Risultati 32147

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3 testamenti

Testamento di Michele Deguara del fu Tommaso in atti Calcedonio Gatt 11/04/1906. Testamento di Gusseppe Deguara del fu Tommaso in atti Calcedonio Gatt 29/05/1922. Testamento di Pietro Borg del fu Paolo in atti Arturo Leone Ganado 29/08/1911

Matrimoni Originali Attard

Item 01 - Casal Attard Sposalizi Originai, Parte I, 1755-1814. Item 02 - Casal Attard, Parte II, 1769-1871. Item 03 - Lista Sposalizi compiled by Mrs Myra Zammit Gauci.

Ricerche con Alberi di Famiglie - Vol.XV

Item I - Maria Anna Mirabelli Fondatore del Legato;
Item II - Parroco Don Salvatore Muscat Fondatore del Legato;
Item III - Albero delle Ascendenza di Vincenzo Galea e Anna Magri sposati Porto Salvo, Valletta 11 Novembre 1838;
Item IV - Matteo Saliba

Ricorsi di Canone

01 - Ricorso per prolungare il canone, 02, 03 – Ricorso per la riduzione del canone.

Ricorsi per Legati di consanguinita per consanguinui

01 – Ricorso per presentazione di una celibe consanguinea; 02 – Ricorso di presentazione di due celibi consanguine; 03 – Ricorso per presentazione di due nubili e una maritata consanguinee; 04 – Ricorsi di presentazione di una maritata consanguinea.

Miscellanea of differents documents

01 - Patrimonio Fondatore del Vescovo Carmelo Conte Xicluna; 02 - Documenti di proprieta dei figgli di Pio Rosso; 03 - Legati Canonico Giuseppe Fenech fu Matteo con disposizione in atti del Notaro Luigi Falzon del di 11 Luglio 1807.

Visits to Villages

Sub-file 1) "Christmas and New Year Messages 1958-1959". Includes: Christmas messages and a newspaper cutting.

Malta Horticultural Society

Sub-file) "Malta Horticultural Society" - Flower Show. Includes: 16 sub-sub-files for each year between 1944 and 1959, which contain: invitations, guestlists, newspaper clippings etc.

Proclamation re. Constitution

Sub-file 1) Proclamation re. Constitution 1939. Includes Sub-sub-file 1) "Constitutions - Proclamations of", containing: hand-drawn plan, admittance ticket, lists of invitations, extract from the Malta Government Gazette, gelatin silver photograph of the proclamation dated February 25th, 1939, pland showing allotment of seats, labels to affix to cars for parking, list of parking permits, Sub-sub-file 2) "Proclamation of the Constitution - 10th September 1947", containing: hand-drawn plan of venue, newspaper, newspaper cuttings, list of invitations, the Malta Government Gazette and instructions for the parade; Sub-file 2) Handing Over Ceremony of the Ancient Colours of the 1st Royal Sussex Regt. 1948. Includes: Ceremony booklets, correspondence, newspaper cuttings and invitations; Sub-file 3) Accession to throne (proclamations of George VI and Edward VIII) - 22nd January 1936. Contains Sub-sub-file entitled, "Accessions to Throne - Proclamations of", containing: order of procession and order of events.

State Balls

Sub-file 2) "State Ball - Wednesday 11th April 1956". Includes: dress codes, car labels for parking permissions, official notices, repairs to be carried out (Public Works), "Bills - State Balls, 11th April 1956" - invoices and receipts; Sub-file 3) "Letters re. Invitations 1956"; Sub-file 4) "Correspondence - State Ball, Wednesday 11th April 1956; Sub-file 5) "State Ball, Monday 5th May 1958 at 10 o'clock - CANCELLED 31-3-58". Contains: guestlists, car lables for parking, correspondence etc.; Sub-file 6) "State Ball - Wednesday 6th June 1962. Contains: correspondence, guestlists, invitations, car labels for parking and repair cards for electric light repairs (Public Works).

Queen's Birthday Celebration

6 sub-files, one for each birthday from 1957 to 1962. They contain: parking permits for the parade; guestlists; newspaper cuttings; programmes; joint service instructions; awards for military personnel; circulars; seating plans; spectator arrangements; photographs of the parade (1959); traffic control and marshalling instructions; assembly plan and parade diagrams etc.

