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Vincenzo Maria Pellegrini
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Contains five poems by VMP translated into French
Contains five poems by VMP translated into French
DESIR SANS ESPOIR translation by Laurent Ropa of VMP's poem BJUDA BIL-LEJL
DESIR SANS ESPOIR translation by Laurent Ropa of VMP's poem BJUDA BIL-LEJL
Contains poems by VMP translated into Greek
Contains poems by VMP translated into Greek
TEMPORANEITA by VMP - Booklet Radar Internazionale 03 (Verse Series 012 S/S 08)
TEMPORANEITA by VMP - Booklet Radar Internazionale 03 (Verse Series 012 S/S 08)
QAWSALLA and L'ARCOBALENO - Lyrics by VMP music by FX Pisani
QAWSALLA and L'ARCOBALENO - Lyrics by VMP music by FX Pisani
SE TU MORIRAI by unknown poet translated into Italian by VMP
SE TU MORIRAI by unknown poet translated into Italian by VMP
ELOI, ELOI LAMA SABACHTHAMI by unknown poet translated into Italian by VMP
ELOI, ELOI LAMA SABACHTHAMI by unknown poet translated into Italian by VMP
GILJI TA' GHOTJA by unknown poet translated by VMP
GILJI TA' GHOTJA by unknown poet translated by VMP
CASTITA by unknown poet translated into Italian by VMP
CASTITA by unknown poet translated into Italian by VMP
SE TU MORIRAI by unknown poet translated into Italian by VMP
SE TU MORIRAI by unknown poet translated into Italian by VMP
IZ-ZMIEN - translated into Maltese by VMP
IZ-ZMIEN - translated into Maltese by VMP
X'GHANDI - translated into Maltese by VMP
X'GHANDI - translated into Maltese by VMP
ABBANDUNATI - translated into Maltese by VMP
ABBANDUNATI - translated into Maltese by VMP
Letter from Prof V Laurenza to VMP re sending works by Gambin, Diacono, Soler Cutajar, Montanaro, Cremona etc
Letter from Prof V Laurenza to VMP re sending works by Gambin, Diacono, Soler Cutajar, Montanaro, Cremona etc
Letter from Vanni Cauchi VMP thanking him for publishing his works in La Crociata etc
Letter from Vanni Cauchi VMP thanking him for publishing his works in La Crociata etc
Letter from Simona or Antonia sending VMP birthday greetings
Letter from Simona or Antonia sending VMP birthday greetings
Letter from Jos Galea MBE, MD, DPH to VMP congratulating him on his work La Predestinata. He also sends his historic novel Meta Nharaq it-Teatru. The arrival of Garibaldi in Mala was inspired from an article 'Garibaldi a Malta' published in the 'Archivio
Letter from Jos Galea MBE, MD, DPH to VMP congratulating him on his work La Predestinata. He also sends his historic novel Meta Nharaq it-Teatru. The arrival of Garibaldi in Mala was inspired from an article 'Garibaldi a Malta' published in the 'Archivio
Letter from V Cauchi to VMP making an appointment at 5.00pm re agreement to have a 4 days term
Letter from V Cauchi to VMP making an appointment at 5.00pm re agreement to have a 4 days term
Letter from Canon A Bonnici informing VMP that in a letter to the Archbishop dated 28.04.1960 , the Pope thanks VMP for the dedication of the sacred drama L'Araldo di Cristo - Azione Paolina in tre atti e nove quadri' which has been published recently ... etc
Letter from Canon A Bonnici informing VMP that in a letter to the Archbishop dated 28.04.1960 , the Pope thanks VMP for the dedication of the sacred drama L'Araldo di Cristo - Azione Paolina in tre atti e nove quadri' which has been published recently ... etc
Note from Mr Justice and Mrs J Montanaro Gauci accepting invitation from the President of the Malta Institute for Cultural Exchange to the Soiree in honour of Dr VM Pellegrini
Note from Mr Justice and Mrs J Montanaro Gauci accepting invitation from the President of the Malta Institute for Cultural Exchange to the Soiree in honour of Dr VM Pellegrini
Letter from Directeur de la Collection 'Un Trou Dans Le Ciel'
Letter from Directeur de la Collection 'Un Trou Dans Le Ciel'
Christmas Card from Luis Cantoni (?) to VMP
Christmas Card from Luis Cantoni (?) to VMP
Letter from Charles Camilleri re VMP translation and to get together to before starting the orchestration. Also reminding VMP to write a short poem for the Christmans televison show.
