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Commerce Department
MT NAM CMD · Fonds · 1800s -

The Commerce Department consists of the Support Services Unit, the Small Business and Crafts Unit and two directorates: the Industrial Property Registrations Directorate; the Trade Related Services and Projects Directorate. For each unit or directorate a Subfond was created to include every record which falls under it. In addition, another Subfond was created, entitled 'Legacy Regards' which pertains to records which the Commerce Department inherited from other government departments which have been dissolved. One category of files which was transferred from the Commerce Department to NAM were the files which used to belong to the Department of Trade, hence a Sub Subfond was created for these records.

At present, in this Fond one will find records pertaining to the Industrial Property Registrations Directorate (Subfonds 01): Patents (Series 01) and Designs (Series 02); and Legacy Records (Subfonds 02): Department of Trade files (Sub Subfonds 01) which were inherited by the Commerce Department.

Malta. Commerce Department