Cassar Cup Football Competition

Sub-file 1) Cassar Cup 1951-1952. Contains 4 sub-sub-files: "Receipts, Cassar Cup Competition 1951"; "Cassar Cup 1951 - Correspondence etc."; "Receipts - Cassar Cup Competition 1952"; "Cassar Cup 1952". Sub-file 2) Receipts 1953; Sub-file 3) "Cassar Cup Competition 1953" [1C]; Sub-file 4) "Cassar Cup Competiton 1954 - Receipts" [1C]; Sub-file 5) Cassar Cup 1954 [1C]; Sub-file 6) "Receipts - Cassar Cup Comp. 1955"; Sub-file 7) "Cassar Cup - Correspondence 1955"; Sub-file 8) "Cassar Cup Competition 1956 - Receipts"; Sub-file 9) Cassar Cup 1956; Sub-file 10) Receipts 1957; Sub-file 11) "Cassar Cup Competition 1957"; Sub-file 12) Receipts 1959; Sub-file 13) "Cassar Cup - 1958, played in May 1959".

Queen's Birthday Parades

There are sub-files for every one of the Queen's birthdays between 1951 and 1956 (King's birthday parade 1951). They include: newspaper cuttings; seat reservations; joint service instructions; march past details; lists of attendees; enclosure tickets etc.

Exchange of Xmas and New Year Greetings

Each sub-file relates to Christmas and New Year greetings, and records relating to Christmas cards etc. (1 or 2 years covered per sub-file ), between 1943 and 1958. They include: newspaper cuttings; correspondence; lists; press notices; 2 Christmas cards dated 1945 etc.

Letters of sympathy

Sub-file 1) "Letters of Sympathy and Replies thereto" 1949. Contains: letters of sympathy and replies regarding the death of the Governor's mother; Sub-file 2) "Letters of Condolences and Replies thereto" 1959. Contains: letters of sympathy and replies regarding the death of the Governor's mother.

Coronation Festivities of King George VI

Sub-file 1) Official lists; Sub-file 2) Applications for civilians to attend; Sub-file 3) "Te Deum"; Sub-file 4) Parking of cars at Valletta Palace courtyard; Sub-file 5) Luncheon - Gozo - Plan of Table; Sub-file 6) Garden Party at San Anton; Sub-file 7) 1st Prize for Shop Decorations. Includes 3 photographs and 1 postcard; Sub-file 8) State Dinner; Sub-file 9) Engagements - H.E. the Governor and Lady Bonham-Carter, 8th-16th May 1937.

Visits to Malta of VIPs

Sub-file 1) Visit of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, 1950. Includes: newspaper cuttings and information sheets for the visit. 10 more sub-files, one for each year between 1955 and 1961. They contain: programmes, memorandums, press releases, a newspaper from 1956 and correspondence.

Victory Celebrations

Sub-file 1) Victory Celebrations 1945-1946. Includes 3 sub-sub-files, two for 1945 (May and August in one and Gozo in the other), and one for 1946. They contain: newspaper cuttings, complete original newspapers, state balcony plan, correspondence, seating plan for the Governor's official luncheon (1945), speeches, telegrams, invitations, musical programmes, parade programmes and instructions, guestlists etc.; Sub-file 2) Armistice Day 1945-1960 (divided into sub-sub-files). Contains: war memorial ceremony instructions and corresponding plans, Poppy Day Appeal speech (annotated, 1946), Poppy Fund programme of events, joint service instructions for Remembrance Day 1952 and 1957; Sub-file 3) Presentation of Cup to the King's Own Band 1952. Includes: newspaper cuttings and correspondence; Sub-file 4) Presentation of Banner to the King's Own Band, 3rd August 1947. Contains: newspaper cuttings and speech; Sub-file 5) "Presentation of New Regimental Colour to Salesian Boys Brigade" 1949. Includes: newspaper cutting, sequence of events, correspondence etc.

Death of King George VI

Sub-file 1) Death of His Majesty King George VI, 1952. Contains: extracts from the Malta Government Gazette, two newspapers and joint service instruction for commemoration ceremonies; Sub-file 2) Visits to Gozo, 1946-1962. Includes: itinerary and 15 sub-sub-files for different occasions for the years 1951, 1953-1954, 1956, 1958-1962. They contain: invitations, newspaper cuttings, lists of members of Gozo Civic Council, guestlists etc. for luncheon, dinner and cocktail parties, menus, programmes, correspondence and notes on the island of Gozo for H.E. etc.; Sub-file 3) Lyceum - Parents' Day 1951. Contains a newspaper cutting; Sub-file 4) Presentation of King's Colours 1951. Includes: newspaper cuttings and two memorandums