Letter from Charles Camilleri re VMP translation and to get together to before starting the orchestration. Also reminding VMP to write a short poem for the Christmans televison show.
Letters of Reference from Prof Renata Carosio and Maestro Enrico Piazza re Ms Antoinette Miggiani
Letters of Reference from Prof Renata Carosio and Maestro Enrico Piazza re Ms Antoinette Miggiani
Letter from VJ Castillo, Ministry of Education, Culture and Tourism informing VMP about his appointment by the Prime Minister as a Member of the Manoel Theatre Management Committee for the Year 1967. Other members are Col GC Gatt as Chairman, Mr A Agius F
Letter from VJ Castillo, Ministry of Education, Culture and Tourism informing VMP about his appointment by the Prime Minister as a Member of the Manoel Theatre Management Committee for the Year 1967. Other members are Col GC Gatt as Chairman, Mr A Agius F
Letter from VM Pellegrini to Gino Muscat Azzopardi
Letter from VM Pellegrini to Gino Muscat Azzopardi
Letter from Mr Farrugia, Secretary, Ministry of Education, Culture and Tourism re VMP's appointment by the Prime Minister as Member of the Manoel Theatre
Letter from Mr Farrugia, Secretary, Ministry of Education, Culture and Tourism re VMP's appointment by the Prime Minister as Member of the Manoel Theatre
Circular by Mr Oliver Friggieri asking VMP to send his books re exhibition of works by Maltese authors. Also thanking hin for the beautiful translations of his verses
Circular by Mr Oliver Friggieri asking VMP to send his books re exhibition of works by Maltese authors. Also thanking hin for the beautiful translations of his verses
Letter from EP Ebejer, Private Secretary to the Minister of Trade, Industry, Agriculture and Tourism acknowledging receipt of L-Epopea ta' Gensna
Letter from EP Ebejer, Private Secretary to the Minister of Trade, Industry, Agriculture and Tourism acknowledging receipt of L-Epopea ta' Gensna
Letter from Edward Ellul re comments on L-Epopea ta' Gensna
Letter from Edward Ellul re comments on L-Epopea ta' Gensna
Draft letter from VMP to Evarist Bartolo in answer to 0076 commenting on the production of the play Cenci
Draft letter from VMP to Evarist Bartolo in answer to 0076 commenting on the production of the play Cenci
Letter from VMP to Minister of Education re resignation from member of the manoel Theatre management Committee
Letter from VMP to Minister of Education re resignation from member of the manoel Theatre management Committee
Lettter from Mr Mario Azzopardi re his membership in Il-Moviment Qawmien Letterarju etc
Lettter from Mr Mario Azzopardi re his membership in Il-Moviment Qawmien Letterarju etc
Letter from Mr Mario Azzopardi to VMP re his expulsion form Il-Moviment Qawmien Letterarju
Letter from Mr Mario Azzopardi to VMP re his expulsion form Il-Moviment Qawmien Letterarju
Circular letter (returned to VMP) addressed to P Valentin Barbara (Mr Joe Barbara) one of the 40 poets included in the Antologija - poems translated in Italian by VMP
Circular letter (returned to VMP) addressed to P Valentin Barbara (Mr Joe Barbara) one of the 40 poets included in the Antologija - poems translated in Italian by VMP
Letter from Ms Rena Balzan congratulating and thanking VMP for his translations
Letter from Ms Rena Balzan congratulating and thanking VMP for his translations
Letter from Corradino Peccenini thanking VMP for' Orizzonti senza fine' and informing him of placing second in the foreign poets section of the Concorso FD Guerazzi
Letter from Corradino Peccenini thanking VMP for' Orizzonti senza fine' and informing him of placing second in the foreign poets section of the Concorso FD Guerazzi
Letter from Guze Delia SJ re anthology 'Xefaq bla Tmiem' sending 3 pounds for 4 copies at reduced price.
Letter from Guze Delia SJ re anthology 'Xefaq bla Tmiem' sending 3 pounds for 4 copies at reduced price.
