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Vincenzo Maria Pellegrini Unità documentaria
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Letter by VMP to Mr Albert Agius Ferrante, Chairman MTMC re L-GHADU (LA NEMICA). This play by Dario Niccodemi was played some years ago in Italian by the company Carlo Goldoni and left a very good impression It is a social comedy when moral and literal v
Letter by VMP to Mr Albert Agius Ferrante, Chairman MTMC re L-GHADU (LA NEMICA). This play by Dario Niccodemi was played some years ago in Italian by the company Carlo Goldoni and left a very good impression It is a social comedy when moral and literal v
Letter by VMP to Mr Albert Agius Ferrante, Chairman MTMC are script KULLHADD MA TIEGHU by Ronald Saliba. VMP states that the literal and theatrical standard of such plays in nMaltese is very low. Notwithstanding their amateurish trend and in view of the
Letter by VMP to Mr Albert Agius Ferrante, Chairman MTMC are script KULLHADD MA TIEGHU by Ronald Saliba. VMP states that the literal and theatrical standard of such plays in nMaltese is very low. Notwithstanding their amateurish trend and in view of the
Letter from Mr Albert Agius Ferrante re examination of script RABTA BEJB L-AHWA which the Sliema Theatrical Company is proposing to produce in January
Letter from Mr Albert Agius Ferrante re examination of script RABTA BEJB L-AHWA which the Sliema Theatrical Company is proposing to produce in January
Letter from Mr Albert Agius Ferrante, Chairman MTMC re examination of script HONEYMOON BL-GHERUQ U X-XNIEXEL which Miss Eileen Montesin is proposing to produce in January.
Letter from Mr Albert Agius Ferrante, Chairman MTMC re examination of script HONEYMOON BL-GHERUQ U X-XNIEXEL which Miss Eileen Montesin is proposing to produce in January.
Letter by VMP re script TIRXOXTA L-EWWEL MARA by Frqanco Roberto adapted for the Maltese stage by Charles Izzo. VMP stataes that it is a very good comedy and an enjoyable play
Letter by VMP re script TIRXOXTA L-EWWEL MARA by Frqanco Roberto adapted for the Maltese stage by Charles Izzo. VMP stataes that it is a very good comedy and an enjoyable play
Letter from Miss Josette Portelli for Chairman MTMC re examinatiuon of script LUKARDA which Hector Bruno is proposing to produce in February
Letter from Miss Josette Portelli for Chairman MTMC re examinatiuon of script LUKARDA which Hector Bruno is proposing to produce in February
Letter from Mr Albert Agius Ferrante re examination of script GHALIEX PAPA which the Valletta Dramataic Company is proposing to hold in May
Letter from Mr Albert Agius Ferrante re examination of script GHALIEX PAPA which the Valletta Dramataic Company is proposing to hold in May
Letter from Mr A Agius Ferrante, Chairmen MTMC re examination of script TIFEL TAPARSI which Maleth Company proposed to produce
Letter from Mr A Agius Ferrante, Chairmen MTMC re examination of script TIFEL TAPARSI which Maleth Company proposed to produce
Letter from Mr A AGius Ferrante Chairman MTMC re examination of script THE ROYAL HUNT OF THE SUN by Peter Shaffer which MADC proposed to produce in November
Letter from Mr A AGius Ferrante Chairman MTMC re examination of script THE ROYAL HUNT OF THE SUN by Peter Shaffer which MADC proposed to produce in November
Letter by VMP to Mr Albert Agius Ferrante Chairman MTMC re script of THE MAN MOST LIKELY TO .... sick and interesting dialogue, enjoyable but with anti-climax finale
Letter by VMP to Mr Albert Agius Ferrante Chairman MTMC re script of THE MAN MOST LIKELY TO .... sick and interesting dialogue, enjoyable but with anti-climax finale
