12 Archival description results for Attard
Joannes Paulus Zirafa from Attard testifies that close to his house there lived Lonza, wife of Pietro Pagano who had been captured as a slave by the infidels. One night he heard the playing of a tamburello and singing "alla Maltesa" in which song they called him a "sbirro" and other things. He recognised them to be Domenico Mifsud and Salvatore Grec. The next day he went to Casal Dimech and confirmed that the two were together the previous night, also in the company of Giuseppe Fenech and the soldier from the galleys who lived in Ta Zahui. He reported the matter to the Capitano della Verga. He was then assaulted with a knife by Domenico and Salvatore close to the tavern of Giovanni Camenzuli in Attard. They were fined four uncia, confirmed on appeal.
Curia CapitanalisBenedetto Falzon (N. 337) esercitò la professione dal 1776 al 1823 ad Attard e Casali vicini. Aloisio Caruana (N. 365) esercitò la professione dal 1791 al 1790 a C. Lja e vicini.
Francesco Saverio Zarb (N. 360) esercitò la professione dal 1786 al 1827 in Attard, Mosta, Zebbug, Curmi [Qormi] e Casali vicini
Naxxar 1828-1901; Ghargur 1825-1901; Balzan 1825-1898; Attard 1825-1900; Lija 1826-1899
Item 01 - Casal Attard Sposalizi Originai, Parte I, 1755-1814. Item 02 - Casal Attard, Parte II, 1769-1871. Item 03 - Lista Sposalizi compiled by Mrs Myra Zammit Gauci.
Compiled by Mrs Myra Zammit Gauci of Attard
Two days had been given to Antonio and Vennere Michallef within which to declare whether they intended to relinquish claims over housing in Attard.
Magna Curia CastellaniaSalvatore Grec from Attard is accused of stabbing Petrus Cutajar with a knife (pugnale). Petrus was stabbed outside the house of the sexton (sacristano) of the church of St Nicolas, called Salvo Monaco, while on his way home from the bottega of Johannes Maria De Bono in Attard. Witness statements collected. Sentence missing. The case was appealed and Salvatore failed to show up since he was then serving on the galleys of the order as a paid marine.
Curia Capitanalis