions and procedures related to trade mainly stayed the same.

In 1964, the Department of Trade and Industry was split into two separate departments. As a result, while the Department of Trade was formally established in 1964, its records date back to 1955, since many of the trade-related functions and procedures remained unchanged.

MT NAM CMD-01-PAT · Series · 1890 - 1992
Part of Commerce Department

In this Series one may find applications for Patents (which have lapsed) in Malta from 1890 to 1992.