Letter by VMP to Mr Albert Agius Ferrante, Chairman MTMC re script of play X'SE TAGHMEL GIACOMINO by Luigi Pirandello whose theatre is acclaimed internationally as one of the very best of our times. This play is translated by Victor Apap. This is good e
Letter by VMP to Mr Albert Agius Ferrante, Chairman MTMC re script of play X'SE TAGHMEL GIACOMINO by Luigi Pirandello whose theatre is acclaimed internationally as one of the very best of our times. This play is translated by Victor Apap. This is good e
Card from Ms Josette Portelli for Chairman of MTMC re examination of script (IL-BAJJAD U L-KULURI)
Card from Ms Josette Portelli for Chairman of MTMC re examination of script (IL-BAJJAD U L-KULURI)
Letter by VMP to Mr Albert Agius Ferrante Chairman MTMC re play THE DRESSER by Ronald harwood. VMP remarks that more than a play this is a page from history as seen backstage showing the agony of the leading actor who feels is getting old without ever gai
Letter by VMP to Mr Albert Agius Ferrante Chairman MTMC re play THE DRESSER by Ronald harwood. VMP remarks that more than a play this is a page from history as seen backstage showing the agony of the leading actor who feels is getting old without ever gai
Letter from Dr Sebastiano Cossu - Malta Club Torino - re article on Josef Kalleja in Il Delfino
Letter from Dr Sebastiano Cossu - Malta Club Torino - re article on Josef Kalleja in Il Delfino
Undated draft of letter by VMP to Dr Sebastiano Cossu - Malta Club Torino - thanking him re offer to publish 100 copies of Gloria Europea extracted from Il Delfino
Undated draft of letter by VMP to Dr Sebastiano Cossu - Malta Club Torino - thanking him re offer to publish 100 copies of Gloria Europea extracted from Il Delfino
Undated draft letter by VMP to Dr Sebastiano Cossu - Malta Club Torino - thanking him for publishing his article re Raffaele Bonnici Cali which was well received. He is preparing other articles about Artists in Malta such as Antonio Sciortino, his brothe
Undated draft letter by VMP to Dr Sebastiano Cossu - Malta Club Torino - thanking him for publishing his article re Raffaele Bonnici Cali which was well received. He is preparing other articles about Artists in Malta such as Antonio Sciortino, his brothe
Letter from Dr Sebastiano Cossu - Malta Club Torino - re dates in published article on Angelo de Saavedra, Duca di Rivas. Asks VMP for date and locality of Gianni Vella's death
Letter from Dr Sebastiano Cossu - Malta Club Torino - re dates in published article on Angelo de Saavedra, Duca di Rivas. Asks VMP for date and locality of Gianni Vella's death
Draft letter by VMP to Dr S Cossu - Malta Club Torino - asking for copies of article on Il Delfino on Francesco Sciortino. Asks for copies no 53 and 31 re Lazzzaro Pisani. Sends article on Antica Universita di Malta
Draft letter by VMP to Dr S Cossu - Malta Club Torino - asking for copies of article on Il Delfino on Francesco Sciortino. Asks for copies no 53 and 31 re Lazzzaro Pisani. Sends article on Antica Universita di Malta
Draft letter by VMP to Dr S Cossu - MNalta Club Torino. Sends him article on Giorgio Borg. Recommends that his poemetto on Garibaldi will be given preference.
Draft letter by VMP to Dr S Cossu - MNalta Club Torino. Sends him article on Giorgio Borg. Recommends that his poemetto on Garibaldi will be given preference.
Letter from Vincenzo De Filippo - la Famiglia Italiana - to VMP re Antologia. Judges have chosen his poem entitled 'All'Italia. Sends him a copy of the journal which talks about him and invites him to be part of the Honorary Committee for the Antologia.
Letter from Vincenzo De Filippo - la Famiglia Italiana - to VMP re Antologia. Judges have chosen his poem entitled 'All'Italia. Sends him a copy of the journal which talks about him and invites him to be part of the Honorary Committee for the Antologia.