Letter from Mrs Irena Ball, Head, Section Acquisition and Processing Section of the National Library of Ottawa, Canada re purchase of Maltese books
Letter from Mrs Irena Ball, Head, Section Acquisition and Processing Section of the National Library of Ottawa, Canada re purchase of Maltese books
letter from Mario F Bezzina to Henry Born OP re recension he had sent to Ghaqda Kittieba Zghazagh to be published in their new journal EKU
letter from Mario F Bezzina to Henry Born OP re recension he had sent to Ghaqda Kittieba Zghazagh to be published in their new journal EKU
Letter from Suzanne Koutachy Jeandeau to VMP re newsletter Union Culturelle De France - results of Concours de Printemps - VMP receiving Premier Diplome D'Honeur for his poem Hosanna
Letter from Suzanne Koutachy Jeandeau to VMP re newsletter Union Culturelle De France - results of Concours de Printemps - VMP receiving Premier Diplome D'Honeur for his poem Hosanna
Letter from Gorg Pisani congratulating VMP re Alba Dorata
Letter from Gorg Pisani congratulating VMP re Alba Dorata
Letter from Minister of Education Philip Muscat congratulating VMP re the Gold Medal from the President of the Republic for his cultural work
Letter from Minister of Education Philip Muscat congratulating VMP re the Gold Medal from the President of the Republic for his cultural work
Letter from Karmenu Vassallo re VMP's letter to be included in his book
Letter from Karmenu Vassallo re VMP's letter to be included in his book
Lettter from Carmel G Cauchi re his poem Sfogo translated by VMP which won the special prize for the best poem by a foreign poet in a competition in Italy. Included programme of Umbria Estate 1984
Lettter from Carmel G Cauchi re his poem Sfogo translated by VMP which won the special prize for the best poem by a foreign poet in a competition in Italy. Included programme of Umbria Estate 1984
Letter from Ms Patrizia Preca thanking VMP for sending her his book and for the article he wrote in the Delfino di Torino re her father who died on 4th March 1984. Telling him about an exhibition of her father's works organised by Dr Edward Sammut and EV
Letter from Ms Patrizia Preca thanking VMP for sending her his book and for the article he wrote in the Delfino di Torino re her father who died on 4th March 1984. Telling him about an exhibition of her father's works organised by Dr Edward Sammut and EV
Letter from Maria sending VMP her and Frank's condolences on the death of Mrs Pellegrini
Letter from Maria sending VMP her and Frank's condolences on the death of Mrs Pellegrini
Letter from Rev Guze Cremona congratulating VMP for his Anthology of Maltese Poets and enclosing an open letter re Ward ta Lotus
Letter from Rev Guze Cremona congratulating VMP for his Anthology of Maltese Poets and enclosing an open letter re Ward ta Lotus
Draft copy of letter from VMP to Fr Guze Cremona re letter 0143 excusing himself for taking so long to answer him. Telling him that he was passing through a difficult phase of apathy, physical fatigue and partial blindness which bar him from all activitie
Draft copy of letter from VMP to Fr Guze Cremona re letter 0143 excusing himself for taking so long to answer him. Telling him that he was passing through a difficult phase of apathy, physical fatigue and partial blindness which bar him from all activitie
Draft copy of letter by VMP re translations of Fr Guze Cremona's poems from his book Fiori di Lotus
Draft copy of letter by VMP re translations of Fr Guze Cremona's poems from his book Fiori di Lotus
Letter from Fr H Born congratulating and thanking VMP for sending him A poetic Galaxy
Letter from Fr H Born congratulating and thanking VMP for sending him A poetic Galaxy
Undated draft letter by VMP to Fr Guze Cremona re translations of poems suggesting Edizioni JAU and Klabb Kotba Maltin to publish book.
Undated draft letter by VMP to Fr Guze Cremona re translations of poems suggesting Edizioni JAU and Klabb Kotba Maltin to publish book.
Letter from Fr Guze Cremona re publication of his translated poems by VMP. Saying that he had difficulties working with TAWB? when he published Ward ta' Lotus. Ms Karmen Mikallef Buhagiar might help finding a publication house.
Letter from Fr Guze Cremona re publication of his translated poems by VMP. Saying that he had difficulties working with TAWB? when he published Ward ta' Lotus. Ms Karmen Mikallef Buhagiar might help finding a publication house.