Departures - Arrivals and Swearing In of Governors

Sub-file 1) "Governors: Arrivals, Swearing-In and Departures" 1944-1954. Contains 7 sub-sub-files, for Sir Edmond Schreiber, Sir Gerald Creasy and Sir Francis Douglas. They include: seating arrangements, newspapers and newspaper cuttings, menus and farewell party documents, 16 gelatin silver photographic prints, oaths, proclamations, ceremony instructions, Malta Government Gazette, procedure on arrival, invitation lists and invitations, memorandums, farewell parade documents, commission signed by King George VI (13th July 1949), list of gifts etc.; Sub-file 2) Arrival of Sir Maurice Dorman, 2nd July 1962. Contains: guestlists, applications and queries re. invitations, invitations, newspaper cuttings, traffic arrangements, programmes, extracts of the Malta Government Gazette, formal call on the Air Officer Commanding, procedure on arrival, amplifying naval orders etc.

Boy Scouts

Sub-file 1) "Visit to Malta of H.I.M. the Emperor of Ethiopia" 1954. Contains: luncheon menu, Commissioner of Police correspondence and 3 sub-sub-files entitled, "Dinner: Wednesday-6th October 1954", "Visit of H.I.M. the Emperor of Ethiopia, October 1954" and "Valletta Palace - Reception in Honour of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia. Thursday, 7th October, 1954 at 11 a.m."; Sub-file 2) "Visit of H.R.H. the Princess Elizabeth" 1949-1950. Contains: correspondence and instructions for her departure; Sub-file 3) Viscount Montgomery, 1947. Includes: correspondence re. his passage through Malta; Sub-file 4) "Visit of Cardinal Lepicier (Papal Delegate), 17th June 1935". Contains: luncheon invitation, seating plan and guestlist; Sub-file 5) "Visit of H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent - 9th to 14th May 1956". Contains: correspondence, draft programmes, itineraries, luncheon programme, restricted priority message, dinner party details and documents, documents concerning visits to different locations etc.; Sub-file 6) "His Excellency, Rear Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma - June 1948". Includes: newspaper clippings and visit programme; Sub-file 7) "Visit of H.I.M. the Shah of Persia - July 1948". Contains: newspaper cuttings, telegrams and a programme; Sub-file 8) "The Rt. Hon. E. Shinwell, M.P. S. of S. for War - April 1948". Contains programme; Sub-file 9) "Visit of Lieut: General Sir Edmond Schreiber, K.C.B., D.S.O., April 1948. Includes: 3 programmes, a newspaper cutting and 1 letter; Sub-file 10) Visit of Air Chief Marshal, Sir John Slessor - 4th October 1949 and Vice Admiral Sherman, US Navy - 14th October 1949. Contains: programme for visit; Sub-file 11) "Visit of Admiralty First Lord, Viscount Hall - 28th July 1949. Includes: routine, message from SECER to Governor and newspaper cuttings; Sub-file 12) "Visit of H.R.H. Princess Margaret" 1950. Contains 3 newspaper cuttings; Sub-file 13) Information sheet re. Princess Elizabeth's visit, 2 programmes for the unveiling of the four tablets at Floriana war memorial and a press notice; Sub-file 14) "Visit of H.R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands", 1950. Includes: visit routine, memorandum and programmes; Sub-file 15) Visit of Lieut. General Sir L. Hollis, 1950. Contains: correspondence, memorandum and programme; Sub-file 16) "Fourth Visit of H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth", 1951. Includes: newspaper cuttings and memorandum/programme; Sub-file 17) "Visit of H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Greece, 16th to 21st April 1961". Contains memorandum; Sub-file 18) "Visit of the Rt. Hon. Iain Macleod. 8th & 9th December, 1959." Includes: guestlist for a cocktail party, programme, menus and a seating plan and guestlist for luncheon; Sub-files 19 and 20) Visit of Cardinal Spellman, Monday 29th September 1958 and 28th February to 1st March 1950 (respectively). They contain: instructions and newspaper cuttings.

Pauline Centenary

1 sub-sub-file entitled, "Cocktails - Valletta Palace - Friday, 22nd July, 1960 at 11.45 a.m.". Includes: Cardinal's address, programmes, menus, invitations, order of procession, guestlists, newspaper cuttings, seating plan etc. The rest of the main file contains: correspondence, invitations, guest tickets, seating plans, handwritten notes, dinner guestlists, Pauline Centenary envelope, programmes, list of archbishops, committee lists, programme of celebrations and a circular.

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