Letter from Vincenzo Dew Filippo - La Famiglia Italiana - to VMP thanking him for sending 5000 lire for two copies of the Antologia etc
Letter from Vincenzo Dew Filippo - La Famiglia Italiana - to VMP thanking him for sending 5000 lire for two copies of the Antologia etc
Letter from Vincenzo De Filippo - La Famiglia Italiana - to VMP asking for confirmation of arrival of the copies of the Anthology.Asks him if he is interested in writing the recension
Letter from Vincenzo De Filippo - La Famiglia Italiana - to VMP asking for confirmation of arrival of the copies of the Anthology.Asks him if he is interested in writing the recension
Letter from Vincenzo De Filippo - La Famiglia Italiana - to VMP re success of Antologia. Asks VMP if hw would like to participate in the Concorso
Letter from Vincenzo De Filippo - La Famiglia Italiana - to VMP re success of Antologia. Asks VMP if hw would like to participate in the Concorso
Personal card from Rev Professor peter Serracino Inglott to VMP
Personal card from Rev Professor peter Serracino Inglott to VMP
Draft letter by VMP to Dr S Cossu - Malta Club Torino - re his CV
Draft letter by VMP to Dr S Cossu - Malta Club Torino - re his CV
Letter from the Director of the Comune di Treviso, L Sorelli, to VMP re periodical Malta
Letter from the Director of the Comune di Treviso, L Sorelli, to VMP re periodical Malta
Letter from Dr Guerriera Guerrier the Director of Bibliotreca Nazionale, Napoli, acknowledging VMP's books to library
Letter from Dr Guerriera Guerrier the Director of Bibliotreca Nazionale, Napoli, acknowledging VMP's books to library
Letter from M Kissaun, manaager Manoel Theatre to Mro Carmelo Pace re approval of performancesI MARTIRI at the Manoel Theatre and note of requirements
Letter from M Kissaun, manaager Manoel Theatre to Mro Carmelo Pace re approval of performancesI MARTIRI at the Manoel Theatre and note of requirements
Letter from Dr Antonio Paris to VMP congratulating hom on I MARTIRI
Letter from Dr Antonio Paris to VMP congratulating hom on I MARTIRI
Letter from Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr KG Wollenweber re publication I MARTIRI
Letter from Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr KG Wollenweber re publication I MARTIRI
Letter from Guido Messarelli Director of Il Pungolo Verde to VMP re winning first prize
Letter from Guido Messarelli Director of Il Pungolo Verde to VMP re winning first prize
Letter from Dr Sebastiano Cossu (Consulate of Malta) thanking VMP for the five poems and the lyric drama Angelica l-Gharusa tal-Mosta he had sent him. Tells VMP that one of his poem, the recension of the drama, and a short profile will appear in Il Delfi
Letter from Dr Sebastiano Cossu (Consulate of Malta) thanking VMP for the five poems and the lyric drama Angelica l-Gharusa tal-Mosta he had sent him. Tells VMP that one of his poem, the recension of the drama, and a short profile will appear in Il Delfi
Draft leter by VMP to Dr Sebastiano Cossu re letter 0499
Draft leter by VMP to Dr Sebastiano Cossu re letter 0499
Draft letter by VMP to Dr Sebastiano Cossu re sending article on painter Emanuele Vincenzo Cremona together with seven photos of Cremona's work etc
Draft letter by VMP to Dr Sebastiano Cossu re sending article on painter Emanuele Vincenzo Cremona together with seven photos of Cremona's work etc
Letter fromk Rev K Fenech SJ to VMP re four poems sent to Prof Galea and the long study of IL-GIFEN TRK by GA Vassallo
Letter fromk Rev K Fenech SJ to VMP re four poems sent to Prof Galea and the long study of IL-GIFEN TRK by GA Vassallo
Letter from George Bonavia (Malta Service Bureau) to VMP re intention of the Mulilingual Biblioservice of the National Library of Canada to compile books in Maltese. to compile
Letter from George Bonavia (Malta Service Bureau) to VMP re intention of the Mulilingual Biblioservice of the National Library of Canada to compile books in Maltese. to compile
Letter from Josette (Manoel Theatre) re typing work
Letter from Josette (Manoel Theatre) re typing work
Card fro Carlos ? to VMP sending him article which was published on Secolo di Roma
