Photo shows a young boy at the beach
152 Archival description results for Family
Photo shows a young boy standing by a wall to have his photo taken
Photo shows a young boy wearing a paper crown and posing for a photo
Photo shows a woman standing in front of a washing basin outside, whilst looking at the photographer of this photo
Photo shows a woman, previously identified as Mary swimming with a young boy, possibly her son
Photo shows a group of young men, including one who was previously identified as Alfred, posing for a photo. The group seem to be a football team, mainly since they are all wearing the same gear and one of the men is standing on a football
Photo shows a man rearranging the balls on a small pool table. He is holding a pool stick, and seems to be in a living room within a private house
Photo shows a man posing for a photo, seemingly in a private garden
Photo shows a group of 5 children of varying ages posing for a photo whilst having their photo taken. One of the children resembles Alfred, previosuly identified in other photos.The photo is taken at an unidentified beach. The photo is cut out of the orig
Photo shows a dining room with a dining table and chairs, and a display cabinet
Photo shows a couple, previously identified as Mary and Alfred, holding a newborn baby
Photo shows a couple, previously identified as Mary and Alfred, posing for a photo
Photo shows a couple, previously identified as Mary and Alfred, posing for a photo
Photo shows bride and groom Mary and Alfred, on their wedding day. The couple is looking from a car window, together with the bridesmaids Veronica Downdall and Lilian Laferla and the driver of the car. The car is a Chevrolet Belair
Photo shows a newly wed couple posing for a photo on their wedding day, together with family members
Photo shows Josie Coppini dressed as Father Christmas, giving presents to children during a Christmas Party
Photo shows a young boy accepting a present from Father Christmas. The man in the Father Christmas costume is Josie Coppini
Photo shows a young boy accepting a present from Father Christmas. The man in the Father Christmas costume is Josie Coppini
Photo shows Josie Coppini dressed as Father Christmas, giving presents to children during a Christmas Party
Photo shows Josie Coppini dressed as Father Christmas, giving presents to children during a Christmas Party