Item 53 - De Stupro secuto in persona Hyeronimae Bugeya de hac Civ(itate) Vall(etta) contra

Identity area

Reference code

MT NAM LCM-190-53


De Stupro secuto in persona Hyeronimae Bugeya de hac Civ(itate) Vall(etta) contra


  • 11/10/1667 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

1 legal process (ff. 626-647)

Context area

Content and structure area

Scope and content

The 17-year old Hieronima Bugeja testifies that she lived with her grandmother in Valletta. In the next house there lived a youth from Zebbug called Marcuzzo Vassallo who she believed was studying at the Jesuit College in Valletta. One night thisRead more

Conditions of access and use area

Language of material

  • Latin
  • Italian

Script of material

  • Latin

Physical characteristics and technical requirements

Physical description: dimensions: 30cm x 23cm; support: paper; condition: generally good.

Access points

Subject access points

Place access points

Genre access points

Description control area

Dates of creation revision deletion

Date of cataloguing: 22/01/2025


  • English


  • Latin

Archivist's note

Catalogued by: Samuel Azzopardi