Card fro Carlos ? to VMP sending him article which was published on Secolo di Roma
Letter from Dr Prof AF Gasparinetti to VMP. After reading VMP's VERSO L'AURORA asks for VMP acceptance to become SOCIO BENEMERITO of Associazione Italiana Amici del Libro e Dell'Arte
Letter from Dr Prof AF Gasparinetti to VMP. After reading VMP's VERSO L'AURORA asks for VMP acceptance to become SOCIO BENEMERITO of Associazione Italiana Amici del Libro e Dell'Arte
Letter from the Vatican to HE Archbishop Mgr Michael Gonzi asking him to express his thanks to VMP for this present - re L'ARALDO DI CRISTO
Letter from the Vatican to HE Archbishop Mgr Michael Gonzi asking him to express his thanks to VMP for this present - re L'ARALDO DI CRISTO
Letter from VMP to Pierluigi de Lorenzi in answer to letter 526
Letter from VMP to Pierluigi de Lorenzi in answer to letter 526
Letter from PO Warren - Philatelist, to VMP enclosing selection of stamps
Letter from PO Warren - Philatelist, to VMP enclosing selection of stamps
Letter from Mr Alfred Cauchi to VMP re addresses of Spanish official bodies
Letter from Mr Alfred Cauchi to VMP re addresses of Spanish official bodies
Draft letter by VMP re LLUVIA DE DIAMANTES asking for list of Spanish speaking persons and asking for subsidy. Attached receipts etc
Draft letter by VMP re LLUVIA DE DIAMANTES asking for list of Spanish speaking persons and asking for subsidy. Attached receipts etc
Drafat letter by VMP to Alfred A Cauchi asking him if the Spanish Embassy can help with expenses re LLUVIA DE DIAMANTES. On back of page Press Release re same book in maltese and English
Drafat letter by VMP to Alfred A Cauchi asking him if the Spanish Embassy can help with expenses re LLUVIA DE DIAMANTES. On back of page Press Release re same book in maltese and English
Draft letter from VMP to Mrs Rita Geada re sending her an anthology of 40 Maltese poets translated into Italian etc
Draft letter from VMP to Mrs Rita Geada re sending her an anthology of 40 Maltese poets translated into Italian etc
Letter by Mario Azzopardi re Literary activity of the brigadisti of the thirties etc
Letter by Mario Azzopardi re Literary activity of the brigadisti of the thirties etc
Letter by Mario Azzopardi to VMP re Neo-rondisti, Dr J M Brincat etc
Letter by Mario Azzopardi to VMP re Neo-rondisti, Dr J M Brincat etc
Copy of letter by VMP to HRH Princess Elizabeth and pamphlet (Augurio) on the scond anniversary of her marriage being spent in Malta.
Copy of letter by VMP to HRH Princess Elizabeth and pamphlet (Augurio) on the scond anniversary of her marriage being spent in Malta.
Draft letter by VMP to Patri Ġiljan asking him who to contact regarding publication of Italian poems by P Cuschieri.
Draft letter by VMP to Patri Ġiljan asking him who to contact regarding publication of Italian poems by P Cuschieri.
Letter from Mario Attard to VMP sending him four of his poems to be translated in Italian
Letter from Mario Attard to VMP sending him four of his poems to be translated in Italian
Draft letter by VMP to Alfred Cauchi asking him to write preface to accompany his poems
Draft letter by VMP to Alfred Cauchi asking him to write preface to accompany his poems
Letter by JJ Camilleri giving his permission re poems to appear in publication
Letter by JJ Camilleri giving his permission re poems to appear in publication
Letter from Francois Cunen to VMP in French
Letter from Francois Cunen to VMP in French
Letter from Carmel G Cauchi to VMP re Anthology
Letter from Carmel G Cauchi to VMP re Anthology
Letter by Sunny Aquilina to VMP informing him that one of his poem Riflessioni (which VMP corrected for him) was placed third in Section A in the Premio Letterario - La Penna D'Oro. Another poem which was translated from Maltese into Italian by VMP was praised.
Letter by Sunny Aquilina to VMP informing him that one of his poem Riflessioni (which VMP corrected for him) was placed third in Section A in the Premio Letterario - La Penna D'Oro. Another poem which was translated from Maltese into Italian by VMP was praised.