Christmas Greetings to VMP from Dott Luisa Demata
Christmas Greetings to VMP from Dott Luisa Demata
Letter from Mr Charles Magro sending him his (VMP's) works
Letter from Mr Charles Magro sending him his (VMP's) works
Undated copy of draft letter by VMP sent to Mr Charles Briffa re letter 0167 re his analysis of poems accepting his suggestion about proof reading and asking him to translate the Maltese info to English
Undated copy of draft letter by VMP sent to Mr Charles Briffa re letter 0167 re his analysis of poems accepting his suggestion about proof reading and asking him to translate the Maltese info to English
Card from ? thanking VMP for sendin two copies of Alba Dorata
Card from ? thanking VMP for sendin two copies of Alba Dorata
Letter from Mr Maurice de Giorgio re Alba Dorata
Letter from Mr Maurice de Giorgio re Alba Dorata
Letter from Mr Anton Agius Muscat? re Alba Dorata
Letter from Mr Anton Agius Muscat? re Alba Dorata
Letter from ?? - House of Representatives re Alba Dorata
Letter from ?? - House of Representatives re Alba Dorata
Letter from MS Mary Rose Gatt re Cantata Trionfo di Fede
Letter from MS Mary Rose Gatt re Cantata Trionfo di Fede
Letter from Kilin re Alba Dorata
Letter from Kilin re Alba Dorata
Letter from Mr Laurence Mizzi re article attached
Letter from Mr Laurence Mizzi re article attached
Letter from Medina Libros in Spanish to VMP re Premio Carabella and the collection Nudo al Alba
Letter from Medina Libros in Spanish to VMP re Premio Carabella and the collection Nudo al Alba
Letter from Francisco Gordo-Guardinos (Editorial Vosgos, sa) re letters
Letter from Francisco Gordo-Guardinos (Editorial Vosgos, sa) re letters
Letter fromm Mr David Welsh thanking VMP for the gift of six books and pamphlets and sending a note to VMP's publishers enquring for other books in Maltese. He is writing an article re visit to Malta in 1698 of the Russian Boyar Sheremetiev...etc
Letter fromm Mr David Welsh thanking VMP for the gift of six books and pamphlets and sending a note to VMP's publishers enquring for other books in Maltese. He is writing an article re visit to Malta in 1698 of the Russian Boyar Sheremetiev...etc
Letter from Michele Alemanno, President and Rector of Accademia Internazionale dei Micenei re Nomination
Letter from Michele Alemanno, President and Rector of Accademia Internazionale dei Micenei re Nomination
Leaflet re Premio Letterario Montecatini 'Il Setaccio'
Leaflet re Premio Letterario Montecatini 'Il Setaccio'
Circular from Accademia dei Bronzi re Premio Corrado Alvaro
Circular from Accademia dei Bronzi re Premio Corrado Alvaro
Circular from Accademia Universale Guglielmo Marconi re nomination Accademico Benemerito
Circular from Accademia Universale Guglielmo Marconi re nomination Accademico Benemerito
Letter from Vincenzo Ursini (Istituto Editoriale Universale) re publication of 'I Doppi
Letter from Vincenzo Ursini (Istituto Editoriale Universale) re publication of 'I Doppi
Circular fdrom Casa Editrice Diffusioni Artistiche sas re publication of articles and recensions on 'Trentagiorni'
Circular fdrom Casa Editrice Diffusioni Artistiche sas re publication of articles and recensions on 'Trentagiorni'
Leaflet from Agenzia Giornalistica Passaporto re Premio Internazionale 'Anno Santo della Redenzione''
Leaflet from Agenzia Giornalistica Passaporto re Premio Internazionale 'Anno Santo della Redenzione''
Letter from Arturo Stanghellini thanking and congratulating VMP re book
Letter from Arturo Stanghellini thanking and congratulating VMP re book
Card from Josie Mallia Pulverenti re articles on Bulletin and Torch
Card from Josie Mallia Pulverenti re articles on Bulletin and Torch
Letter from Bosco Felteri Segretario del MNM, asking VMN to start the Maltese section of MNM
Letter from Bosco Felteri Segretario del MNM, asking VMN to start the Maltese section of MNM
Letter fro Touring Club Italiano to VMP Director of La Crociata re recension of the Carta Generale d'Italia
Letter fro Touring Club Italiano to VMP Director of La Crociata re recension of the Carta Generale d'Italia
Draft copy of letter by VMP to Crown Publishers asking for book 20 Best Plays of Modern American Theatre. Best plays of the MAT (2nd edition) etc. Sends Asfodel D'Oro, his translation in Italian of best English Poets which he would like to see published
Draft copy of letter by VMP to Crown Publishers asking for book 20 Best Plays of Modern American Theatre. Best plays of the MAT (2nd edition) etc. Sends Asfodel D'Oro, his translation in Italian of best English Poets which he would like to see published