Letter by Paul Falzon to VMP in answer to letter 0594
Letter by Paul Falzon to VMP in answer to letter 0594
Letter by Mario Attard to VMP enclosing five poems for translation
Letter by Mario Attard to VMP enclosing five poems for translation
Letter by Paul Falzon enclosing his poem Kulmeta to be translated into Italian
Letter by Paul Falzon enclosing his poem Kulmeta to be translated into Italian
Letter by Mario Attard to VMP enclosing two of his poems to be corrected by VMP which will be submitted for the Iblea Festival
Letter by Mario Attard to VMP enclosing two of his poems to be corrected by VMP which will be submitted for the Iblea Festival
Letter fron Fr Philip Calleja to VMP thanking him for the Radio play he write for Emigrants' Day
Letter fron Fr Philip Calleja to VMP thanking him for the Radio play he write for Emigrants' Day
Letter from Mr Graham Binns, Production Manager, Programme Department, Rediffussion (Malta) Ltd, informing him that Library Corner will now be repeated on Wednesday at 1.45pm
Letter from Mr Graham Binns, Production Manager, Programme Department, Rediffussion (Malta) Ltd, informing him that Library Corner will now be repeated on Wednesday at 1.45pm
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment in repect of cast in Il-Mara tal-Qasab - Voucher 8715
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment in repect of cast in Il-Mara tal-Qasab - Voucher 8715
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment in repect of cast in Il-Mara tal-Qasab - Voucher 8715
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment in repect of cast in Il-Mara tal-Qasab - Voucher 8715
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment in respect of script and cast of Il-Martri Tal-Golgota - Vouchers 8624 and 8625
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment in respect of script and cast of Il-Martri Tal-Golgota - Vouchers 8624 and 8625
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment in repect of presentation of Library Corner - Voucher 8286
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment in repect of presentation of Library Corner - Voucher 8286
Letter from Rev A Born, OP, Programme Department Rediffusion (Malta) Ltd to VMP asking him to undertake the production of a radio play
Letter from Rev A Born, OP, Programme Department Rediffusion (Malta) Ltd to VMP asking him to undertake the production of a radio play
Letter by Mr Cooper, Accounts Department, Rediffusion (Malta) ltd, to VMP re payment in respect of Brains Trust - Voucher 8018
Letter by Mr Cooper, Accounts Department, Rediffusion (Malta) ltd, to VMP re payment in respect of Brains Trust - Voucher 8018
Letter by Mr Cooper, Accounts Department, Rediffusion (Malta) ltd, to VMP re payment in respect of Brains Trust - Voucher 8018
Letter by Mr Cooper, Accounts Department, Rediffusion (Malta) ltd, to VMP re payment in respect of Brains Trust - Voucher 8018
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment to cover services rendered on Drama Advisory Panel
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment to cover services rendered on Drama Advisory Panel
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment in respect of script and presentation of Library Corner - Voucher 7775
Letter by Mr Pace Bonello, Rediffusion Administrative Manager, Programme Department to VMP re payment in respect of script and presentation of Library Corner - Voucher 7775
Letter by VMP sent to Rev Salvino Bartoli Galea re polemic between Lehen is-Sewwa and Malta
Letter by VMP sent to Rev Salvino Bartoli Galea re polemic between Lehen is-Sewwa and Malta
Letter by Maria Iannella to VMP re her disc on Maria Gorretti, her company The Madonna Players, La Predestinata etc
Letter by Maria Iannella to VMP re her disc on Maria Gorretti, her company The Madonna Players, La Predestinata etc
Letter from Anton Buttigieg to VMP - telling him that he was in a hspitalin England when he received his letter etc
Letter from Anton Buttigieg to VMP - telling him that he was in a hspitalin England when he received his letter etc
Handwritten copy of letter by VMP in reply to letter 0664 by Mr Mario Grixti
Handwritten copy of letter by VMP in reply to letter 0664 by Mr Mario Grixti
Letter from Anna A Mousu to VMP thanking him for the autographed libretti he sent her.
Letter from Anna A Mousu to VMP thanking him for the autographed libretti he sent her.
Letter from Rev Edward Bugeja LP thanking VMP for his book Kwiekeb ta' Sliem, Id-Dawl tad-Dinja, Sultana tal-Vittorji and Riflessi D'Arcobaleno
Letter from Rev Edward Bugeja LP thanking VMP for his book Kwiekeb ta' Sliem, Id-Dawl tad-Dinja, Sultana tal-Vittorji and Riflessi D'Arcobaleno
Letter to VMP from Carmel Calleja asking his opinion of his epic poem Jasar u Helsien
Letter to VMP from Carmel Calleja asking his opinion of his epic poem Jasar u Helsien
Letter from A agius ferrante to VMP thanking him for the donation to the Manoel Theatre of the Tryptic of La Prdestinata
Letter from A agius ferrante to VMP thanking him for the donation to the Manoel Theatre of the Tryptic of La Prdestinata
Letter from ? to Gabriel Pellegrini thanking him for sending him the 1999 Calendar. Also suggesting to collect and publish VMP's pictures, articles and librrettis
Letter from ? to Gabriel Pellegrini thanking him for sending him the 1999 Calendar. Also suggesting to collect and publish VMP's pictures, articles and librrettis
Father's Day Card from Anita, VMP's daughter to her father
Father's Day Card from Anita, VMP's daughter to her father
WRITE-UP (re inauguration of the Teenage Section of the Institute for Cultural Exchanges)
WRITE-UP (re inauguration of the Teenage Section of the Institute for Cultural Exchanges)
Invitation re opening of VMP's exhibition on 25.4.1964 at Institute's premises
Invitation re opening of VMP's exhibition on 25.4.1964 at Institute's premises
Invitation re Serata D'Onore dedicated to Grazia Deledda
Invitation re Serata D'Onore dedicated to Grazia Deledda
Invitation re inauguration of An Art Exhibition of Works by sculptors Anton Agius, Edward Pirotta
Invitation re inauguration of An Art Exhibition of Works by sculptors Anton Agius, Edward Pirotta
PROGRAMME for January and February 1960 - Serata Paolina: VMP (Director of Institute) reads extracts from L'Araldo Di Cristo
PROGRAMME for January and February 1960 - Serata Paolina: VMP (Director of Institute) reads extracts from L'Araldo Di Cristo
PROGRAMME for October, November and December 1960 + circular
PROGRAMME for October, November and December 1960 + circular
INAUGURATION EVENING - in commemoration of Pius XII
INAUGURATION EVENING - in commemoration of Pius XII
PROGRAMME - CONCERTO DI RESPONSORI di Compositori Maltesi and write-up re: Svilippo della Musica Sacra a Malta, Carlo Diacono, Giuseppe Caruana, Giuseppe Abela Scolaro, Pietro Paolo Bugeja, Giuseppe Grima,Canonico Luigi Fenech and Carmelo Pace
PROGRAMME - CONCERTO DI RESPONSORI di Compositori Maltesi and write-up re: Svilippo della Musica Sacra a Malta, Carlo Diacono, Giuseppe Caruana, Giuseppe Abela Scolaro, Pietro Paolo Bugeja, Giuseppe Grima,Canonico Luigi Fenech and Carmelo Pace
PROGRAMME - Exhibition of Paintings nand Sculptures by VMP
PROGRAMME - Exhibition of Paintings nand Sculptures by VMP
COMITATO DANTE ALIGHIERI - Committee Meeting at the Institute ofe Cultural Exchanges
COMITATO DANTE ALIGHIERI - Committee Meeting at the Institute ofe Cultural Exchanges
Letter from VMP to the President of the Dante Alighieri Committee re autonomy of the Circolo
Letter from VMP to the President of the Dante Alighieri Committee re autonomy of the Circolo
THE WORKS OF LAZZARO PISANI - A commemorative exhibition - Times of Malta on page 9
THE WORKS OF LAZZARO PISANI - A commemorative exhibition - Times of Malta on page 9
IL-MOVIMENT TAL-MALTI IFAKKAR LIL GUZE MUSCAT AZZOPARDI (at the Institute for Cultural Exchanges) - It-Torca on page 14
IL-MOVIMENT TAL-MALTI IFAKKAR LIL GUZE MUSCAT AZZOPARDI (at the Institute for Cultural Exchanges) - It-Torca on page 14
MALTESE MAESTRO DOING WELL IN ITALY - Photo of Maestro Grima at the Institute of Cultural Exchanges in Valletta on Times of Malta page 12
MALTESE MAESTRO DOING WELL IN ITALY - Photo of Maestro Grima at the Institute of Cultural Exchanges in Valletta on Times of Malta page 12
FOUNDATION OF SOCIETA DANTE ALIGHIERI by Maria R Pisani re reviving the Society which emanated from the Institute for Cultural Exchanges
FOUNDATION OF SOCIETA DANTE ALIGHIERI by Maria R Pisani re reviving the Society which emanated from the Institute for Cultural Exchanges
SOIREE LYRIQUE - programme and other notes
SOIREE LYRIQUE - programme and other notes
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