Letter from Carmine Manzi - Accademia di Paestum - re his article on La Crociata. He sends Fiorisce un Cenacolo issue of Sett/Ott in which appears VMP's SPLEEN
Letter from Carmine Manzi - Accademia di Paestum - re his article on La Crociata. He sends Fiorisce un Cenacolo issue of Sett/Ott in which appears VMP's SPLEEN
letter from Secretary General of Coleegio de Armas Mr NM de Braga Mello to Director of 'Malta' re article La Corona di Constantinopla'which appeared on 'Malta'
letter from Secretary General of Coleegio de Armas Mr NM de Braga Mello to Director of 'Malta' re article La Corona di Constantinopla'which appeared on 'Malta'
Letter from Oliva Mezzetti Maurizi to Director La Crociata re same
Letter from Oliva Mezzetti Maurizi to Director La Crociata re same
Letter from Francesco Batelli - Editoriale Opere Nuove to Director of L Crociata re articles to be published on La Crociata
Letter from Francesco Batelli - Editoriale Opere Nuove to Director of L Crociata re articles to be published on La Crociata
letter from Guido Magorelli? of Il Pungolo Verde to VMP sending letter of acceptance and asking 15 sterling for the volume , abonamento for one year in Pungolo Verde and LAPIDA
letter from Guido Magorelli? of Il Pungolo Verde to VMP sending letter of acceptance and asking 15 sterling for the volume , abonamento for one year in Pungolo Verde and LAPIDA
Draft letter by VMP asking Mrs Inglott for material about her husband re writing his biography
Draft letter by VMP asking Mrs Inglott for material about her husband re writing his biography
Letter Pietro Insana (Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Malta) asking VMP for his bio-bibliographical curriculum. Also asking VMP for info re Professor Renato Pfleger
Letter Pietro Insana (Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Malta) asking VMP for his bio-bibliographical curriculum. Also asking VMP for info re Professor Renato Pfleger
Letter from Pietro Insana (Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Malta) thankin VMP for his last letter with info re Professor Renato Pfleger which he considers very important. He will be sending a copy of his anthology to the National Libraries of Rome and Firen
Letter from Pietro Insana (Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Malta) thankin VMP for his last letter with info re Professor Renato Pfleger which he considers very important. He will be sending a copy of his anthology to the National Libraries of Rome and Firen
draft letter by VMP to Pietro Insana (Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Malta) re his curriculum and asking Dr Insana to send messanger to pick up the books.
draft letter by VMP to Pietro Insana (Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Malta) re his curriculum and asking Dr Insana to send messanger to pick up the books.
Personal card from Sir Arturo Mercieca - Ad Multos Annos
Personal card from Sir Arturo Mercieca - Ad Multos Annos
Personal Card from Mr Brincat rthanking VMP for sending him Alba Doata
Personal Card from Mr Brincat rthanking VMP for sending him Alba Doata
Personal card from Dr Giuseppe Mifsud Bonnici to VMP
Personal card from Dr Giuseppe Mifsud Bonnici to VMP
letter from Chairman Darma Advisory Panel, Programme Department, Rediffusion, asking VMP to undertake the production of a play 'Missier F'idejk Inhalli L-Ispirtu Tieghi'
letter from Chairman Darma Advisory Panel, Programme Department, Rediffusion, asking VMP to undertake the production of a play 'Missier F'idejk Inhalli L-Ispirtu Tieghi'
Letter from Mr Pawlu Cachia re Rediffusion programme Il-Kittieba which featured VMP. Also enclosing script
Letter from Mr Pawlu Cachia re Rediffusion programme Il-Kittieba which featured VMP. Also enclosing script
Letter fromn VMP to The Chairman, manoel Theatre Management Committee re play Exorcism by Don Taylor
Letter fromn VMP to The Chairman, manoel Theatre Management Committee re play Exorcism by Don Taylor
ANTHONY AGIUS - Eshibition of sculpture and drawings under the distinguished patronage of Victor Pasmore - Held at the National Museum, Valletta
ANTHONY AGIUS - Eshibition of sculpture and drawings under the distinguished patronage of Victor Pasmore - Held at the National Museum, Valletta
BRONZE BY ANTON AGIUS - A set of bronzes by Anton Agius
BRONZE BY ANTON AGIUS - A set of bronzes by Anton Agius
OLIVEWOOD Sculpture Fantasy - Exhibition in Wood inaugurated by Monsignor Profs Edoardo Coleiro at the MDina Cathedral Museum
OLIVEWOOD Sculpture Fantasy - Exhibition in Wood inaugurated by Monsignor Profs Edoardo Coleiro at the MDina Cathedral Museum
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